Give me on reason you arent on antergos Sup Forums

>Arch based
>rolling updates
>6 desktop choices selection using GUI
>does not take 1 week to install like arch
>less than 250 mb ram usage.

Why havent you switched yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


if you like it so much why don't you install it on your main computer?

because debian is comfy

>flaunting an Arch BASED distro
>can't copy and paste basic commands to install Arch, yet still wants to feel like an Arch elitist
>shilling any Ganoo/Loonix distro like anybody cares about your opinion
are you 12?

this is my main computer nigger. I got this free from the govt. for joining college.

What computer?

arch objectively is superior to all other distros. So there is no need to "flaunt"

The only problem with arch is it is retarded to install. this simply solves that and makes it completely streamlined.

Install like ubuntu. functions like arch.

nice. I know you're a student but you should deliver pizza for one day and get some RAM

hp g6

amd a4 with 1.5 GB ram

Because I use normal arch and used arch-anywhere?

But antergos is all good too if the installer actually works.

What did buddha say?

>A contented mind is a continual feast.

if 1.5 GB is all ive got, im happy to find a way to work within that. Consumerism is degenerate

it worked pretty flwalessly. I had an old chinese wifi dongle that simply wouldnt work on ubuntu. it surprisingly worked right from live boot on this. hence i stuck to this

Its not difficult at all. If you are going to use arch just go balls deep. There are plenty of guides online and it takes around an hour. And then you can be one of the Arch fags that goes around bragging that they can install Arch.
Also, what is "objectively superior" is whatever works for you, don't be one of those guys.

maan, you are too nice to me. thanks


A 12 years old would be able to install Arch

Because I'm happy enough with Gentoo on my main workstation and Arch on my laptops, work, etc.


I'd give my right nut to fuck her

Because Antergos Devs are retarded.

If you pick KDE as your DE it installs LightDM and SDDM at the same time. Retards. Enjoy your broken bloat. Also fix your fucking font rendering.

Consumerism drives the global economy, you communist slut.

Don't u think we as humans have move past the need for an economy? I mean, so much stuff goes to waste, there seems to be more than enough to go around...seems illogical to not allow some people some things just because we use such an outdated system. But then again you're shitposting so I don't expect you to be reasonable or even care.

As long as people desire goods that they cannot produce/choose not to produce themselves, an economic system will exist.
Since, humans are by nature greedy and selfish, capitalism is the only efficient system that can exist. The fact that you're posting an this site with a computer assembled from various chink components is a testament to that.
Quit smoking weed and get a job, hippie neoliberal cuck.

Indeed, cnchi was broken for fucking ages, at least for me.

You can do better than that trailer trash m8

Semi-related: last time I used lightdm it outright refused to, well, work. Couldn't log in because it froze whenever I clicked my name. Replacing it with gdm took two commands, but still.

>pic related
Because fuck you that's why

Have you ever tried Sabayon? It's actually comparable to Antergos but based on Gentoo and actually fucking fast.

It was rough as fuck around the edges last time I looked but that was a year ago. Maybe I'll try it again.

There is not a single reason to use Antergos when Arch Anywhere exists.

Because every distro is basically the same.
>muh ram usage
Get a modern computer and stop living with Atom CPUs and 2 GB of RAM.
>muh package manager
Oh yeah? What does it do? Installing software? Wow! Such novelty!

Some package managers (read: apt) truly are shit, though. It's rarely a deal breaker, I suppose; apt has only given me shit twice in my life, but each time it nuked my install. Basically anything else has better dependency resolution / less insanity but most of the time it doesn't matter.

>Don't u think we as humans have move past the need for an economy?
Liberal Arts major detected

ITT : autists running over-priced shitty hardware approving consumerism

Check the archwiki page regarding AUR helpers.

Not OP but I hadn't noticed the comparison table before. Guess I'm ditching yaourt. Any you'd suggest?

i'm happy with my xubuntu.

The only helper I've used is in fact yaourt, but I probably will install arch again. I think I'll just bite the bullet and use ABS. Maybe pacaur if ABS is too much of a pain in the butt.

>not using apt

I hope this meme dies soon.

Yeah back in day when I used it some installers worked perfect. Some would legit just vanish and die in process lol

Because Arch Anywhere is everything you described?

>Arch is hard.
Learn to chroot from a live cd and repair a broken grub or other system parts.
A competent linux users should know how.
Arch is aimed at competent linux users.
You won't learn it installing Arch because that part is automated.
But you will understand what's going on, and maybe it won't seem so hard.

>Arch is aimed at competent linux users.

>Arch is aimed at competent linux users

>Arch is aimed at competent linux users

>Arch is aimed at competent linux users.

>better than anything
o i am laffin

yaourt is pretty easy to use so it has that going for it.

have u at least tried your options, my dude

Usually just manually build/install the packages. Tried yaourt for a while and am trying Argon out now. Was going to try aurutils in a week or so and see how it goes.

Because NVIDIA/Intel on my laptop... My computer doesn't like it, but let's be honest it was the best OS experience in my life. It just felt so comfy.

Shitty installer, tried it 3 times, every time I had some sort of problem, networking, locale, X, you name it

Arch just werks

But I am


Do you really think that it's targeted at people who have no experience with Linux? If yes, you're retarded
>inb4 Archfag
I don't use Arch

I will say they need to update the installer to work with post-400 series nvidia cards, the gpu driver thing is bullshit

Never had any other issues

Almost got me
Does it at least use the arch repos unlike fagjaro

I am, I love it

that's an option, but it doesn't use aur by default

Yet AnOther User Repository Tool

A frontend for pacman to access the AUR.

>does not support the Microsoft office suite
>does not support the directX API
>does not support the adobe software suite
>does not support 99% of micelenous software.
Because i use my computer for more than just opening anime pictures and taking screenshot.

Also when using linux,
I use debian stable because it actually just works, can do pretty much all the same shit as arch, but is easier to set up and doesn't shit the bed as much.

You're aware it lets people erase your data by just looking at their package info?
Also, looking at this
It's pretty much the worst AUR helper you could possibly use.

What DE?

Are you retarded. It literally says what DE he's using in that screenshot.

kek who cares, corporate cuck

Already use Antergos for my rolling release distro.

no games

>posts one (ONE) minute apart
Let me know what your distro is.


I prefer manjaro. I'm sure Kirby poster will take issue with that though.



Stop forcing this shitty meme

Because I'm on arch and not on this shitty derivate.

Because Slackware is better :^)

Any package manager >>>>> Cuckware's shitty package manager and that's a fact.

Gaming turned to shit in 2007

Yeah that actually wasn't me because I was busy eating my tea, but I'm so proud. He said exactly what I would've said. They grow up so fast :')

Nice argument fagtron, you sure showed me with those hot opinions.

At least it works unlike pacman

Here's how to make font rendering great:

>#pacman -S krita
>Shit installed and works

>Try to install Krita
>topkek here's your homework: find deps
>50 GBPs for finding deps and installing them manually
>finally install krita
>pretend you had a productive day
>go to Sup Forums
>hurr durr ur too dumb for my sophisticated package manager
>hurr durr my oldfaggotry
>hurr durr lol newb XDDDD

I am

You've clearly never installed slackware, stop shitposting.

Good taste

>Shit installed and worked
O-hohohooo. Like 80% of the time, sure. But it never ceases to amaze me how often it doesn't, and there's fuck all you can do about it except wait for fixes. Like a turbo turd. libreoffice was the most recent offender for me: fresh is outright broken, still is partially fucked but semi-useable.

Oh what's that retort? Sorry, I can't hear you from over here in Ubuntu land, where shit really does get installed and works. Look at all the fun you could be having.

Although I do agree regarding Slackware. It's garbage.

>Although I do agree regarding Slackware. It's garbage.
Slackware has been for me incredibly stable and simple. I've honestly enjoyed it more than any other distro I've used.


It's stable because you don't install anything

Nothing has broken for me yet. I've done a bit of installing. How much am I supposed to install till it starts breaking?

>Oh what's that retort? Sorry, I can't hear you from over here in Ubuntu land, where shit really does get installed and works. Look at all the fun you could be having.
This. I don't see a reason not to use *buntu. It works and there is always support for it. You will always find help for Ubuntu. Of course there's also the Arch wiki but you can mostly use it for other distros anyway.

>I've done a bit of installing

Okay, kid.

Because I'm on Fedora

You're supposed to use this when you say that, jeez

because mine already has rolling updates, desktop choises, great installation tools and yast / zypper > any of your shit

In my experience, at least as much trouble as Arch, Tumbleweed especially. Damn shame because yast and zypper are fucking god-tier

Why trouble? I havent had one issue with it for months since installing

Hmm. Well I haven't tried it since Leap first hit so maybe it was just growing pains, but dammit if that bitch didn't like to kernel panic. On all my machines.

Maybe it's time to give it another shot.

idk man my tumbleweed stable af on my x230, never had issues and tumbleweed is supposed to be the rolling unstable one compared to leap. i moved from xubuntu and arch that broke all the time after barely touching shit and havent looked back since

with the new plasma 5.8 too its absolute dream to use both on the fly and when docked at home

Installing arch takes like 10 minutes (not including download times)

no it didnt hipster faggot

Antergos or OpenSUSE Tumbleweed?

Which one is better and less prone to break?


not rolling release