What is the best DAW for linux?
What is the best DAW for linux?
your mom
I asked a few months ago, apparently they are all shitty
Sup Forums at it best.
putting up a curses graphic to make linux look bad
this is a thread created to dismiss/criticise linux
are the microshit paid trolls back completely
ableton with wine
i've snooped around a bit and maybe qtractor + hydrogen maybe?
or should i just say fuck it and download LMMS and make it easy for myself
are you for real?
it's a guy asking for linux software, and there's nothing wrong with console GUIs. I don't see shills leaving though, the shilling is blatantly obvious on this board.
Cross-platform as well.
Does Renoise work on Linux? That's the only tracker that I can remotely stand
LMMS is a standard but I hear bad things about it
Other than that, it's any other DAW in wine. My preferred one is Ableton Live.
renoise is good if you like trackers
LMMS is shit. Ardour is just as 'standard' and is actually decent.
>putting up a curses graphic to make linux look bad
that's not curses, and it's not even on linux
bait harder
oh fuck yeah i love trackers
Looking like some game boy program
bitwig hands down, but it's not foss if that's an itch for you.
Probably bitwig:
Honestly if you don't care about using FLOSS software, your best bet is to run your Windows-native DAW of choice in WINE.
I use FL Studio and the only extra setup required was installing fonts:
Or as another user said, Ableton works out of the box.
Just check WineHQ to see if there are any known issues with any DAW you want to use.
I'm curious about this. How good is wine integration with JACK? Are you able to expose multiple jack interfaces from FL and connect them to things via QJACKCTL or whatever?
>on loonix
Top kek
looks like a music tracker, you mean
many of them have a similar look and feel
Welcome to Linux motherfucker
where the ONLY thing you can do is rice your anime desktop
No one answered your question. Yes, it will run. Most Vst will not though, so mostly sample based.
Aw, lsdj and fastracker, makes me want to fire up some software...
Any tracker like your picture will do, through emulator of course. You can try Sunvox, Milkytracker, Renoise, those come to mind for trackers, also bitwig works on linux.
>Does ____ work on Linux?
nice meme vip poster
speaking of trackers, has anyone tried radium? is it any good? i remember trying it a while ago, but it kept crashing on me, even with JACK properly configured.
>wine wrapper
Bitwig Studio. There is no competition to it.
>I asked a few months ago, apparently they are all shitty
Pretty much this but this isn't the only issue here. No proper DAW available for Linux. Ardour and Bitwig are a joke. What's worse is that there are practically no plugins available for Linux which would make it impossible for me to work on Linux even though I am pretty minimalistic with my inventory of plugins.
t. mastering engineer in post production
>Bitwig Studio. There is no competition to it.
what a joke. Even though I am into post production and not production itself, I'm having a hard time imagining how to properly produce music on Linux. Let's take Electronic Music which requires you to have a decent set of VSTi's. There is Serum, Omnisphere, Native Instruments Synths, Artruia Synths, U-HE Synth, Z3ta etc etc.. and the only thing available are some u-he synths which won't leave the beta phase and are buggy af.
Also try doing pitch correction without Melodyne, VariAudio or at least Waves or Antares AutoTune. Enjoy.. and I don't even want to start with effects in general. I think there aren't even any Linear Phase EQ's available on Linux.
Bitwig on Windows/Mac may be sufficient for the production of Electronic Music but when it comes to recording, using actual hardware n shit you won't get around industry standards like cubase, logic, protools, s1 etc..
But it is not
You managed to miss the context entirely. I'd even agree with you, but that's a given consider it's Linux we are talking about. What alternative is there on Linux?
>What alternative is there on Linux?
There is none, that's my point. You will limit yourself if you produce on Linux.
If you have the patience puredata will do anything you can possibly want
in linux you have more than just one program, you have plenty which integrate well with each other, like some other user said there are no vst but he is wrong, you need to search on the repository for an application that takes care of it
>muh UNIX philosophy