/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

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Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as searx, ixquick or startpage.

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delete this repulsive picture please....
it has a bad OS on it

Are you joking? Why would you need to know a programming language to create PKGBUILDs? You don't even need proper Bash knowledge, all you have to do is fill in required information.

Is there an equivalent for the free drivers? How come there's no way to get rid of tearing on the free drivers, with reasonably old hardware, that doesn't involve running a compositor (Compton)?

It's only a magtape, and it doesn't even have a working kernel, unlike Linux distributions

I didn't know that. I just thought knowledge of C would help since I'm learning that right know and it's a lot of fun!

Friendly reminder that we have a /wg/ thread.
Contribute your OC now!

Arch or Debian?

1. Respects your freedom first and foremost, according to a social contract.
2. Allows you to knowingly opt-in to non-free software, if you want/need it.
3. Stable by default.
4. Allows you to knowingly opt-in to a rolling release, if you want/need it.
5. Has a constitution to give no single entity too much power over decisions.
6. One of the eldest and most influential distros to this day.

I know this is stupid question, but is there a good video of how to instal Debian ?
I found shitton for Ubuntu/Mint but those Debian ones are just, meh.

I expect something oriented for window pleb.


Hello all, quick question concerning battery life and laptops running linux. What is the best software to simply install and get better bat life

but apt and obsolete kernels (e.g. linux 3.2) are an abomination.

Can someone tell me what OS to change to, using windows 7 currently, gaming isn't an issue, who doesn't want to upgrade to windows 10, is open to using linux, want's customizability + secuirty.

what OS do I choose? or which distro of linux do I choose?


I'm using Linux Mint and you can't do anything. Triggered?

powertop can help to discover programs which leech too much power and it has options to enable some native powersave modes.

Enjoy getting cracked by 12 year old Kali users.

what about TLP, is good, no?


tl;dr Ubuntu

Why exclude BSDs?


Install Arch Linux. They force you to setup the system just the way you want, and by doing so you will learn about the inner working of Linux

1. Respects your freedom but knows people want a "just works" os so it falls back on known working drivers if a free option doesn't work.
2. Allows you to opt-in to non-free software with community maintained repo's, if you want/need it.
3. New and Stable by default.
4. Allows you to knowingly opt-in to a rolling release, if you want/need it.
5. Has a community driven environment.
6. One of the most stable distros

7. NSA
8. Red Hat
9. Pottering


More like
>Too much source code

It's just logic. A agency, known for spying, makes partnership with Red Hat.

>Has a community driven environment.
>implying this is something good

You can write open source code intentionally to be vunerable.

Samsung have invested in NK. Samsung support the dictatorship of NK. It's just logic.

It's impossible to review the code. Sure.

This. You just cannot ship such obsolete software under the guise of "stability" when there are laptops released mid 2014 that just won't boot on anything lower than 3.14 and will only work properly on >3.18

For a couple of months I was stuck on arch derivatives because they were the only ones that released installation media with a recent enough kernel to even boot on my machine.

That was easy. You basement dwellers are so easily triggered and baited..
Thanks for the (you)'s.

Just go the meme way:

Mint -> Antergos -> Arch -> Gentoo



The manual itself gives more than enough guidance. Please Google debian installation manual . Protip: the netinst image may not have the firmware for all your devices. Consider either using the full image or including the nonfree firmware .deb packages in the firmware directory of your installation medium.

>Where in the world is Richard Stallman?

President and founder of the Free Software Foundation Richard Stallman has an extensive travel schedule and frequently gives talks about free software all over the world.

If you would like Richard Stallman (RMS) to speak at your event, please contact [email protected].

If you would like RMS to come to your school and speak, try asking professors in IT-related departments if they would like to bring him. They can contact [email protected].

You can find video and audio recordings of many of Dr. Stallman's speeches and lectures at audio-video.gnu.org.

Nov 10, 2016 01:30 PM Lisbon, Portugal Event Richard Stallman - "Should We Have More Surveillance Than the USSR?" (Lisbon, Portugal)
Nov 10, 2016 04:10 PM Lisbon, Portugal Event Richard Stallman - "Reclaim Your Freedom with Free (Libre) Software" (Web Summit, Lisbon, Portugal)
Nov 11, 2016 04:00 PM Barcelona, Spain Event Octet Stream Richard Stallman - "El Software Libre y Tu Libertad" (Barcelona, Spain)
Nov 12, 2016 10:30 AM Barcelona, Spain Event Octet Stream Richard Stallman - "La informática y la libertad" (Barcelona, Spain)
Nov 18, 2016 12:00 AM Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain Event Octet Stream Richard Stallman to speak at GNU Health Con 2016 (Las Palmas, Spain)
Nov 26, 2016 11:45 AM Seville, Spain Event Richard Stallman - "¿Tenemos que soportar más vigilancia que en la Unión Soviética?" (Seville, Spain)
Nov 29, 2016 11:00 AM Salamanca, Spain Event Octet Stream Richard Stallman - "El software libre en la ética y en la práctica" (Salamanca, Spain)
Nov 30, 2016 12:00 PM Alcala de Henares, Spain Event Richard Stallman - "El movimiento del software libre" - Alcala de Henares, Spain
Document Actions

What happens if you press CONTROL-D after typing the following commands?
a) ls ab
b) less a

These are in a working directory with all files starting with ab or a.

Using TC shell if that matters?

Here you go. Not a video, but easier to jump around for references.

The logo sucks.

1. What is specifically wrong with apt?
2. You can upgrade to Debian Testing or Sid for a newer kernel

Stop falling for 0/10 bait.

My battery life pretty much doubled after I installed TLP. I think it's so simple and works so well that it's practically necessary on any laptop running GNU/Linux.

But doesn't it throttle the CPU thus making the laptop sluggish

Is this book any good?

>doesn't have GNU
yeah i'd say it's pretty good


1. It necessarily compromises your freedom, even if you don't want/need it to.
2. True.
3. True.
4. Is Rawhide usable?
5. Not sure what this even means. Fedora Project is funded by Red Hat and Red Hat is liable for anything that FP does.
6. Repeat of point #3

So overall worse than Debian because it necessarily compromises freedom and it's practically owned by Red Hat (a single entity which cooperates with the NSA). Also the Fedora installer is terrible.

Only if necessary. Most of its work is ensuring it doesn't stay at a 100% multiplier when iddle.

By adding discard in fstab does it auto trim all the time or should I just run alis command daily instead?

I had a look on Amazon. It looks pretty good if you're entirely new to GNU/Linux and don't know where to start.

If you already know how to navigate a terminal, what a window manager is and how to scp a file, I would get something else.

>I had a look on Amazon. It looks pretty good if you're entirely new to Linux and don't know where to start.
Fixed that for you.

Huh, I actually know what these are. I mean, I've been using Linux for one year and a half now so I know the basic terminology and some useful commands.

Could you recommend me a good book, then?

Please stop being cancer.

>using Linux is cancer
leave this thread then and stop being cancer

why is screenfetch -s returning "command not found: -s" on zsh?

Maybe zsh looks uses a different PATH variable than bash. I don't use zsh, so I don't know for sure, but it would explain your problem.

What's the best distro for use in Syria?

I'm getting pissed. I created the directory and everything to test it. I get I get "No such file or directory" for both commands

Why are you using zsh if you don't know how a shell works anyway?

Maybe you don't have scrot installed?

His bloated distro probably has everything installed.

What's the best way to set up a Windows 10 and Arch dual boot, installing with Arch Anywhere? Do I partition the disk in Windows? Do it in the installer? Boot into a Ubuntu live ISO and do it from there?

>he fell for the arch meme

You shouldn't use Windows since it's malware.

If you are new, use Ubuntu.


I've only used Arch on my Macbook but not a Windows system, I just got a Windows laptop again after using my Macbook since 2011.

Okay, I should just run all my programs that don't have native Linux support on Linux anyways

What distro should I put on my old netbook so it doesn't run like shit? I only care about web browsing, coding, office programs, maybe watching a movie occasionally. What's the least bloated distro that can still run things?

I'm searching which GPU to buy for my Linux desktop.

I'm willing to put 200€ - 250€.

I don't want AMD because of the bad performance on open source drivers.

So only NVIDIA.

Do you know which model work FLAWLESSLY on linux ? (last kernel)

The filesize reported in Linux, e.g. "MB" is different than what's reported in Sup Forums's "MB".

Wouldnt literally any of the fairly minimal ones do, provided you configure it properly?(ie not leaving all the kernel modules on in arch)
Gentoo is the obvious answer, maybe the compiling and use flags would be meaningful here.
Regardless, I'd think just pick any small distro and how you set it up will be more important than the distro itself.

Anything with xfce could be a good start. Puppy Linux or similar if we're talking about something really old (

>want to squeeze memory out of shitty hardware
>using a DE


>using a DE
Maybe he has a job..

I also don't want to spend a shitton of time setting it up. If it has an installer with y/n options to shut things off that'd be good.

Atom netbook with 1GB and a 5400 hard drive. :^)

it's literally free as in freedom software

just fuck off already


i didn't see the second instance of that dumb fuck misleading others with systemd distros

Systemd is free as in freedom.

Anyone on Arch using the now-official 375.10 nvidia drivers? Can you confirm Wine/Playonlinux works fine?
It was broken for me when the driver was still in AUR

I saw another user using nvidia beta drivers from the AUR, without tearing.

>[picture of riced out DWM featuring them browsing ero dojins]
there, now its out there. There you go. seeth and cry and yell at the strawman till you feel better, then come back.
ok? better?
Now that thats out of the way
>Using a DE
>When the aim is to get more use out of very shitty hardware
>instead of a WM that'd take less memory
>when memory is very limited
>and if your enviornment uses MORE memory, you have LESS memory!! :(((((
Puppy linux is the only one I can think off off the top of my head, if thats the case. Perhaps one of those distros of debian or arch that are preconfigured with openbox or something, but I dont know too much about them. Search distrowatch or something.

was probably me, but the dependancies were fucked and I couldn't get an .exe to run on PlayonLinux.
Literally everything was the same as last time it worked, except the drivers

why cant I use arbitrary unicode in my system hostname? And I have to use the low level useradd to add a user with unicode in their name?
Fucking hell

Any negatives to replacing osx and going balls deep Linux on my laptop? Any problems will I encounter?

What can I use to replace itunes for offline music and something to transfer music to my phone?

>What can I use to replace itunes for offline music and something to transfer music to my phone?


How do I change osmo tray icon? I just need to know where's the icon that's being used there so i can change it or the name so I'll just add it to the icon theme.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


>Unicode in names

Thanks Dr. Stallman

*sees stall"man"*
"sees stall"man" supporter"
ehh... i won't even waste any more fuckin ammo

Thank GNU!!!

I'm using Debian stable.
My hard disk is partitioned like this: 12GB root, 900GB home

I want my tmp folder to exist on the home partition, to avoid running out of /tmp space when making long recordings in audacity.

So I removed /tmp, created /home/tmp with permissions 1777, and created a symlink at /tmp pointing to /home/tmp and it seems to work fine except that the /tmp folder doesn't get cleared at boot/shutdown.

I'm guessing that's because the procedure that tries to clear the /tmp folder happens before the /home/ partition is mounted.

Any suggestions on what to do about this? I've googled boot order, tmp clearing, etc etc, haven't managed to find anything yet.

Finding a job is a better solution.

i need more ammo my mates!!!
*catches another mag*


Please stop shitposting.
You too.

are you a GNU supporter?! answer me!!!
*points a firearm also known as a gun at you*