Thank you for electing me! Now, starting today, we're going to impose strong restrictions on civilian encryption use...

>Thank you for electing me! Now, starting today, we're going to impose strong restrictions on civilian encryption use, in order to fight terrorism and child pornography.

Wat do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not care, as I don't use encryption because I am not a terrorist nor a pedophile.

Enjoy getting FUCKED in the ass, Murrikans

With Love, Rest of the World

Use TOR all the time. It becomes more effective as more people use it.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.

Why would this matter unless you're a terrorist or hiding child pornography?

Timbling down

most people think anime is child pornography

Then don't hoard loli. It's cartoon child pornography.

Yet another testament for the need for encryption:

My game design was stolen and I saw the alpha product yesterday. They made my chess into checkers. And put skins on them. Skins that don't affect gameplay in any way besides personal bias. I spoke up about it and they delete my posts, mute me but don't ban me. Instead they put me in with at least one bot and somehow make people want to play against me even when I set up good tactical advantage.

Anyway, that's what I get for not using encryption or a firewall.

Hint: It's on steam. f2p but goes up to 29, 59 and 99 dollars.

Fuck this shit.

I was going to make it f2p for regular pvp and 5 bucks for all the added extras including complete story.

>burrrr I'm begin told that Trump is the worst outcome.

Fuck you! You mindless sheep

>tfw you didn't like any of the candidates

Without encryption you can pretty much just write your bank account off this instant.

Enjoy getting beheaded, Sven

Continue using strong encryption as normal.

Lol he's not a neo-conservative. Hilldog was the true 1984 candidate.

who cares about encryption when anime will be real

Enjoy MITM attacks. Make data leaking great again.

Encryption ensures your files cannot be mixed up with pedo stuff that easily. It's happened in the past.

I'm so incredibly glad I'm not american now

t. Pedo

t. retard

implying there were any encryption they couldn't decrypt already.

honestly bro if you needed to carry out a terroist attack you wouuldn't communicate online or use a 1time pad

Oh shit, did Clinton's election speech leak?
Good thing we'll never have to hear it.

don't be glad faggot, unless you're Canadian you are living in the shittier parts of the world. North America is so far ahead of the rest of the world

wow dude, you're so detached from reality

>North America is ahead of the rest of the world
Mfw even Israel of the desert is ahead of you

Enjoy finding out that he is. You idiots deserve him.

Haha you're fucking deluded if you believe that.

American here.
Fuck that.

I'm moving to Europe.

fantastic checkers?

or are you the guy that presented at school a concept to "overload chess" taking inspiration in Tactics Arena Online, that flash game that was taken offline early in 2016 after more than a decade on the net ?

Fuck you, this is your mess, you should stay and receive your punishment.

Trump is the worst. Not by much, but definitely the worst.

Seriously though
>Two party system

I don't want no goddamn fat turd in my beautiful cities, you brought that idiot upon yourselves

I can't wait for President Lisa Simpson to get America out of bankruptcy.

The fact that you have not identified that Trump is orders of magnitude worse than the alternative just speaks volumes of how fucking american you are. Stay in your own shitstew and enjoy the mess you have created.

Trump is bad no doubt but Clinton was pure evil. Great choice of candidates though americlaps

This was one issue I was concerned about but it's not like Hillary would have done anything different, beside letting her cronies encrypt their stuff as an exception.

International stock markets dropping, lol
GJ America

Anyone with any kind of intelligence can see hilliary clinton for what she really is

>shes a space reptile

I think my takeaway from this is that the americans deserve everything bad that happens to them.

fucking white people.

sneakernet time also.

You could choose A. Leppo too.

Nothing. I have nothing to hide.

You are using encryption literally right now if you're browsing Sup Forums with https.

A. Leppo was a combo of Trump's ignorance with Hillary's neocon tendencies. A horrible representative for a libertarian party.

flyovers don't care


What if she looks like a child, but is actually a 9000 year old vampire?

Oh noes don't takes mah ceepee!

Clinton was the real danger to encryption. A member of a political dynasty all buddy-buddy with the FBI and calling for breaking all encryption.
Trump just wants to give himself tax cuts and said a bunch of bullshit he has no motivation to follow through on to rile up his voter base.



>Fuck you, this is your mess, you should stay and receive your punishment.
You fucks came here in droves when you fucked up your shithole countries, fuck off.

No, I don't think I should bring up the game just because I don't want to advertise for it.

I was actually heavily inspired by a slew of tactical rpgs. The likes of Final Fantasy Tactics and some of the atlus games.

Bless Trump-sama

Don't worry, politicians break all their election year promises.

Let's hear some actual reasons beside from pedo and terrorist memes.

Good thing Trump's not a politician. Although he obviously won't do stupid shit like actually building that wall.

Reminder that it doesn't make the slightest difference whether Clinton or Trump becomes president. They're both clowns.. They don't make the rules.. Maybe trump thinks he does but he will learn otherwise pretty quickly

>my WiFi is unprotected

thanks for mentioning that game, btw. It looked like it was fun. Too bad. :(

mesh network!

Cry more you butthurt little bitches.

>Wat do?
Continue enjoying my terrorphilia in my own country.

Well, the entire global financial system depends on cryptography to function, so there's that.

What's wrong with being pedo?

Speak for yourself faggot.

I hate the self-righteousness that some people feel their view is equivalent to the rest of the world.

Today was a great day that showed once again that Twitter and Reddit are not the center of the world.

t. German Trump supporter

I love clappers electing Trump because it BTFOs SJW scum. On the downside though, the guy is a total fucking idiot.


From an egoistic perspective, I honestly also wanted HRC to win simply because then Muricans would have to deal with a bunch of fugees as well.

But I completely understand why they chose otherwise.

From a purely pragmatic choice, Trump is definitely worse for Germany, judging from the butthurt leftist comments that are currently popping up, that will certainly trigger him. It's not like we're in a particularly good position to negotiate.

But I hope the long-term effects of the mindset that - again - Twitter and reddit are not the hub of the world and that actual change can be made outweigh this.

Maybe he gets shit sorted out in the middle east a bit, too, to reduce the overall numbers of refugees.


t. butthurt CTR cuck

Europe here. Sorry, we're full. We're too busy taking care of actual refugees fleeing from something they didn't bring on themselves.