Have you ever gotten hacked?

Have you ever gotten hacked?

No because I'm not a fucking idiot. Hack me faggots.

>using windows


Someone cracked my eBay password after their database leaked. My password was extremely poor, like 8 characters bad. So this guy ordered $1000 in phones and sent them to somewhere in NJ. Needless to say I have started to prescribe safer security.

Nope. Got stabbed once, it was not life threatening though.

How did they get your password

Did you get to refute it or did you have to pay?

Somebody got into my Gmail account way back in 2011-ish and didn't appear to go anything malicious but may have harvested my contacts or some such.

Earlier this year got into my minimally active Twitter account and had me follow ~2000 people that were heavily Turkish and Saudi.

Both times it was using passwords that were all lowercase letters and quite old. I started picking passwords using geometric patterns on the keyboard rather than words so the entropy is much, much greater.

Yeah. I have a Chinese surname, some guy from Taiwan logged into my Facebook multiple times. Never even stepped into Taiwan. I guess some guy in my previous college keylogged me in the computer lab.

what if you switched to a different keyboard layout

brb changing all my passwords

Some nigger has been sending links to an article about Stephen Hawking to all my Skype contacts

I suppose, some dude used a sniffer on yahoo emails and figured out an ancient password. He even emailed the account about it. I only figured it out when I was browsing my old emails to delete them/see if I missed any info.

What a nice guy for letting me know.

>Hey bro I'm an ethical hacker and I just want you to know how insecure you are right now! Bro, change your passwords. Tape your webcam. Just let it you know because I'm ethical, you know

someone hacked into my runescape account back in 2009 or so because my password was simple as fuck

lmao my parents got a virus and I got sent the exact same link on skype

>download movie on wife's computer
>go to play it, file is associated with Windows Media player
>Download VLC
>Apparently I got fooled by a fake link, or VLC is malware now
>randomly named processes maxing disk and CPU
>tfw I am the idiot
>I was never supposed to get tricked
>tfw I'm grandma now

I got everything refunded. Luckily I caught the thief because of an email sent by eBay. The guy however set all the orders to "Hidden" so if I had simply logged into my ebay account I wouldn't have noticed a thing. The only thing the guy got was one of the phones and a case. I didn't get charged for them though.

>tfw you hacked yourself

Someone hacked into my wow account and leveled up mining to maximum and for some reason dropped all my gear

Blizzard were actually really fast at getting it sorted, got me all my shit and gold back and I kept the max mining

I had someone "hack" my old PSN account a few months ago.

Not sure how he got the password, as the one I used was exclusive to PSN. I'm guessing what he did was contact support, gave them the email on the account and they changed the password for him ez-pz.

He ended up buying $23 in credits with my PayPal that was linked to the account. Sony very reluctantly refunded me my money, said they would only do it this once as an exception, since apparently its my fault some Mohammed bamboozled Sony support into changing the password.

PayPal was so insecure for the longest time