How To Save The Internet

We need to tell Donald Trump that United States is 14th in average internet speeds. He can't stand being loser, right?

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Nobody fucking cares about people living in the sticks 20 miles away from the nearest city.

laying fiber in place of copper isn't going to be the main problem, like most people expect it to be
there is still a remarkable about of congestion on the hardware

My national country is in second place, good enough I guess.
Trump should do something about the bad infrastructure in America compared to Europe and Asia (the rich parts/countries).

>Nobody fucking cares about people living in the sticks 20 miles away from the nearest city.
but those people were the ones who put trump in office!
btw, 20 miles is not very far...

Write him a letter. I'm going to write one soon

>btw, 20 miles is not very far...
I'm over 20 miles from the CBD and I'm well within the suburbs.

he'll reduce barriers to entry of new competition; and state-to-state barriers. This allows businesses like google to start challenging the monopolies, as well as incentivise some of the oligopoly to begin competing among themselves again;
with the result of dropping prices and improving performance

This, if we give internet to these retarded fucks maybe they can learn something. They are casual Republican voters, they are either fanatical about their religion, or literally uninformed about anything that happens in the actual world not just in their little cousin fucking towns.

>being this mad

BTFO to your #ImStillWithHer pedo ring pls

> south korea
why tho? That's literally a shithole r-right? Why is their internet speed so fast?

tiny country, lots of investment in infrastructure by the govt, and unlike our companies, theirs are basically extensions of the govt so they actually upgraded the infrastructure instead of pocketing the cash and giving each other bonuses.

This picture pisses me off. I'm in the Uk on 200mbit connection and it's fairly easy to get for most people, but people are fucking stupid and pay practically the same for shitty connections with shittier companies I'M MAD

that sounds like a second term initiative

He's an awful candidate in every respect and you know it, but he can certainly promise the sky, and enough americans were willing to grasp for straws by hoping he'll make good on his outrageous promises.

He won't, of course. Enjoy making liberals salty while you can. You wanted to spite your neighbor so you poisoned your village well.

united states is actually pretty good

we are the biggest country on that list. internet speeds have to do with the size of a landmass

we just saved your ass from getting nuked by russia, and this is how you thank us?

On his new website there's a page taking submissions for "how to MAGA", just put it there

you guys actually believe a candidate would initiate a nuclear conflict with Russia just because they didn't have business interests with the Kremlin

I have gigabit fibre, I don't care. Sorry

The village was already poisoned in order to obtain more votes for Democrats. It's cute that you are concerned now.

>>I'm over 20 miles from the CBD and I'm well within the suburbs.
And? What you told me was "equivalent to
>I ate flounder for dinner, flounder is my favorite type of fish!
It does nothing to refute the other guys 20mi is seriously nothing. I live 5 miles from one of the largest cities in the US township lines. I'm well into the Suburbs too. It's still a short as hell distance.

>trusting sneaky fucking russians
kys senpai

Donald Trump is president and there's nothing you can do about it

just wait until he names some former att/verizon/time warner exec as fcc chair

like how that shuts the trumptards up cause they know they've guck there country, take from an outsider, he's a tangerine in a shirt filled suit.

he'll make it faster but allow ISPs to inject ads into everything

America is too poor to afford better Internet connections.

the question is what do Koreans download at this speed?

I live here.

It's not so bad. A bit boring though.

wow, I thought we had at least 20th place since the cucked government sold most of it's fiber lines because they needed money

Yet these cunts still have 1 lamp every 20 meters on every highways

And our roads are shit

i dont want to live in this country anymore

What do you mean? Anything is good. I reinstalled Arma 3 and 12 GB of mods yesterday. I want it to take 40 minutes not two days.

>He can't stand being loser
Well, it's not like the US is the best at anything anyway...

they use it for esports

Spreading 4Kpop needs a fast connection.


how does importing muslims to rape your wimmins make you the master race?

In Serbia we have 1gig for like 80$, how much is US?

Belgium is Africa tier anyway.

>take from an outsider
Why should we?

because you guys clearly are not in your right state of mind.


Romania has good net speeds? Color me fucking surprised. I thought the only thing they had was gypsies and corruption.

Why is Germany not on there?

60Mbit/s is literally the slowest I can get here.

Is "The East" still lacking that much?

>gypsies and corruption
That and Count DrĂ¡cula.

>no porn

i'm 40-50 miles from the nearest city in the midwest and i have 90 mbps down and 25 mbps up

That's Germany, not Romania!

It's not that bad desu!


Not everyone has cable TV access, are you stupid?

South Korea may the fastest internet, however it also has the most censored internet.
Fucking sjw government bans pr0n.
No, not cheese pizza, the normie porn you see on public pornsites.

As a South Korean, I would rather choose to have uncensored internet than fast internet
At least amerifats can fap

>most censored internet
While it sucks to not have porn there are other places who deserve that title more.

Stop using Sup Forums as a news site.

i forgot that porn is banned in S. Korea.
fuck, what a shithole. i had Korean friends growing up, their families are fucking psychotic.

>We need to tell Donald Trump that United States is 14th in average internet speeds. He can't stand being loser, right?
He can't do shit about it

>60 Mb/s down
>3 Mb/s up
Fucking WHAT?!? As someone living in a Scandinavian country, I'm on DSL and I get 50 down and ten up. How the ungodly fuck can they defend such dismal upload speeds?

You're thinking of North Korea

Until quite recently, the alternative to it would have been something like 6Mb down and even less up for a lot of people.

Yes, it's wonderful that you're making progress and all that but that still doesn't excuse the absolutely horrific upload speeds. What of those who need an internet connection for their job? Photographers and the like? Are they just to accept that the most expensive package makes their life miserable?

If you need more upload you hopefully can go and get DSL instead.

>how to detect a cuck whose only sexual activity is with his wife's strap-on

>Donald Trump is president and there's nothing you can do about it
Yes there is, its only a matter of time.

yeah right pajeet, trump has the support of the american people. what are you gonna do, throw poo at the white house? sorry, but you have to go back as he'll cancel your H1B.


>being this butt mad
Who said I was going to do it? We're long over due for another mass shooting, atleast we'll know who the target it for the next one.

of course you can't do it, since you'll soon be back in bombay shitting on the streets :^)

Say hi to Mike Pence

how can australia even compete