Sitting in class and semi-bored...

Sitting in class and semi-bored. Been dabbing a little bit into Linux recently and see that everyone else is on it in here. I'm just wondering what is the big deal? Most of the stuff that I'm doing is fully working in Windows. Give me an incentive to learn Linux and not be a Windows fag

>le boogyman nsa spyin on muh surch history an seen muh lowlisand Dick pics

Would you like to run less things? Then run Linux.

Dude, what's the "stuff" you're doing?

I literally just run iTunes and visual studio. Don't see how Linux will allow me to run less, are you talking about system programs that big down the OS?

Now you can't run both of them. See? Less things.

Well, you could use VS Code and use whatever music software that you like.

linux jobs
windows server jobs

know both = best

just give it a try if you are curious, there's no reason for you to switch if you are happy with windows

Upload all your MP3s from iTunes and upload it to Google Play.

> dabbing
* dabbling

Linux is like microbrews, scifi or the theater. If you need someone to convince you to try it, it's not for you.

Linux is for people who think computing is fascinating by itself, and who are excited about the idea of trying different ways of using them.

Linux doesn't turn itself on to phone home in the middle of the night

Linux doesn't make you use an installer to get a program, getting obscure technical programs is easy because you just type "sudo apt-get install ___" and it never fucks up

Linux doesn't have built in intrusive ads (Maybe ubuntu has some ads but they aren't fucking aggressive like the bloated garbage that is the built in windows photo viewer, the microshaft app store, etc...)

the only con is no gay men.

Find your own reason. What works for one, does not work for another. I have issues with privacy, lag, unwanted apps, and idiotic UI design which pushed me away from Windows 10.

I found Ubuntu to be comfy and easier to work with, it can be modified to my requirements. Windows 10 can fuck right off.

>issues with privacy, lag, unwanted apps
>idiotic UI

>i found ubuntu to be comfy
>ubuntu comfy
Enjoy your shit tier DE and bloatware filled OS faggot

> Don't see how Linux will allow me to run less
Easy. Open a terminal, type /bin/less and press ener.

>Give me an incentive to learn Linux and not be a Windows fag

Go found it for urself...
You clearly want to be a fag, no need to involve everyone in your sexual questions

are there secret sex parties i can get invited to if I am a linux user?

>look at at me im expert linux user cuz im special and not generic human being

It's free. That's the reason why most of the poor cunts here use it, since they don't play any decent games anyway and they can pirate their anime on it just fine.

underrated post