Which country has the best hackers?
Which country has the best hackers?
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf is wrong with Sup Forums right now
Stuxnet>SQL injections
answer this is Sup Forums getting hacked
This happens when you use a MBP as a server.
The Dark Army is allegedly pretty elite, but since they're really underground there's not munch info.
USA - Trump social engineered a whole society
How do we evaluate this?
I mean, aren't the best hackers the ones that go undetected?
You're a fucking dumbass. All of Sup Forums is celebrating, did you really think that this wouldn't have a big impact on the servers?
>I mean, aren't the best hackers the ones that go undetected?
The best hackers are the ones that get highly paid jobs, so probably the US.
the one we don't know about
Undetected is a relative term.
If someone gets access to something critical at the time it matters and doesn't get detected until it is too late, I would classify it as a successful attack.
Stuxnet is a good example of this.
They successfully transferred the attack, did the job, and contained it to the target.
Highly specific target, very secure target and they still got in without getting noticed.
not russia, desu. yall are being cucked by the media
america has the best hackers
Duh... they literally build the backdoors in the very systems they create
t. Clinton
russia most likely.
the fbi/cia has a retarded policy for hiring people, unless you are 100% squeaky clean you won't get in.
that and a drug test keeps a fuck load of elegible people away.
meanwhile russia does not give two fucks so long as you get results.
china could be up there with them, but realistically, their 'hacking' method is backdoors and malware that's so easily detected its laughable.
Russia's policy is equally if not even more demanding. You need all sorts of certs, degrees, physicals, psych tests, background checks, drug tests, for even the most mundane professions. Russia has statistically the biggest percentage of people with higher education degrees then anywhere else, you will not get anywhere with one. Quit making shit up.
>that and a drug test keeps a fuck load of elegible people away.
the junkie thinks he's smarter than everyone, when really he's just the smartest retard
yeah, well i bet you haven't even heard of the elite hacker who calls himself The Platypus.
999999999999. japan
t. script kiddies
Define "Hacker".
probably the country with the best autistic mathematicians.
America then china then russia