Why haven't you entered the void yet Sup Forums?

Why haven't you entered the void yet Sup Forums?

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>Void rolling void

Why are you shilling for such a niche distribution?

Well, at least it did this much right. Non-systemd distributions are getting harder to come by.

Because it's really nice and i like it.

It boots in less than 4 seconds on my machine and idles at like 200mb of ram.

Non-systemd distros don't work out of the box. Devuan for example didn't even have suspend functionality.

>Non-systemd distros don't work out of the box.

Were you born yesterday, user?

void does take some configuring to get setup. iptables have to be installed and rules created.

but it doesn't have a lot of bloat running you don't need. Best way i can describe it is it's like arch but easier to install and use, The iso's comes with various different UI's pre installed. cinnamon xfce etc etc.

>iptables have to be installed and rules created
Fuck that

do you like to get told that you are the cancer of the free software community when trying to contribute to a project? If so then void is just for you.

>giving a rats ass about the FSC

>Non-systemd distros don't work out of the box.
>don't work out of the box.
ATM avoiding systemd is retarded, noone have enough balls to release a good alternative, deal with it or install windows

What's so great about void? I don't see the appeal.

Because I don't hate myself

>iptables have to be installed and rules created

For what purpose?

>noone have enough balls to release a good alternative

Gentoo works out of the box.

>Gentoo works out of the box.
No it does not. There is always an issue with dbus fucking up in some retarded way

>le special snowflake distro
install Gentoo

its not hard to set up. everything is in the void wiki.

sudo xbps-install -Su iptables

If you want a firewall or want to control how traffic flows from your computer.

It will work without it but unless you have another firewall protecting you it might not be a good idea.

>noone have enough balls to release a good alternative

Uh, there are several forks of systemd.

And distributions that use init generally work right out of the box. What the fuck are you even gong on about?

because I love systemd

sudo timedatectl set-ntp true