Mine just got the bootloop

Mine just got the bootloop

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G4 are terrible, all four of my family got them and all 4 had the bootloop problem


Replaced by LG for free

But but but I took it apart to try to fix it will they still replace it?

That's lg for ya. Had nothing but trouble with their phones.

I'm fed up of their phones. Luckily O2 replaced mine with a G5 for free but it's still pretty shit. I would
>But but but I took it apart to try to fix it will they still replace it?
Oh well I guess you're fucked then. Just get a better phone next time lol

Was it rooted with a custom recovery? I've had success fixing my bootloop by reflashing it with a custom rom

I stuck with the g3, still goin

It's a hardware issue.

I'm on my third G4. If they didn't keep replacing them for free I'd have switched already. I can't do LG anymore.

ha, seriously? I think I'm gonna get a Nexus 6, can't handle my G3

G5 has bootloops too


Nexus 6 here, shit's boss. Running 7.1 custom ROM, 3.5-5h SOT depending on usage, customizable as fuck.

good to hear, only worried how long ill be able to buy replacement parts.

using cm13, custom kernel to underclock, still works fantastic, did a small file edit/mod to fix the headphone jack issue, everythings great except missing tmobile band 12

Mine's still holding strong beyond every once in a while either the volume down or the power button doesn't work

Still fine with it cause muh removable battery

just got the 6p for free. Loving it. The nexus 5 is so much slower it's not funny


Man i got you... My g3 was stuck on Qloader xxxx for so long, then i realized... oH! ... Flash each partition sector First! If you hook it up to a computer with usb and it will show up At All especially in the hardware manager under ports...as qloader something... You can have it back up and running in 20minutes flat!!! Your phone isnt screwed! The boot sector just became corrupt and you need to reflash it homes! All,your data might be gone,for sure cuz itll,all be overwritten with the os, but it will work,again though!

If you wanna send it to me and pay shipping and return ship, and throw me like 40 bucks or the same in btc, i got you bro! No prob! That goes for ANYONE! If your lg is recognized at all through a port i think 41, under ports in the hardware manager or device manager... Its totally saveable!

To sound more legit too... Man, ill even accept paypal!
Btc too or any other digital,currency as long as whatever currency doesnt crash the day after and the 40bucks,be worth 4 dollars. I got you,bro, no prob. Anyone... I got you. Just reply with something i can get,in touch with,you personally,on... Throw away Email.. Whatever.

Bought mine on January now running AICP 12.1 (aka 7.1 android no gapps) never experienced a bootloop

There are laws in USA user they have to prove you fixing caused the issue

I don't own an LG and I haven't been tracking the news, but what is this bootlooping problem? What is at fault?

This happened to mine a few weeks back, luckily it was still under warranty. I sent it out and they fixed it, just got it back Friday. So far so good

Hardware defect

S5 for 170$? Still worth in 2016?

Didn't mention I am using g2.

>mfw mine is still alive
pray for me lads

Mine seriously died the day I ordered it from Amazon the other week. It was poetic

They are going to replace it though, and I lied about not having the back so I get to keep the red leather back cover. Going to just replace it with a t-mobile LG g4 they said. I need to get it ready to go today. At least I'll have a version I can root.

Mine didn't even bootloop. It just fried itself one day while I was using it. Doesn't charge, doesn't turn on. So I can't do anything to wipe the device which contains some sensitive info,or recover it. Feels bad man.

Hopefully they just dispose of it and don't try to recover anything on it.

Its the best phome they made. Ive uaed mine for 2 yeara and it still runs like new. Please get it and make yourself a happy man

That and the note 4 are the last good phones ever made in my opinion.

I have my G4 for almost a year now. No issues besides dodgy WiFi connection when the signal is low.

Got a G4 on Verizon in February, bootlooped in September, finally got around to replacing it a few weeks ago. Verizon gave me a refurbished G4. If this one bootloops, do I beg Verizon for a replacement or LG?

Replace the battery, it fixed mine.

never buying lshit after this one

I remember when the G4 was the Sup Forums approved phone.

kek your time will come, especially if its a 5##

What do you mean by 5##?

The first three numbrs of the serial number, where the first number is 201# and the other 2 numbers are the month. The phones made in 2015, especially 205 phones are nearly guaranteed to bootloop at some point. 2016 phones still have the problem, and even the people with replacement motherboards still get the problem.

LG have no QA and you are fucked no matter what.

Even if they're past the warranty period? Mine's been dead for around 6 months now and I've been so lazy that I've been using my old iPhone 4.

LG have extended the warrenty to 18 months IIRC

fug :DDDD

Its the solder on the cpu. The faster 2 cores dont connect anymore and causes it to shit itself

Still past the warrant, :/

I would contact LG anyway. They know its a problem and many peeps on xda/plebbbit have had success outside of the warranty period.

Is this just fo lg phones?
I have a moto e or g, its 8 months old so still new.. It was almost fully charged yesterday, no apps running, went to bed and it was so dead that it wouldn't even turn on. I had to charge it for like a minute before it would even load.
what the fuck is up with this? kinda weirded me out. Do smartphones do this in the cold? I had the window open and it was 27 degrees when I woke up.

My G4 came down with that. It was replaced under warranty and i got a samsung galaxy s6 instead. meh. i'm due for an upgrade, i might just switch the S6 out, i'm not too impressed with it...

The Apple iPhone 7 Plus doesn't have this problem.

Strange; had this same issue about two weeks ago. Really fucked up my job search because I had to buy a burner phone with minutes in the meantime.

They sent me a new one after...2 months? Whole experience sucked; now I know why I was able to lease this for so cheap.

I absolutely love my G4, and I was under the impression Sup Forums did too! nervous.


do not, ll nexys 6 throttle under 50% of battery
me ad my brother have a nexus 6 and it fucking lags to death

I think you still have until January for your warranty (12 months), but I could be wrong.

>first G4 last 10 months before bootlooping
>get replacement
>earlier manufactured board than previous phone


Can't wait to cancel my plan and get a new phone after this one dies, probably gonna switch to Project Fi.

>year ago
>my nexus 5 shat itself
>got a lg g4 as warranty replacement (canadian prices: both were around $500)
>g4 is slower than the nexus 5
>sometimes I'll turn the phone on and unlock it, but the touch screen stops responding
>it'll be slow switching between apps unless I restart it daily
>the camera takes forever to take pictures sometimes, and I've even "taken" a picture, only to see it didn't actually save
at least the screen is nice

post fix for jack plox

I like the phone alot.
Everytime it bootloops I just take it to my carrier and they give me a new one. I just save everything on my SD card.

>went to bed and it was so dead that it wouldn't even turn on.
Maybe some app or app update that caused it to hang and use lots of cpu = dead bsttery quickly. Happened to me once or twice for unknown reasons
> I had to charge it for like a minute before it would even load.
That's nornal on very empty batteries

If your phone is bootlooping or wont even come on at all, but is still recognized by a computer through usb... Its still totally saveable! Just see if your computer recognizes it with the battery still in the phone. Bootloop or totally bricked... Either or... As long as it is recognized AT ALL with a computer... It Can be fixed. If you gotta warranty awesome, if not though... It can still be fixed. I wonder how many phones are thrown away by people who cluelessly know not a thing about firmware issues or flashing phones on any level. I bet your carrier fixes that phone then puts it back in the market as refurbished.

the solder they use to solder the processor the mobo is shit so it eventually cracks and breaks away from the mobo, causing a bootloop

>buying any LG except G2
You asked for this.

G3 32GB model here.

Should I be worried? When and why does the bootloop happen anyway?

Dont be worried. I gotta g3 too... Mine got totally bricked... Woke up after charging it and it wouldnt turn on at all and i still fixed it... Im on mine now. The bootloop is certainly not a hardware issue. The bootloop and soft brick,comes,directly from boot sector corruption within the firmware. Like i said... As long as it works,now,your,good no worry, and if its either,bootlooped or bricked but is still recognized At All with a computer, its totally saveable.

Jesus do you read what you type?

But thanks for the info. Mine never shuts down though because I always charge it in time.

I keep all the apps closed out when I dont use it, and I only have a few things installed. I dont use Im or facebook or any other memes.
There were updates when I turned it on, so that very well could have been what it was.
Usually it shuts off and can turn back on when it dies, this was solid dead, I find it really weird.
Im not exactly new to batteries, Ive had to jump them with a piece of wire to charge them before,

Its probably the failed update like you said.

I miss my Note 4. Best phone I've ever owned.

I got mine fixed for free, took 5 days.

People who flash ROMs don't have that problem.

G2 4 lyf nigga.

I have bootloops with my Samsung g3 and my HTC m8 (htc m8 is completly bricket now)....

wtf is wrong with android phones... my fucking old completly smashed iphone 4 still werks but android fucking went to shit for nothing?

care to explain the reason behind bootloops ?

I've had the same smartphone for five years and it's in great condition, with no case ever, still working perfectly after only two new batteries. New phones are so shitty it's amazing.

Android is a awful OS


Mine died a week ago. Gonna repair it then sell it. Should've gotten the HTC

You can fix a bootloop.

Just boot into recovery mode and reinstall the image that worked.

I got the boot loop after a year. Traded it for a note 7...