It's not about that it doesn't have it, it doesn't have it *on purpose*

It's not about that it doesn't have it, it doesn't have it *on purpose*.

This is apple's solution to problems. They just chop the functionality out. You are forced to be as retarded as the lowest common denominator that they found. Windows 10 is doing the same thing when you come from 7, just not as extreme.

Only the computer and software fields are like this. Nothing else.

>Ummm I can't figure out how this car works, dumb it down just for me!
>No. Fuck off.
>Ummm I can't figure out how these power tools work. Only have one use per tool so I can figure it out.
>No. Fuck off.
>Ummm I can't figure out this software! Make it so it only has 1-2 functions tops.
>We shall do so.

there is such a bad thing as too much ease of use because then you breed an entire psuedo ecosystem of shits like this who when running into just a tiny little barrier, they don't look it up, give up, and start screaming. Everything has to be one or two buttons. Having three buttons is not an option.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just use the command line retard

ever since they switched to base10 for filesizes in finder I can take that OS serious anymore.

What happened to muh UI design? Hm?


>Ummm I can't figure out this software! Make it so it only has 1-2 functions tops.
If only we had that.

If you don't pander you lose. Software is a lot easier to develop and ship than a car or power tool is, if you don't pander software for people someone else will

But has anyone ever been confused by the merge option in Windows? Has anyone ever thought "ugh why doesn't this just delete all my stuff by default instead making sense"?




Finder will error out on large transfers over network as well.

Just use the terminal you dumb fuck.

>I can't take an is that follows standards seriously

You realize how retarded this makes you sound right?

>all standards make sense
Quoting you: "You realize how retarded this makes you sound right?"

Why are you still pushing this meme when I proved that it's not a real behavior on several occasions?

Are you literally calling the metric system nonsensical?

Strawman, typical macfag non-argument. The metric system uses base 10, does not mean any criticism of a system using base 10 is a criticism of the metric system. Computers use memory blocks organized in powers of 2, not 10.

>it's not real!
>just sometimes!
Go ahead and post proof.

On Linux it's not a problem on any occasiom ;) #justwerks

Nah, you've seen the proof. I never said it happens sometimes. I cannot replicate this bug, period.

>I can't post proof of my claims, but we both know I'm right!
>btw it's a bug even though it checks out with Apple's own documentation

Better luck next time!




How the fuck do people use MacOS?

Jesus christ what a pos

I knew nu mac was bad but this is fucking retarded

Using metric prefixes in a non-metric manor isn't very clever.
It's very similar to calling the foot a 'kiloinch'.

Using a 2^x number system is fine, but calling 1024 kilo or mega isn't. It really should use its own prefix, like the already standard kibi or mebi.

>Ummm I can't figure out how this car works, dumb it down just for me!
>Ummm I can't figure out how these power tools work. Only have one use per tool so I can figure it out.
That's literally how power-tools and cars work though.

>Ummm I can't figure out this software! Make it so it only has 1-2 functions tops.
What kind of alternate universe do you live in where software is actually well designed and intended to be used for a single purpose instead of built out of a shell of a web-browser with email functionality and a hand-rolled config file parser, holy shit man. I hope this is a parody post.


>I knew nu mac was bad
It does have a system-wide spelling checker.

>I hope this is a parody post.
Nope. It's a poorly thought-out troll.
Hard to tell, isn't it?