Ubuntu is the greatest OS I've ever used

Ubuntu is the greatest OS I've ever used.

Gay ass.

use mint, it's the better botnet of the two.

Kevin have you switch OS ? i though you were sell on Solus ?

>cue kevin
>cue trans hackintosh fag
I love you, report button

Hurr durr. I don't give a fuck.

Wait, what? I was about to switch to linux because my laptop came with Windows 10 and i wanted to escape the botnet.

I know this is a troll post, but I honestly like Ubuntu. It's a much better OS than anything Microsoft will ever make.

on Sup Forums "botnet" means "something I don't like" except when referring to Windows

Damn right, son.

But wait till see Fedora 25 in a few days.

Why, so we can count how many crashes we get in an hour? Oh! Fedora crash drinking game, anyone? You won't get as sloshed as you do when you play it with Arch, but it'll still be fun.

I like it too. I can honestly say in 3 years of use the worst "crash" I've had has been X restarting itself, as compared to weekly bsods on Windows

>Fedora 25
>in a few days.
Didn't they already postpone release date two or three times?
But I'm happy for Fedora users and their struggle. Because every bug they deal with is a bug I don't have to deal with on my RHEL.

it looks like hers is probably already higher?


Install TrueOS

The worst crash I had on Linux was a few years back I ran the repair command in debian (apt-get install -f?) And didn't read what it would be doing and it fucked my whole install .. user error but I still prefer Linux

Unity is slow and ugly af.

:s/greatest/first linux distro/

enjoy lennart cock up your ass

>Fedora 25

>Beefy Miracle
>Spherical Cow

Are codenamesback or nah?

Kubuntu go!

That's not how you spell Debian (Cinnamon)

my arch has never crashed on me :\

I was just playing to the meme for maximum hilarity. To be fair I've had more problems with Fedora than I've had with Arch.

Windows is a real botnet, different flavours of Linux are 'botnet' in the sense that it has a package manager that we don't like or come with some browser included that has google as default search.

Ubuntu 8 veteran here!
my first linux system
you can still experience the classic gnome feel with Ubuntu MATE or maybe even Ubuntu Gnome, but thats probably very outdated.

You're a retard