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Emergency thread regular op got deported
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can you guis not call these threads chink shit general pls i am chinese-american and I find it offensive
first time ordering chink shit tell me how I did
plan to strap it to the back of my backpack so it's constantly getting solar power
just something to plan with on the bus or when I'm waiting to meet mates
We attempted naming them Chinese Shopping General but racists threw a hissy fit.
Awwww, poor widdle baby
>reposting cause fuck you
Ordered this mechnical keyboard, blue chink switches, 32€,
for sister, she translates shitload of text from time to time
so typing might feel better, if I like it I keep it, if its shit but working theres enough people around who might like TKL novelty of it
heres decent review youtube
I was eyeing CM masterkeys, but 130€ for TKL backlit seems too much
and non backlit will come only in 2017 or some shit like that
>muh racism
kill yourself, nigger.
you mena americhink
oh, and I also wait for smartphone holder for the car
I though of going magnetic, but too many people drive that car who use smartphones
so its better to just get regular one
hope its decent
I disliked all the clamp style ones
>i'll put 'muh' next to something
>wow, now I'm superior xDDD
Explain why you're a racist
Explain how using the word 'nigger' is NOT a pathetic attempt at trolling me
Explain why i ought to even spend my time opening Caja, selecting this may may, and then typing this out, you flaming, shitflinging, mongoloid.
>chimp noises
calm down, nigger.
Does anyone have any experience with chink dildos or onaholes? I've been wanting to buy some for friends as fun gifts.
fpbp fucking lol'd
Please stop the racism Sup Forums is welcoming of everybody. (except pajeets)
Some good cheap watch with smart features? Not necessary smartwatch
/csg/ stands for Chinese Shopping General.
not him but "chink shit general" is a bit unnecessary.
You buy and depend on their shit, then you are home with their products to be an internet racist
OK, so here's what you have done thus far:
1)Proven that you're a shitposter
2)Proven that you're fucking stupid, and a flamer, and a waste of an SQL entry on this server
3)Proven that you waste oxygen
You have no purpose on Sup Forums or in real life.
Pretty good if you avoid Aliexpress.
also no need to lie friend. We're anonymous.
(Ps, ignore the antisemitism in pic, but it describes this particular situation nicely)
Are these coin coupons going to be available once the sale starts? I think they did this per hour limited coupon bullshit last year but once the sale started you could exchange coins for them freely.
I just want some coupons but I can't compete against russian bots mining them.
>Sup Forums is welcoming of everybody
Holy shit, is this what the latest wave of newfags from tumblr actually think?
It's a form of self help to motivate themselves climb out of the economic or emotional situation that caused their dependence on inexpensive imported products
I've been here since Sup Forums was fighting over lcds vs crts
I was under the impression that the sale hasnt started yet
So what do you guys think of the Redmi 4 Pro? Is it still acceptable even with those bezels?
That wasn't long ago
A decade is long enough
> people buy mp3 players instead of using their phone
Then you should know we're the Internet hate machine
fuck off asian nigger
Welcome to the internet. What else would you expect from Sup Forums zipper face.
When does it start?
Have ordered it, if the battery is as good as people expect the bezels don't matter
This is honestly the most child-like thing I've read today. We are not the "internet hate machine" and we never were.
Go ruin some opensource projects by making them institute "community guidelines" that prevent people from disagreeing with women or something.
>automatically assumed a newfag if not aligned with your opinions
is Sup Forums the new reddit?
most people calling others new are new themselves
Don't know if false flagging larping faggot or actual edgelord
Either way stop posting
Anyway I'm planning on buying
>$2.7 USB voltmeter
Gonna test if my phone battery is shitting the bed
>$2 inside windshield cleaner
>$2 obd2 scanner
>maybe another pair of monks
Is there some kind of countdown so I know exactly when this fucking sale starts?
Yes, in the Aliexpress website
So much this.
Sup Forums is a safe space of acceptance and tolerance.
It has been since the creation of Sup Forums by Hiroshimoot.
Casual racism and unfriendliness has no place on the modern internet.
It's 2016 people!
Is there a reason why Chinese never tried to copy H0 scale trains?
Seems so weird, you can only find shitty static models at best.
>$2 obd scanner, link?
what's a pair of monks? why buy a voltmeter instead of a multimeter?
Kike detected
Id be interested in one of these cheap obd2 scanners.
Fuck off nigger
i got some ching chang
pens? link pls
It's a violet/blue laser. paid 1 burgerbux for it.
arrived in 10 days, not bad.
They have, it's called Roco
gtfo lithu
It's very bright.
Didn't get chinked 10/10.
oh, have fun burning your retina out. just dont point it at me please.
Not a bad price... How far does it go?
Link please?
Monks are Ear Bud Headphones
>biggest bang for the buck
Since when?
And at their pricing, I might as well buy Marklin
I now realize i should of resized these. I'm a retard.
Just poked out the door and pointed it at the street sign down the road, which is about a 100ft.
Paid $1.92 for it. they chinked it up to $2.29 so it could be "on sale" for $1.81
Urgent question: Is there anyone from Europe or even Switzerland reading who knows what shipping company the chinks hand the parcel over to?
If it's DHL, do you know how much they charge for customs handling (excluding vat)?
>Marklin H0
>Special snowflake AC system
Protip: shine it at glow in the dark and fluorescent stuff. 405 nm is enough to excite pretty much everything. TL;DR it's a blacklight laser
>And please don't keep the laser on continuously for more than 20 seconds or it will get burnt from inside easily.
> Can not deliver to Sweden
50mW is leagal though
Should I get an alipay account?
as soon as it stops coming from china and being shit
it's succinctly descriptive, not racist
These are nice.
Are they as good as KZ-ATEs?
I know you're taking the piss but I'm an actual legit chink here and I approve of this thread
These remind me of the new white Shure SE215. In fact, the ATEs actually remind me of the black ones. ATEs are said to be the budget chink equivalent of the SE215s.
> not checking the wiki
get out
swissfag here, won't answer to tripfags tho
This bullshittry
Faggot nobody cares I'm 50/50 Chinese/Spanish and nobody gives a fuck. If China don't revert its retarded money grabbing policies Trump will put TARRIFFS
And as a chink-swiss i find the name great, stop finding small stuff like this offensive. Btw g8 b8
I just looked at the wiki.
I can't find QKZ DM200's anywhere, not even on the review site that the wiki suggests
no, just make an aliexpress account, it automatically uses alipay and you won't have to hand over your passport
What's the difference between Redmi 4 Prime and Redmi 4 Pro
Link to the wiki please. I'm new.
I don't have a tripcode.
well if its like with redmi 3 then pro means 3GB of RAM and 32GB of storage
and prime meant with fingerprint scanner
got my
>Original Xiaomi Redmi 3 Pro Prime
from Top One seller on alli
It's usually in the OP
Thank you.
anyone? also what are some chink must buys, preferably cool stuff I can carry around (already own a phone)
Different names for exactly the same thing.
Only versions are 4A (no fingerprint scanner), 4, 4 Pr
How long do Epackets usually take to arrive to the US? More specifically Florida?
So many months ago I bought a phone battery but never reviewed it.
Aukey QC 2.0 Power Bank,16000 mAH.
I bought it based on how it looks (black and boxy, like a thinkpad) and because I misread the listing and thought it charged via USB-C (it doesn't, it uses micro-USB, but supposedly supports USB-C fast charging).
I bought it for $28, which is a little bit expensive.
The battery itself has quite good life. I recently had a week away from home and I got probably 4 or 5 full charges out of it without it running out.
It says it can do quick charging with many phones, however the rate of charge was significantly lower than my USB-C wall charger, although I was using my phone constantly while it was charging so that probably had something to do with it.
The power button changes color based on how much charge there is, which is handy.
The battery comes with two cables.
A USB-C cable (shit cable, chucked it out), and a micro-USB cable (very very short, but does the trick).
When plugged into a computer the battery takes many hours to charge.
The battery is big, certainly not one you'd put in your pocket with your phone.
If I had to buy again I'd probably get the same mostly based on aesthetics and the fact that I need a battery that can last a few charges before running out.
goldway is a trusted seller
I need a chink e-reader!!
Are there any chink keyboards with brown switches?
I got an XL mousepad today and it smells like fucking cancer. Is there any way to get rid of the smell or does it go away on its own?
L-jack WHEN
Let it air out in your garage.
MOTOSPEED Inflictor for $11.11 if youre lucky or a hacker
35 mins
fuck you banana, this is racist.
Do you shave the hairs on your nipple with that edge?
Have you seen any seller that is selling LeEco Le Max 2 at an actually discounted price?
Every seller I could find on AliExpress seem to be selling them at regular prices.
such a racist i swear