What your favorite non-UNIX-like/Windows NT OS?
What OS would you like to be alive and popular?
What your favorite non-UNIX-like/Windows NT OS?
Other urls found in this thread:
>temple os
it's already better than linux but normies are too lazy too adopt and realize what they are missing.
Menuet os, os written in assembly sounds worthwhile. Since architectures don't differ as much as in the bad old days it could even be functional
The network support is a deal breaker for me otherwise I'd be on board.
>16 colours
>holy c
NT 6.2
>cia nigger spotted
I'm all about tagged memory monoliths and global REPLs
Genera is a Symbolics Lisp Machine OS where everything is a hackable Lisp object
Oberon had an infinite desktop with a text REPL at mouse point
Xanadu. while not an OS, makes the mainstream way of text storage seem antiquated which is sad statement of the industry considering it was the original vision of hypertext
Urbit is a distributed functional userspace over the linux text clusterfuck which has potential for building hackable monoliths
our notion of operating systems is pretty stupid, most "advances" in research have been on the kernel end, which wold be cool for performance and security except that very few of those innovations make it into the 99.99999% of servers running linux/unix/windows, Urbit is pretty cool in that aspect in that it's original engineer researched network layer distribution optimization for telecom and correctly views everything in computing as packet distribution whereas most OS devs or researchers get caught up in meme unix retoolings and virtualization hacks
>non-UNIX-like/Windows NT
I would fuck her tits
Tomoko was destined to be a loser it seems
literally me in college
post your feet
> not even trying
Good thing it's gaining ground.
Plan 9 is barely Unix as anyone knows it.
>someone giving sauce of that
Is this real life?
Tell me more.
The only one I could get to boot was Haiku: it seemed fine, except I didn't really know what to do with it.
I'd like to try Plan 9 some day if it ever boots, and maybe try Inferno, HelenOS, or DOS, too.
Urbit is trying to introduce too much shit at once.
* New programming language? Check.
* New jargon? Check. Tons.
* New concepts? Check.
* Novel ways to look at OS's? Check.
I don't want it to go the way of Multics, but...
How could you not make friends in college when there are clubs? There is a club for every hobby and interest.
only the most diehard Pike worshippers use that shit
That literally only happens in anime
Have you been to college? Did you look at the club listing?
you can't install it on normal hardware unless you have specific configuration from old days
but u can run it in VM
I thought you could tell how Plan 9 is barely Unix.
First post best post
GNU Emacs
FreeDOS all the way
welcome to legacy, the most powerful force on the tech market.
It's so sad. If there was no market economy, tech would change so much.
nah, it's just that changing old software is hard or impossible in the case of proprietary software
Without a market economy, there would be no reason to force software to be closed-source instead of open source
hard to change is still a massive issue, if you want to switch from protocol a to b, then every implementation of protocol a needs to implement b as well, this can easily sum up to hundreds of thousands or even million lines of code.
Without a market economy, there would be no reason to force software to be bloatware on meme languages so industries would sell the hardware.
Me too, mate, me too.
>There is a club for every hobby and interest.
Maybe in movies. At my uni and faculty, there were none, except for VERY formal and 110% serious "science" club. Two years ago I discovered existence of club dedicated to making video games on another faculty, but once again, it was very formal one, with lectures, group excercises and such.
One dedicated for board games launched some time ago, but Im already on phd studies and thus considered too old.
All you people keep saying "go to college/uni, join club and make friends - its that easy", when it doesnt work like that at all. Except maybe thats just my country.
I should ask /adv/ once again...
The clubs at my college are really embarrassing and filled with entry-level people only.
It's hard to be in the same room.
I went to a shit-tier university in the USA: Florida State University.
Just look. I'm introverted, I'm not a normalfag: but I did find some interesting people to be around offline.