You buy an iPhone 7, in the box you find EarPods with Lightning Connector

you buy an iPhone 7, in the box you find EarPods with Lightning Connector

you buy a new MacBook Pro

now you want to connect the EarPods to the MacBook Pro

>tfw you can't

what is happening to Apple? is this the beginning of a new era of faggottry?

My bet is that the iPhone 8 (or whatever the 10th anniversary one will be called next year) will use Type C

untill then you can always buy the $30 adapter :v)

What's their excuse for not having more ports? Better aerodynamics?

The reason is that the TB3 ports need to be physically closer to the controller, so the base model only has 2 because that's the side that's closest to the one on the motherboard. The higher up models have a second controller on the other side.

at least, that's what I've heard

that would TOTALLY make sense, and i hope so, but...
what about the iPads ports?
the fucking Apple Pencil?
the Magic Keyboard?
the Magic Trackpad?

my sides


>what about the iPads ports?
>the fucking Apple Pencil?
>the Magic Keyboard?
>the Magic Trackpad?

Next year's iPads go Type-C
as well as all the accessories.

(hell of a pipe dream desu)

Everything is wireless now

i really hope so, but can you imagine the mess?

cable are still cool for many applications

imagine all the lightning female to type c male adapters they'll be able to sell :v)

The fun part is that both devices are thick enough to accommodate a 3.5mm jack and they just decided to not have one for no good reason.

the new macbooks do have a 3.5mm jack tho

>tfw your android with usb c is more compatible with the new macbook pro than the phone made by the same fucking company

Really? Then what's OP's problem then?

That the new macbook doesn't have a lightning connector for your lightning earpods

If you buy a brand new late 2016 Macbook Pro and a brand new iPhone 7 right now, you
a) Couldn't use the iPhone headphones, because they're lightning

b) Couldn't connect your iPhone to your Macbook because they ship with a lightning to "regular" USB

lightning earpods are the headphones that you got with the "courageous" new iPhone 7

could you charge the new macbooks with a usb-c android phone?

Don't forget about the Dongle™

I bet you pussies would be complaining back '98 when the iMac didn't ship with a floppy drive

>waaaah, they dropped an obsolete connector waah pls hold me mommy

there are people here who still use floppy drives

and those people should kill themselves, fucking tech luddites

>phone released with lightning a month ago
>lightning obsolete

I don't like lightning connector but you're a dumb ass

i don't mind the lack of jack port

i'm just saying, let's take for guarantee that the lightning headphones are the future, yeah, let's innovate

how the fuck i connect them in my pro-laptop?!

the lightning cable became obsolete the moment type-c was finalized

and the only reasons apple is sticking with it is because of retards like you
>muh port ;_; pls don't take it away apple pls

There literally nothing wrong with having only USB-C

They should have made the iPhone USB-C

Anyway.. all things aside this new Mac is the most beautiful notebook in the market and that is all that matters.

thunderbolt 3 is fukken sweet

especially with that 4k LG monitor they're pushing
>4K P3 panel
>3 usb-c ports
>charges mac at 85W

all over a single cable
muh dik

do you know the definition of obsolete?

I don't even use anything with lightning

you are thick sir


Because the electrons traveling at lightspeed may not be fast enough to reach the other end of the macbook if you insert a usb device. lulz

words have multiple meanings

such as obsolete

it can either mean
>no longer in general use; fallen into disuse:
which doesn't apply here

and it can mean
>to make obsolete by replacing with something newer or better

there we go

In addition: The answer is: COST
That's the only reason.

They just made every thunderbold device incompatible with the new macbook pro. Imagine the mess.

you do know latency is a thing, right?
which is why RAM slots are so close to the CPU on motherboards

Dude, seriously. It's legacy.

65-75 million units shipped
>not in use

yes, obviously, which is why only the more expensive two models have another controller.

those things blow dick anyway
buy an adapter and a real set of headphones

are you literally retarded or only pretending?
I pointed out that the first meaning of the word obsolete doesn't apply here (that's the "not in use" one, in case you have trouble following along)

the relevant definition is the second one, since type-c is both newer and better than lightning, thus rendering lightning obsolete.

>imac drops floppy drive in favor of having nothing

Yeah people probably would complain, but Apple used to not be fucking retarded.

there are lightning headphones, are there not?

Yeah, too bad the laptop doesnt have a port.
Now if there's a lightning to 3.5mm adapter then it'd be fine.

Alternatively, you could just use a decent pair of headphones and adapt them to the phone, since earpods are garbage and adapters exist.

>Now if there's a lightning to 3.5mm adapter then it'd be fine.
good thing that comes in the box then.

Just buy adapters for those bro. They only cost $30 each. Plus you need some splitters too. And also, those $50 airpod holders, so they don't fall out of your ear when you are jamming.

I think Apple is going too far or Americans are more stupid than I thought...

>or Americans are more stupid than I thought
I mean, Trump has a real shot at becoming president, so, yes, they are

On your iPhone, you plug in EarPods to fill your ears when you're out running errands. On your MacBook you plug in your fancy $500 headphones to do work, be it video editing or audio production.

Wait. All Sup Forums does is watch Taiwanese cartoons. I guess you're right.

At least you could plug one in without a dongle.
All the SuperDrives are USB-A

and there are lightning headphones as well type-c headphones, which negate the need for an adapter

what's your point

>I mean, Trump has a real shot at becoming president, so, yes, they are

Worse than that, so does Hillary.


>My bet is that the iPhone 8 (or whatever the 10th anniversary one will be called next year) will use Type C
That would be retarded.

So tell me, Sup Forums

why did they raise the prices so much?

>a) Couldn't use the iPhone headphones, because they're lightning
Why would you use Earpods™ on your Macbook™, when iTunes™ syncs all your music to your iPhone™ 7™ anyway?
>b) Couldn't connect your iPhone to your Macbook because they ship with a lightning to "regular" USB
Same thing, all files and apps are transferred via iCloud™, no need to physically connect a mobile device to a computer in 2016.

t. Apple

>the Magic Keyboard?
>the Magic Trackpad?

Aren't these already wireless?

Jesus, don't talk about shit you don't understand.

y tho

because people are still going to buy them

The mouse chargers over lightning

I prefer my planet not nuked, so I'm not voting for trump tbqh

Apple manufactures and sells accessories that aren't directly compatible with its own products.

>I prefer my planet not nuked, so I'm not voting for trump tbqh

>not voting for the one candidate who wants to work with the russians
>voting for hillary who wants to start war with them

Most Mac accessories weren't compatible with iPhones (since the iPhone doesn't have a full size USB port / Type-C port)

so I don't see why this is a problem suddenly

>The mouse chargers over lightning

Not like you ever need to plug it into your laptop to do that though.

>y tho
Because Lightning is a much better connector than USB-C. USB-C is becoming a cancer. Instead of replacing USB Micro B which is just as shit as USB-C, people are trying to shoehorn it onto every device known to man, even ones that already have far better connectors.

But Type-C isn't a replacement for Micro B (It isn't called MicroUSB-C)

it's literally the new USB connector, it's meant to be used on everything

Putin doesn't have the balls to pull that shit he's all posture.
Also working with Americas enemies, how disgustingly treacherous.

Just open your wallets and buy everything you need to make it work poorfags, that is the Apple way.

Appeasement sure worked well with Chamberlain, didn't it.

also trump:
>wanted to shoot at an iranian boat (which probably would've started a war)
>wants to use nukes against ISIS
>wants to be "unpredictable" with nukes (the fuck?)
>isn't opposed to shitty countries like NK getting nukes
>said he'd be OK with a nuclear arms race in Asia

fuck that, fuck you and fuck your candidate

I bet your grandparents would be so proud of you being so friendly with Russia

>tfw you want to listen to music
>but your thin fones dead
>and you cant find the headphones for your laptop
>the headphones for your laptop
>headphones for laptop

This is how easy it is to sway idiots to go to war. Yay your education system. I hope your family dies then you will realize the cost of your own stupidity.

I bet they actually get all of their information from the news
Mine do, old people are way too trusting. Its retarded. Even if they were able to survive another 100 years, they literally wouldn't because theyd never be able to adapt to who is going to get you kill and who isnt.
>trusting cnn
>letting a crack head lowest bidder electrician in your house while your away
>leaving your doors unlocked when ever you leave and even when on vacation for a fucking month
>buying shit from qvc, like A LOT of shit
>falling for the impulse purchase shit at registers

How old people act is really a testament to just how much they fucked up the world.

>one candidate says there's no problem with shit countries having nukes

>hurr ur literally a retarded if you don't support him

No actual rebuttal to the big list I laid out?
I has some war things on it, I promise.

>wanted to shoot at an iranian boat (which probably would've started a war)
was that the one that abducted our soldiers and made a media shitshow about it? Sorta funny how that didnt start a war.
And you say russia is the ones that dont have balls.
MEANWHILE you are voting for the candidate that actively campaigns to GIVE away our country.

>use nukes against isis
I want to also, but the people who allowed isis to exist need to go back first.

Do you know why we didn't have jihads in our streets? We don't allow them. Wed kill them before they could keep killing.
muslims didn't kill the jihads. They ignored it because at that time it wasn't their problem.
shitty people.

>was that the one that abducted our soldiers
Nope, that's the oone that was making "gestures" at our boat and Trump wanted it shot out of the water.

you want to nuke an iraqi city that's under occupation?

>But Type-C isn't a replacement for Micro B (It isn't called MicroUSB-C)
Uh, yes it is. It's supposed to be a replacement for all previous USB connectors, is it not?
> it's meant to be used on everything
Maybe so, but it shouldn't be. iPhone is case in point.

But what about muh printer.

>Lightning is a much better connector than USB-C

What I meant to say was
>it isn't solely a replacement for micro

You better get used to it bucko, because type c can be used for literally anything from charging laptops to being used as a DisplayPort adapter
It's literally universal now.

Whatever you say. It's detrimental. Should have chosen something better designed for a universal standard.

how long until apple dies?

What makes C so horribly designed?

everywhere that allows itself to be under occupation.
The heart of isis should be nuked, and the rest carpet bombed.

Anyone that truly opposes isis should be fighting this whole time. From the day isis started.
I expect them to have already fought and died by now, that leaves only isis, isis supporters, and the people that are indifferent.

also maybe not nukes, use atom bombs or something so its is livable after the blasts and then the rest of them can go back.

Tiny tongue on the receptacle side, just like Micro B. Too weak to handle much stress.

Its not. You are just use to stupid shit with ugly sytaxs and being baby proofed beyond usability.

You actually used training wheels, and then you didnt take them off soon enough, and now youll never be able to ride a bike.

wrong c my dude

They want you to buy Beats By Dr Meme and a adapter so they can cash the fuck out of you


fucking lol, forgot this was a phone thread and was just refresing everything and scanning for replies when I spotted that post.

I havnt had the chance to use C yet, but I hate micro. Micro is a piece of shit literally designed to fail. Its two part design just wears out with time leading to the cable literally shorting out.

1998 was way too early to get rid of floppy drives. USB sticks weren't around yet, CDs for file transfer was needlessly expensive, network file transfer was a complete mess back then, in some ways it still is. It took 5 years before I saw a mac without a zip drive sitting next to it.

and dont forget one time use only.

I remember when I got my first rewritable dvd. It was like pure freedom. Nobody had shit on me.

no, it's not

Electrons don't travel at lightspeed.

Why not put just one USB type-A?
At least in the 4-ports one.
What's the downside of that?

Surely there are more people who will need a regular USB port, than those who need 4 USB-C ones.