/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

Ask your stupid question here and hope you get an answer.

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how can i find all 3 digit numbers, sum of whose digits are equal to x? without iterating 999 times and validating

Why won't this compile? It says in the method that it can't find testA[], even though it's public.
class arrayTest {
public String testA[] = new String[1];

class test {
public static void setArray() {
testA[0] = "Hello";

Also there is a closing curly brace for arrayTest in the code, forgot to paste it here.

Never seen this before, even after relaunching I get the same shit. What the fuck?

Let F(x, n) be the function that spits out all n-digit numbers, sum of whose digits are equal to x.

We can construct it recursively as follows:

F(x, 1) = x (if 0

I was looking at my Windows 7 resource usage when the system was idle and I was surprised to see it was using over a gigabyte of ram.

Looking at my processes I don't see anything that could add up to that amount.

Is it just the operating system caching files to allow applications to launch more quickly? Is that what the cached amount under physical memory refers to?

Hy /g, does anyone know what the "Win" LED means?

Hi Sup Forums, I got myself WinGHCi on Win7 but there is
one problem. When I run WinGHCi the window appears but it freezes instantly. What can I do to get rid of this issue?

it's a gamer keyboard so it tells you if you won

Is UWP going to kill desktop applications?


It probably disables the windows key. Helps prevent accidentally pressing.

This. Thank you.

If i dual boot windows and linux, is my linux safe from windows spying bullshit?

I posted this on the last thread, no one answered :(.
I have two R7 260s, and i want to crossfire them. While i was looking for crossfire bridges i found an amd page saying with the 260s i don't need a bridge. How do i go about crossfiring them? Also, is this chart right?
>pic related

Yes. They're on different partitions (and I believe using different file systems) so it should be fine.

I'd like to stop WinGHCi from freezing as soon as possible. Please respond :(

Hoping there are some Excel wizards here.

I have a worksheet with several tables underneath each other. They all have a common column "name" and then a bunch of data. I have 2 dropdown lists with the names and use the vlookup function so when I select a name from each dropdown the according data is pulled from all tables and something is calculated.

I am now looking for a way that would allow me automatically compare every possible combination of 2 "names" and their according values (and yes, it matters which name comes first). I assume there's a way to loop through with VBS? Any hint and idea appreciated.

Would you guys recommend the Seagate 8tb hdd ST8000DM002? Or should I look for another company? Some say there is a buzzing sound while in operation, and some say it died after just 1 year in use. I'm not sure if it's just isolated cases or it's truly a defective product.

If I have full disk encryption, is it a security risk to write some other passwords in a plaintext file?

How do hackers not get caught?

I have two questions. Why would you want to hack a router and what is j tagging?

Nice try, FBI

uninstall use firefox instead

Will human programmers ever become obsolete?

Cuz I'm hearing a lot about how companies are getting automation that can write rudimentary software.

So how long before programming only exists in places like academics or is just left to automated systems all together

See this thread: community.amd.com/thread/190439

You need to put in both cards, ensure they bare both powered, and BIOS is giving PCIe lands to both. Install the drivers for both. Then AMD config tool should let you enable cross fire.

is it possible to find someone's email on a website like this? people have claimed to done it before.

Can you find people's IPs? i've searched everywhere but i can't find anything

Top kick
Download gentle

What is a good imageviewer that isnt quickpic?

I'm trying to set an array of objects, and after, initialise the variables inside the objects using a method, not a constructor.
What would be the most efficient way of doing this? At the moment, it calls the method three times, each with the different object in the array, but I feel like there is a shorter way of doing this.

code your own in c++

i may be on the wrong thread, correct me if im wrong

I feel really dumb. What am I doing wrong? I want to delete the current users records by ID number.

whats the most bad ass modern day laptop that i can get for 400 bucks.

>Clean install W7 on my new mobo
>3 fans + leaving the case open for good airflow
>Pic related at constant +70 temps

you forgot another }


is there a difference between untouched windows 7 and windows 7 release from digital river?

What is this called, and how can I make it happen?

same happens with my windows 7 not sure why

Where do autists should go now that Sup Forums is filled with normies and average human beings?

WHERE id = '$id'

could be the class? they're on different class and the array is static

Oh ok. I was asking that because when i'm in linux i can access my windows partition and share files between linux and windows which is useful but got me worried.

I'm learning python for a project and I have a function that is supposed to return a function based on whether something is in a list. For my invalid cases I simply want to return a lambda that prints a message containing the value passed to the function in an error message instead. How do I go about doing this?

def something(a):
return lambda: print('Err: ' + a)


Should print 'Err: test'

I see this
>math degree
>any job I want
>300k starting
Often, is this a meme?
What jobs does someone with a math degree actually get? And is it really that high for their salary

Asking once more since no one is replying:
>running WinGHCi on Win7
>can't find a fix
Now you are bound to answer me how to fix this?

Yeah its a meme. For reference, I've got a friend who graduated with a math degree and went into data science. Not sure about starting but looks like the average salary is around 100k

How do I continue a loop even when the player types in something that triggers another piece of code?

For example:
A quiz where the player is asked a question and they have to type in the answer. If they type a keyword, their score is displayed, and the player is still given the chance to answer.
As it stands, I can only have one or the other. The player either answers the question and program control moves on, or the player shows their score and program control moves on. I can't think of how a for/while loop structure would work for this. Any ideas?

Really install antergos.


>id = '$id'
The session dropped, but the user didn't delete.

you forgot also to call the query:


if(button is an answer)
set next = true
if(button is screenboard)
next = false
show screenboard

something like that?

Dude, I don't want Linux on my machine again.
Recently deleted xUbuntu which ruined my computer experience extremely. I want to stay away from Linux for a moment.

'bad ass' is hardly a specific quality ya dingus. Why don't you start by telling us what you want to do with it? 400 dollars can only go so far but if you really want something newer, keep an eye on craigslist. Depends on the area but I've gotten some new stuff for cheap on there like a GTX 1080 for sub 500

To no avail my man.

not crappy a decent laptop thats new i dont have time to meet someone on cragislist, i want a intel and nvida mix i dont really mess with amd.

Chipset drivers.

you need to do the query RIGHT AFTER you define $sql, not before.

Thanks alot my dude.

You probably aren't going to get that for that cheap. Here's some advice though, look for factory certified refurbished units. For example, I know Dell sells refurbs on their Dell outlet site and you can usually get a decent discount on compared to buying entirely new. A lot of the time they are just open box units that someone returned.

But I installed the drivers that came with the motherboard. What could possinly be worng with them?

Also I just remembered I'm using my old Ivy Bridge i3's heatsink/fan, and that processor was 1155 I think, and it has barely any thermal paste in it left from the old processor. I also noticed one of its locking pins barely locks in an it moves a tad bit when I push its pins. Please don't tell me even the fucking cooler has to be the same LGA

Still isn't working ma man.

Perfect. Thanks man.

>be me
>turn on my machine
>(i7 920 and GTX 1060 STRIX)
>windows 10 boot loop
>reinstall windows
>its all going fine
>install programs and drivers
>next day
>turn computer on
>it makes the usual hdd / fan noises
>no display
>check all wires and everything
>still no display

is the gpu cooked?
i dont have another card or onboard graphics to test it out.

def action(arg):
# Handle your actions here
# return an appropriate value
# One of these values should trigger the loop to break

while True:
arg = input()
result = action(arg)
if result == special_value: # Designated return value to end the loop

dell is decent, i thought dell was garbage


What's the actual difference between using Google and Searx with google results? Is it really more private?


Let's say I'm at work and their PC's Firefox is set to delete everything everytime you close it.
What would be a good way, if any, to have a version of FF with my personal settings that doesn't leave any tracks? Is it possible without an USB version? (I guess it's the onluy possibility but maybe I overlook something)

Why is youtube full of thumbnails with naked women on it. I'm no SJW but it's really distracting..

I thought I was in the stupid questions thread.

okay so im working on this site for me and my mamchild friends basically its going to be a site were we chat and people can make there own text channels

the problem is when people name there channels and we get the channel name via the $_POST assoc array, how do i get that $_POST info to be used to make the site header and be a collom in the database FOR EVERYONE TO SEE

i tried doing this but for different people who wanna use the same channel they will get an error saying they have not set the $_POST array

sorry don't have any more clues, check name of connection inside dbh.php and make sure the table names are correct.

They are.

Even my friends who do PHP can't figure it out. Maybe my localhost is just fucked.

class arrayTest
public String testA[] = new String[1];

class s
public static void setArray()
arrayTest a = new arrayTest();
a.testA[0] = "Hello";

While testA array is set as public within the first class, you need to instantiate the class to get access to testA.

How do I get my Bitcoin public address?

so, does any one have an idea how to fix the winghci freeze? if not i'll know that Sup Forums isn't as smart as many claim...

It goes after what you watched earlier when it chooses them, user.

whats in dbh.php this is important (user names and passwords can be blured out just need to know what is contained in it)

also if its database info then you need to require_once instead of including the file

and also you need to do a mysql connection for example

$conn = NEW mysqli("localhost","userame","password","name of db")
//$conn is sort for connection

Nothing to hide, homie. Just doing local shit atm.

Thinking of picking up one of these.
Can't find a demo unit anywhere, and I'm a little apprehensive.
Should I pull the trigger or no?

[Sup Forums X] Is there a good way to filter certain comments only if the OP has a certain keyword?

/text to filter/op:only

How do I become a 1337 HAx0r

How do emails (or web accounts generally) actually get "hacked"? I can't trust that word when journalists throw it around. Unless someone's password is "password", don't most all servers prevent brute-force login attempts?

"3 digit numbers, sum of whose digits..."

This means you really have three variables and that you're going to present the answer as though it's a 3 digit number. But it's really just three variables: a + b + c = x. So for all a 0..9, for all b, 0..9, solve for c. This will loop over a (0..9) and b (0..9) so you will have 100 iterations at most. If x is small like 15, then you know you don't need to solve for anything like a=9, b=7..9.

Is the built in Windows tool for burning CDs good enough?

I'm creating a mini project in Java but in a procedural way (not OOP) for an assignment.
What is the ideal way a program should be structured? I feel like I'm creating too many methods. I.E. whenever I create a new variable or array, it needs a method or two to set up. Is this a good way to program? Should every variable only be accessed through methods?

Fuck, I recently watched a video about it but I can't recall the specifics, it has to do with X window mangers not being able to redraw the window correctly, but in some systems you can disable a functionality which I forgot so that this wont happen. For example the 3d workspaces in unix like systems make use of the functionality.

HP 50G or HP Prime and why?
I'm not a student so I don't care about "you can't use x,y,z on exams".

Sorry, I didn't explain it properly.

I want to filter any comment in a thread with keyword_1 if the OP has keyword_2. Just for example, only filter comments containing "windows" if the OP contains "lftg". Is this possible?

Why the fuck are gfycat videos now MP4 and why is the filesize bigger when converted to WEBM?

hidemyass proxy list

If it's useful information, this was my setup process:


I can't seem to install the second update though. Installation of drivers and OS went fine until now. After a while of turning it on, the motherboard temp suddenly jumps to +60C.

Explain your use case

okay im back

did you change include to require_once

also try this for $conn

$conn = NEW mysqli("localhost","root","root","login");

also double check tables and database names

if you're getting an error message show