/csg/ - Chink Shit General

Special Needs Edition

Less than 3.25 Days to go Until 11.11

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Today in Chinkshit General, i present to you all the glory of Chinkshit fantasy and martial arts novels, the most popular genres of which are Xianxia and Wuxia.
Xianxia is our focus today. Xianxia are novels of cultivators who absorb the energies of nature in order cultivate and level up, and also level up through comprehending natural laws and "Dao", with the purpose of becoming Immortal.
Like Dragon Ball, all cultivators in Xianxia have superpowers where they shit lightning, fire, wind, earth, metal, consume souls of others, control the undead and ghosts (which are a bit different in Chinese culture than your usual western themes), fly and teleport,
and generally spread destruction and mayhem everywhere.
Unlike Dragon Ball, the MC's in Xianxia novels are often intelligent genocidal maniacs who rape and plunder and destroy on a massive scale, which makes Chinese novels a nice change from the Japanese submissive weakfag cuckoldry. Some MC's dabble in the evil arts and cultivate by sucking the souls out of enemies, others dabble in elements, others follow the Dao (law) of the Sword (or Blade or Spear or whatever), others are Muscle Mages who cast Fist upon their enemies and accidentally shatter a whole city in the process.
The political setting of these novels is almost always mainly in martial arts sects, political entities that are above and beyond puny shit like mundane mortal kingdoms and countries, and the worlds are usually segregated into realms. You start off in the mortal world, a low tier shithole like we live in; then you ascend to a higher world which kind of like Heaven except populated with trillions of Gokus and Vegetas and Freezas (mostly the later two) to whom shattering a planet like ours is a pastime or an accidental side-effect of a fart.

11.11 is when my new tv arrives

Would buy for a dollar, or two.

What should I buy to celebrate Trump victory

now why is he holding the soldering iron like that


user pls.

first for monks

what y'all waiting for?

>why is he holding the soldering iron like that
user don't tell me you don't use the approved technique.

Why is he soldering the screen?

>all these soldering amateurs

Gonna get some microfiber towels to wash my car with all fancy instead of using my dirty old underwear like I usually do.


looks yumy

or i could get the candy colored mega treats


Do you thinks its fine to keep one in my wallet in case some junkie tries to rob me?

I live in Europe so I cant carry real knives.

Depends on the country you fucking retard

Just get the AmazonBasics ones.

It would be completely useless for that.

Are monks fine to use with a mobile phone (OPO) or should I look for something with lower impedance?

By the time you'd assemble it, you'd get robbed and beaten three times and it would still be useless.

Hang on a bit and I'll check.

>Gimme you money!
>just a second sir, let my get my wallet knife out and fold it in to the proper position...
user gets slav'd.

Impedance doesn't actually mean anything useful. You can drive them fine off a phone

how do xiaomi hybrids sound?

you have my entire attention, recommend me one.
I am about to read journey to the west anyway.


sidenote, any of you guys get a parnis or corgeut watch from alie? feedback would be welcomed if any of you have

There are barely any honest discounts so far, most of the prices has been chinked.

Yeah they're pretty good. OPO puts out some juice, yo.

I'd err on the side of caution with a piss weak source. My Ruizu for example doesn't like Monks without an amp.

Speaking of which, anyone know where to get quality 3.5mm short male-male interconnects?

God of Slaughter.
Against the Gods.
Martial God Asura.
A Thought Through Eternity (also featuring MC having his enemies get analraped by oversized beasts)
All the novels on Wuxiaworld.
All the novels on Xianxiaworld.
Ask the users there for specific recommendations.

ebook transrations?

been waiting a month and a half for my xduoo x3

I dont live on one of the hardcore slav countries, and most criminals here are Albanians, which are not very bright, and get scared easily.

I mainly want it for self hype (I have a knife too motherfucker), and intimidation.

I imagine going like this.

>Sees ugly analbanian approaching, gets wallet out
>Albanimal thinks im some kind of pussy
>I didd'nt even have to threaten him he is giving me his money lol hwat a loser
>HAHA you have fallen victim to my elaborate ruse filthy sqip
>*he runs away to his bunker*

Read from those sites. They are legit translations.
E-book sites may shit out machine translated diarrhea.
If you compare and find that the e-book has the same content, sure.

Ehh there's quite a few items on my wish list that'll be cheaper on 11.11 than they were before the price increases

Please share.

any WIFI routers that can run DD-WRT or tomato?

i have linksys POS that overheats and crashes every once and awhile.

I need a small MP3 player and earbuds for cheap, Sub 20.

What's recommended now a days?

Get small credit card case. Keep only change in your wallet (say under 20€) and the rest of paper money folded in card case. When getting mugged, hand over the wallet.

Unless you're actually looking for an excuse to take it out on the junkies in which case get folding baton (the type that unfolds with a flick).


What actually happens is some skinny junkie decks you while you're trying to pop studs in, or said skinny junkie laughs as you slice your hand open on a very thin, sharp and flexible blade with no guard, or scales to grip.
Just get small knife.

An Asp is likely to get you in unholy amounts of shit with the local cops. They really don't like people having those.

On my phone so can't be arsed to start linking stuff

>I am about to read journey to the west anyway
the [Po-Ju] version?

Hey autism man, this last line is probably yours

Cops dont like knifes either man, but I guess you're right, you can conceal a small knife pretty easily.

What's some good cable management and desk organization? I need to clean up my shitpost station.

>An Asp is likely to get you in unholy amounts of shit with the local cops.
Worse than knife would?

Small knife user, not a fucking machete.

>how to get stabbed

Are you after earbuds as in this pic or IEM's?

Yes. A small knife has legitimate uses that do not involve stabbing cunts and may be something you'd just have, an Asp is designed to fuck people up and has no other use.

Get a usb hub.
Knifes are illegal here, unless you have a reason to carry them, like being a hunter or a farmer.

Usually people dont carry knives when they go out to the bars.

n-no i read to one already, the legit one.
>you never get these cute messages from sellers

You ain't seen nothing yet

Going to a bar carrying anything is just fucking stupid, but I think you'll probably find any concealed weapon is also illegal as hell with no exceptions.

anyone here own xiaomi hybrids?
are they good?

Yeah they're pretty good. Build quality is excellent, sound is somewhere between ATEs and Senfers. Kinda vanilla.

I diddn't say i will unsheath my knife and threaten people with it, but if i'm gonna get robbed, its propably gonna be at night when I'm out drinking.

Carrying one in broad daylight is useless, I dont live in Serbia.

Yeah look m8, if you're going to carry something it might as well be a small folder, let's say 8cm blade. You might just be able to cook up a reasonable excuse for having that on you. A metal baton is for cracking skulls, unless you're happy telling them you were out to crack skulls the cops are going to take a great deal of interest in why you have it.
Either way, the card sharp is probably a worse option than using your fists or a handy stick.

Yeah thats what I thought too?

Do you know a good knife on aliexpress for a situation like this?

It doesnt have to be good build quality, I'm throwing it away in an instant after I use it the first time.

Whats your everyday carry guys?

Do you carry bags or backpacks around?

I'm thinking of starting to carry one, but I cant find one thats not gay.


You want Gaybeast for knives, get yourself something like a Sanrenmu 7010 and at least it won't fold on your fingers.

i got my cable from here, in the ZY section aliexpress.com/store/1213684

if you're looking for headphone amp cables try searching for '5n cable' '6n cable' etc. occ cable works too

seahf or TY Hi-Z 150ohm is a good alternative to the monks (any basic chinkplayer should power them fine)

Why aren't we shilling the KZ ATR more? Over at Head-Fi they seem to really like them, a lot of people commenting how they prefer them over the ATEs/ZS3s even and at $4-5 they're almost half the price

ATR is basically ATE with slightly shittier build quality.

These are such a fucking meme I'm scared to try them. I've read everything from them being total garbage to reddit being amazed at how close it sounds to their HD650s
The entire audio market is full of shit

Depends what you plug them into and what you're listening to. If you're listening to dubstep on your phone with a fucked jack, you're not going to be too impressed.

cheers m8

They're good for $5 but that's about it. I like my monoprice 8323's a lot more but they're 3x the price. I think they're way too overhyped, but they're not bad, especially for $5.

they're good for the price
but there are much better options for just a little more money
no sense cheaping out so much. people here aren't poor enough that they can't shell out a few bucks extra for something better

The fact that this guy is comparing them to full size headphones should tell you something.

>much better options for just a little more money
such as?

maybe he just mixed up the 8323 and 8320

Why not just tell him to wait for reads at Novelupdates?

Also IETs that has finished like Coiling Dragon or Stellar Transformation. Or non finished IET shit like Nine Cauldrons or Desolate Era.

The Eiaosi X6 need to be the next meme
these things are 3 bucks and sound incredible
the build quality is lower than the headphones usually shilled here but these things sound great
and the price ONLY $3
for people who lose headphones often or like to have a couple cheap pairs around these are great
slightly more bass oriented like the ed2s and rock zircons but the mids and highs come through decently
i am personally amazed by the quality of these for the price
they sound almost as good as my rock zircons and comparable to the ED2. I actually think they sound a bit better then the KX ed2 as the bass isnt as overpowering

anyone else have tried these?

they're fantastic value for $5, a good entry point into earbuds if you haven't used a decent pair before

they haven't got enough bass for any type of dance music desu

no prob senpai, you might want to check the venture electronics store for cables too

>Stellar Transformation
I wouldn't wish that upon anyone to read.
At least Coiling Shit has memorable names for newcomers.

I didn't, I personally prefer the 8320's to the monks though, but that's purely preference. I was just trying to say that they're good, but not some kind of giant killer, or even $15 headphone killer like this post
brings up.

Should I jump in for the $7 coupon for 700 coins? Or hopelessly wait for a chance at the $10 coupon for 1000 coins?

pretty much all the other KZ headphones
rock zircons
baseus el-01
qkz headphones

You wouldn't know the good from the bad if you avoid the bad. They're all in-Universe shit anyways.

Wouldn't it be better to start off with Jin Yong's shits? Its wuxia so there isn't any planet busting going on, but they're classics either way for good reasons

Bad is one thing.
Shit where the author throws in so many characters at once that you can't do shit without writing your own fucking glossary, demands a label worse than bad.

Why not eiaosi headphones for only a couple of bucks instead?

Worse than Kubo?

I personally find that the eiaosi are as good as monks with better base and better sealing

Not really, probably. I think.

One of I Eat Tomatoes' (IET, the author) novel, The Desolate Era, has been animated.

Any chinkshit that will help me with my ear wax excess?



So MC Mart is selling the Redmi 4 Pro for $158 ($154 for Gold color but who the fuck buys Gold color?) but promised $1X9 on 11.11.

What if it becomes $159 or $169 on 11.11 since other stores sell it for $169 already?

Probably the $154 drops down to $149 while the $158 drops down to $155.

Not that big of a discount.

>Gold color but who the fuck buys Gold color
don't hate the playa hate the game

My note 3 just arrived. What rom should I flash? (First time using android)

earwax is natural
stop sticking things into your ears to push it in and compact it
if you have thick wax put a few drops of warm oil into your ears
if its completely blocked go to the clinic and let them flush it

link me up senpai

didn't he get stabbed to death

Also, Indian housewives hold 11% of the World's gold. That is more than the reserves of USA, IMF, Switzerland and Germany put together. They are also pretty hot


Yeah he died

who is this goddess ?

'gold man' battered to death

tell me
why do they like the gold

I got one from ali

Nice case for those who drop their phone a lot. Feels nice in the hand, obviously it increases the phone's footprint substantially but it's manageable. The rubber has a nice matte feel, not slippery and seems good quality, buttons also have a good feel and aren't sticky. And apparently it's made in Korea by Ace Group according to a sticker on the inside.
aliexpress.com/item/rubbercase/32697583730.html ~$5