What does Sup Forums think of the surface 4?

What does Sup Forums think of the surface 4?
I mean if i have the money for it why not right. Or is there something better


Also would it be a good linux pc

it's ugly af senpai. I rather t420blazeit

Yah no that shit looks gorgeous

The keyboard doesn't work with linux out of the box

it looks retarded, stay shilling pajeet

Is there a way to get it to work

It really depends on what you want. Do you want a tablet that can sometimes be a laptop? There is no right answer. I hear the XPS is a good laptop too.

Yeah but it's more trouble than I care to go through.

It's obsolete. We use the Surface Phone now.

I'd get the surface book if you have the cash and don't need the super portablility. But the pro 4 is great too. Driver support for the pen is a bit iffy though. And it isn't always the greatest at detecting whether you want to use your hand or the pen when trying to write.

The only way I could justify buying a surface is if I was a drawfag, otherwise just get a fucking laptop or a tablet.

Had one, felt like a fag.. Sold it for more than i paid for it.

Thought about getting a surface 3, but sprung for the thinkpad yoga 11e instead because linux support. Also I like these yoga stile convertibles better than detachables since I use them much more often as laptops than as tablets

i don't understand who the target demographic for this is. if you're you're an artist, you're not going to want one because of n-trig and if you're not an artist, why not just get a normal laptop? the only use case i can see is for taking notes but at that price it doesn't seem justified.

It's really good for when I want to get some work done outside the office, it's pretty much able to be used like it's a laptop

why not just get a laptop?

Because a surface is more readily portable

Ntrig isn't that bad

in what way?

>It's really good for when I want to get some work done outside the office.

You sound shill as fuck.

Smaller, lighter, battery lasts about as long as a macbooks

Right, I'm a shill

It's better than all the other tablet-type things that I tested for the things I want to do with it

It's great for students. It's thin and light so it's easy to carry around. You can take notes during lectures. Digital notes are more convenient because you can easily switch colors, erase and rearrange stuff. Great for STEM where you have equations and graphs. You can do all your homework on it and it's just more convenient than writing on a college block where you have to turn the page instead of just writing on one huge page. Portrait mode is great for reading PDFs. With the Core-i CPUs and the nice keyboard it basically is a laptop so you can do all your serious work like with Visual Studio or Matlab on it too. It's just versatile. The 3:2 screen is amazing.


OP here nice. Im a student and this is exactly why i wanted to get one

I have the SP3 and it's pretty much perfect. I'll upgrade to the SP5 when it comes out. The bets part was being able to use the accesories like new type covers and pens that came out for the SP4 on the SP3.

SP1 here. Still going strong. No need to upgrade until it carks it. Having said that, I'm using Android in a VM more than Win10 host. Go figure

Love my Surface Pro 3

Surface Pro 4 m3 128GB here.

Don't fall for this meme. I hate this fucking laptop so fucking much. And yes, it's a half-baked laptop - not a tablet or convertible or hybrid or whatever else. Its tablet functionality is non-existent. Nobody even needs a tablet really, especially this €1,100 """tablet""" that Micro$hit has conned me into buying.

It never fucking works properly. For the first nine months of owning it it was a toss up whether it would turn back on at all after you put it to sleep without a hard reset. It's bluescreened on me dozens of times. I've reinstalled Windows 10 three times on the recommendation of Microsoft Support. Updates often fail to install. Its battery life is like 2.5 hours (stats on their website are a complete lie). Its kickstand thing is wobbly. It's not grounded properly so the touchscreen/touchpad goes absolutely haywire if used on certain surfaces, e.g. every desk at my university's library. Its build quality is god awful in general. The keyboard randomly "disconnects" and "reconnects" with no rhyme or reaon to it. The auto-brightness is fucking retarded and anything above the "darker" setting eats battery. Windows 10 sucks balls and the app store is a fucking desert.

My brother has the Surface Book and hates it just as much.

I've spent the past year wishing I bought a MacBook or something like a normal person.

>tl;dr don't fall for microsoft's tricks

>WiFi off
>0% brightness
>Battery Saver: On

You know, some of us actually like to use our laptops.

Wifi is on, just not connected, as is blue tooth

And what else would you be doing on it when taking notes in a dark lecture hall?

As a SP4 owner I have a hard time believing this

Is it really good for engineers?


Compiling Gentoo and uploading your freetard Source code with the screen at max brightness obviously

You are an engineering student or just pajeey shilling it?

Depends on the specs you get and the purpose really (I know, I know, a non-answer). I would get the m3 version, but I hear conflicting reports on whether it can handle line drawing in Photoshop without lag. The i5 version would probably be better, but that includes a fan that apparently gets quite noisy.

It's a tablet posing as a laptop and it can't sit in your lap. It would also get confused when I set my palm on the tablet while drawing with the stylus.

nah I'm a med tag, see
But my buddy who also browses Sup Forums is a 4th year engineering student uses an SP4 after seeing me with my SP3

It can sit on my lap just fine and the captive screen turns off when it detects the stylus

I'm sure you can set it set it in your lap but it's wobbly and restricts your movement especially in bed

I use mine in bed all the time, pop off the keyboard to watch Chinese cartoons

>Or is there something better
The Surface Book.

If I had a blank check, I'd be getting the Book today, but it's really fucking expensive.

Thing is, there's no equivalent to it.

>actually using the pen to take notes
>actually using the pen for anything

Never been able to successfully do this. There's just too much of a delay and my handwriting comes out terrible on it. It's like the last half-stroke of every letter fails to register or something.

My point was that the battery life shown in your screenshot is pretty disingenuous because few people use their laptops that way.

As a SP4 owner, likewise. If I wasn't so damn poor I'd have bought something else by now.

Microsoft have really taken a dump on any and all competition lately. That being said, I wouldn't buy a Surface Book *just* yet since the SP4 had its issues on release.

SP5 when?

Found your issue.

The Book has been out for over a year now.

I mean it's a device aimed at students so I can see a decent number If people using it like that

And even if you slash the battery life in half it'll still last an entire work or school day and then some

I have one, 256 GB, 8 GB RAM, Intel Core i7e, model. I use it for art and whatever else when I don't want to be at my desk. It's ok, bit overpriced, but I haven't had any issues with it.

I was a student till 2 months ago and I fucking hated it. Writing a thesis on the bloody thing was hell on earth.

Battery life never lasted me a full day of college, wherein I basically used OneNote 2016 and nothing else. I only had 6 hours of lectures per week and it still couldn't handle even that.

And it's not like I didn't try to use its meme features like """note-taking""" using the pen and OneNote, it just never came close to rivalling a pen and paper.

If I wanted to pay €1,500 for a fan blaring and my """tablet""" sounding like a helicopter taking off, I would've bought a Dell from circa 2005.

>Writing a thesis
you idiot

And the fan never spins up unless you open Chrome

user I don't think you know her to use a computer

Writing a thesis is a piece of piss when your keyboard doesn't randomly disconnect and reconnect, when your can use your machine in your university's library without it losing all touchscreen and touchpad functionality and when you don't need to camp by a plug for the entire college day. If the SP4 actually worked as advertised, it would be fine.


The Surface Pro 4 is a giant compromise, not a computer.

I've never experienced any of these problems, you just got a lemon and hare to much sand in your vagina to get a new one

These are all common problems throughout the Surface line. You're just too cucked by Microsoft to admit they're absolute pieces of shit.

> Common problems
>literally first time hearing about them

My God you're a whiny little bitch

Why don't you return it or sell it if you hate it so much?
I'm a different user and I haven't had those issues, either.


They wouldn't take it back. I gave up with Microsoft Support tbqh.

My sister smashed her Surface and even she got it replaced

I don't think you know how to computer

How does the ineptitude of Microsoft's customer service have any bearing on my ability to use a computer? Complete non-sequitur.

I don't think you know how to think.

If he's the user that posted he wished he got a macbook instead, he's just a memeing apple shill.

t. someone who doesn't have a surface or macbook.

I take that back, you don't knew how to interact with people

>t. someone who doesn't have a surface or macbook.
Then how does anything you say hold any bearing on this discussion?

All I had to do was install a driver to get Ubuntu working with my Surface Pro 3.

Because I have no stakes in either race, so me calling user an apple shill isn't because I'm interested in defending Microsoft or the Surface, it's just a cold hard observable fact.

I do, but all they ever say is fucking re-install Windows.

I said

>I've spent the past year wishing I bought a MacBook or something like a normal person.
>a MacBook or something

Mentioning a competitor's product in passing is not shilling.

>t. someone who doesn't have a surface or macbook.

I had a MacBook Air before this SP4. I declined to buy another after it kicked the bucket because of irritating Apple bullshit and those complaints still stand, but it doesn't make my current machine any less irritating.

Truth be told I don't know what I'd buy if I were in the market for a new machine now.

>Can't use a Macbook
>Can't use a Surface either
Yup, you belong on Sup Forums


Does "using" any particular computer require putting up with it not working as advertised? Don't be daft son. Improve your reading comprehension.

Get a 4 or wait for the 5?

you're the only one here having problems using computers

I'd wait for the 6 tbqh. It's the kind of thing that could be great a few iterations down the line, but just isn't there yet.

not that guy but I have the top tier i7 SP4 and the fan is still very quiet. Even when rendering stuff and the CPU is 100% for like an hour it's still quieter than most laptops.

It's been good for 2 years now, the first 2 were when you were supposed to wait

I use mine pretty much exclusively for drawing, and it's good for that. The keyboard is nice but I try to stay away from typing too much on it anyhow since mechanical boards have trained me to destroy.

I did have to return the first one I got because there's a fairly common issue with their SSDs that doesn't show many apparent signs at the start but will eventually render the whole thing useless. Just be sure to run chkdsk first thing if you do get one. Just return it if errors come up - none of the fixes suggested online worked when I tried it, and the MS store swapped it for a new one without any trouble.

>basic design flaws
>you're just using it wrong!

Calm down Steve Jobs.

All I do with a laptop is read email, visit websites, and watch some videos, I went with the Acer Chromebook R13 because it can do all of those as well as having touch screen to work with apps from the google app store.

If you're the only one encountering these basic design flaws, chances are that you're using it wrong

Not a replacement for laptops. Microsoft tablets do not have the appeal or iPad, has to do with design and marketing. Windows 10 is not an exciting platform for using apps.

iOS is superior in every way.

Why would i use apps? Its a PC.

>iOS is superior in every way.

It is a tablet with a detachable keyboard. Hence, it is a mobile device that runs apps.

It is an x86_64 device that runs a full version of Windows


It doesn't run linux operating systems very well, so I wouldn't buy it.
That said, if you are a windows guy it looks pretty awesome as an ultrabook alternative. Maybe get a better keyboard than the shitty one that comes with the case. Price seems fair all things considered

Get thinkpad you moron.

I would imply shilling if I wasnt using one.

Except if you want to use it on your lap, then you have to use it like a tablet.

im typing from mine desu senpai

it's baller

No you can use it on your lap just fine


I actually love drawing on my S3 because of how accurate the pen position is, great for line art. It sucks dogshit for writing though. Less lag than Wacom on my SP1.

I also tried out the iPad Pro for drawing and it has retarded palm-rejection, the way it works is that it automatically undo's your palm marks if it detects the pen shortly after. Surface just disables the touch digitizer when it detects the pen within 2cm from the screen.

Is it better than a cintiq as a drawing tablet?
Are there programs to make it function like a drawing tablet?

>Is it better than a cintiq as a drawing tablet?
No, there's no tilt or rotation on the pen. It's adequate for lineart, sketching and painting.

>Are there programs to make it function like a drawing tablet?
Yes, you can RDP into a more powerful computer and the pressure and position gets info sent. Or you can plug it into an external display (mirrored) and it acts like a normal tablet.

I've been considering one, but the two usage situations that have been concerning me are in bed (on a soft, non-flat surface) and lap.

Which one is more cost effective?
I've heard the response rate on the cintiq is somewhat slow compared to the standards these days, but it has tilt/rotation like you say

Meme shit like 2048 pressure levels

Surface is more cost effective than a Cintiq. Yeah, Wacom has slightly more input lag compared to N-Trig.

If you're a professional, you would already have a Cintiq or Giant Intuos Pro at work, buying one for yourself is pure retardation and the "cheaper" small 13" ones suck balls.

Can you install Linux on it?

Read the thread