I'm a fuckin Linux scrub, wanted to get into it because you can customise it to what you want, and JewSoft won't interfere as much
I'm starting off with ubuntu, installing with a live USB, but when I boot into the install menu my mouse cursor is stuck in the top left corner of the screen. However, I can click other places on the screen, as I booted from the USB to "try ubuntu", so the screen shows the mouse in the top left corner, but the mouse is actually elsewhere. I've googled this and tried heaps of solutions but the one person that seems to have my exact problem no one has answered.
I have an nvidia card, and two monitors, with the only change in position of the mouse swapping between the left corner in the first monitor, and the left corner in the second.
I have tried: Using virtual console to see if any xinput pointers were interfering, none were, disconnected everything except the mouse. I have tried multiple mice. Swapped the graphics drivers from the ubuntu standard and the nvidia one.
No idea at this point. Made a shitty graphic to show where it gets stuck.
Jason Cook
Jason Jones
Did you try mint?
Benjamin Howard
Try mint. Leave gaybuntu to die.
Carter White
you also had trouble to install Ubuntu ?
Kayden Smith
Welcome to Linux, you'll encounter countless dumb bugs like that. That's the price of freedom.
Adrian Garcia
Tyler Reed
install gentoo
Jose Price
You could try Solus it's a really good OS that work out the box like Mint and Ubuntu. Solus is good after that i try it, but i still love Unity and i do not like anything else in the market right now.
Gavin Taylor
Did you make all those changes on a persistent LiveUSB or is it installed already? If live, install it; if already installed, update it. If it still happens try a different DE, the best one after Unity is GNOME, Ubuntu GNOME. Don't fall for the meme of the snowflake distros or DEs like Solus and Cinnamon.
Logan Evans
i agree. mint is the way to go if you're windows refugee. If you really want Ubuntu go with a different flavor than Unity, Unity is really bad DE. Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, anything but Unity
Chase Martin
# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on # your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page # and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running ‘nixos-help’).
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ imports = [ # Include the results of the hardware scan. ./hardware-configuration.nix ]; system.copySystemConfiguration = true;
# Use the GRUB 2 boot loader. boot = { kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; loader.grub = { enable = true; version = 2; # Define on which hard drive you want to install Grub. device = "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST3250318AS_9VY4BZ19"; }; tmpOnTmpfs = true; };
forgot comment. Literally all the configuration of my linux box, I can copy paste it to other machines and have the same config on everything (modulo harddrives label)
Asher Morris
The easy way is to reinstall your Linux into something else. Mint most likely... Or maybe Solus. I have never encountered this problem before and it sounds difficult to find the problem. You should always check out if everything runs fine by booting it in a USB first
Juan Campbell
just use windows 7. it werkz.
Benjamin Sanders
Linuxlite. LXLE. Mint.
Good luck. Your welcome.
Jason Green
Booted from the USB and same problem occurred
Happened on mint too
Connor Perry
Try Antergos instead, Linux Mint is basically just a reskinned Ubuntu. Antergos should be using much more recent packages which means that bug might be fixed.
Matthew Morris
Just install Windows 10. Save yourself years of therapy and heart ache when you fail to find work arounds.
Tyler Lee
I already have windows 10, trying to dualboot. Not concerned with the amount of effort I have to put in, just trying to figure this one annoying shit out
Cooper Nguyen
Try a different ubuntu flavor? I use lubuntu and I can tell you it's exactly the same shit.
Brayden Miller
Seems X related. Try Fedora 25 beta, it uses Wayland by default.
Tyler Rivera
But....how are they on fire if they are under the water?