Must install programs for Linux

list em all

Other urls found in this thread: -avh --delete

Windows 10

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNULinux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNULinux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNULinux.

install gentoo

fuck of Stallman

this, the GNU coreutils are important on any new install.

nice memes

>list em all



Thats it

literally worse then csh

rsync + front end of choice
dual pane file manager
torrent client of choice

Is learning Vim really worth it? Are you more productive now when coding?

you missed a t fagget

Steam: some games actually work, I play Dota 2


>hes too young to know about csh
please you are embarrassing yourself

Fuck off with the obsolete shit

look here buddy, I'm not the one using fish.

I'm actually relarively shit at vim, but it allows even me to do things easier, such as copying and pasting multiplelines, navigating through code, substituting and so on.
Easy, fast, pretty and with the best history navigation there is. Why the hate, user?

It takes like 10 mins to learn, i don't know what all the fuss is to be honest.
If your interested, google openvim and that will be all you need.

>Are you more productive now


I usually install:

(I don't use linux, i'm going off the top of my head)


Okay, thanks.
But If you are not more productive (than with Gedit, for example) why use it?


dvd shrink

It has hype so I had to check it out. I'm also a softy for anything that runs within a terminal.

m4k3s m3 fe3l 1337

Also don't take my word to far, I'm sure theres more to it than what i am aware of. Ive been programming for about 4 months and have been using Linux distros for less then a year so I am far from the most knowledgeable when it comes to these things, just wanted to throw in my 2c. :)

not VIM
not Chromium

fucking shill

gimp (garbage)

and what for pdfs?

evince is for pdfs m80

ignore vimfags
especially if they try to tell you that you will learn in it 10 minutes
such obvious shillery seems just desperate attempt to attract new users to a dying platform

it takes months to get accustom to the workflow, getting comfy with the plugins and the plugin system, figuring out conflicts also takes time

and in the end, the final benefit will be that you will know some tricks to save few keystrokes, tricks you use 1% of your daily use...


What do you recomend as an alternative?

we need a clang compiled linux kernel to stop this autism.

why not google docs?
inb4 muh botnet

Vim urxvt fish tint2 feh i3 rofi xkeybind xfce3-notifyd cbatticon python

I said he'd learn the basics in 10 minutes especially with openvim. The plugin system admittedly has a bit of a learning curve but even that wouldn't take longer than an hour or two to fully grasp. To top it off I also told him it wasn't worth it. Was hardly trying to
>attempt to attract new users to a dying platform

Anyhow it's each to their own, I'm sure user is capable of making up his own mind

you should first consider IDE for your language rather than looking for universal editor

>if editor
sublime text is very comfortable, with shitload of plugins and easy to find activation codes online

visual studio code is very well done and opensource, even if microsoft stands behind it
atom is also very interesting and decent as basic with potential to grow, but at the moment behind visual studio code

but both above are based on electron(chromium) using javascript and node.js which makes them kinda meh as far as speed and efficiency goes

geany is worth checking out, lacks shitload of plugins but it feels sooo fast

fug privacy and offline usage n shiet

Better, more stable and reliable in various situations.

Don't these usually come with most distros?

>requires Internet connection
That's why

not with arsch-linux

Could anyone here suggest a god backup program for backingup my files to a external HDD.
it has to be able to delete (sync) files that have been deleted on laptop

nobody gives a shit about your 80's ass terminal programs you nerdy faggots


fuck outta here

hurr hurr look at me i'm typing green text on a black screen

my dad used to do that in the 80's before Windows came out, you baby boomer worshipping faux hacker cucks

If you want to play games on Linux, you install a VM and Win7 and enable your GPU for passthrough.

Hope you have a semi-recent motherboard for hardware emulation.
Pretty much anything i5-tier boards should have it.

Far better than hoping and praying your developer of [game] decided to support a still-niche OS.

Dual-boot is for retards.

rsync, from what you described

rsync -avh --delete /home/faggot_user /mnt/external_hdd

though you might want to setup some exclusions, like .cache .thumbnails .trash

though I like to keep old backups for few months so the god tier borgbackup is better for me with its deduplicating and incredibly fast system

but the files would not be readable on the external hdd, they would be in "repo" and you would be mounting whichever backup from whichever date

Go back to Call of Duty. You are not welcome here.

ssh, tmux, ranger, htop, mpd+ncmpcpp, a good font

Clipboard managers are pretty amazing also. I use clipit.

thanks for your input... will try both methods

check this for understanding the flags, should have included it -avh --delete



>lynx (or some other cli webbrowser)
>irssi (or weechat)

Why wine?

for casual non-tryhard use:


>zathura with mupdf

Holy shit, this will soon be posted more often than navy seal copypasta on Sup Forums

For the love of the god if someone made video how to properly set theese up for windiots like me we would stop bitching about linux gaming..

>Dual-boot is for retards.

>he still dual-boots
>in 2016

Either a retard or ancient computer.
So, what are you?

Retard... But my excuse is that I pass old my computers to father/mother and they want only the windows part so I usually just format the linux part and pass it down.

Many lusers just can't config dual-boot so they shitposting about buing second video card. I know you started thread about it a few days ago.

Why not? I played baldurs gate.

I don't know if I'd consider it a "must install," but it is pretty great.

I've not posted on Sup Forums in a week.

Dual boot is fucking trivial.

VM with passthrough is actually more complex.
You don't need a second video card, whoever stated that is a fucking moron.

Embedded graphics on any recent motherboard is more than enough for your Linux host, only Windows should need a GPU of any significance for playing games or doing SCIENCE or whatever.
Fuck man, my ancient Dell from 2004 has decent embedded graphics for a non-gaming PC.

Get with the times, retard.
You're a decade late.

>Embedded graphics on any recent motherboard
pls go

>muh vidya gaymes


Not your head

Still not it.

Not even close.

Getting warmer.

Here's your head.

>Embedded graphics
pls go
stay go

Fellow winbabby here who only recently installed Linux (Mint). It's literally apt-get -install playonlinux, then you open the thing and search for whatever windowshit you want installed.

The main problem is that some stuff like battlenet take some tinkering with additional libraries to get working but I can't imagine that's the case with EVERY program.


Dirty pleb here

hi, i'm also a mintbaby. POL can not run every windows game but it can run a lot. It took me hours of fucking around, switching versions etc to get League of Legends running

lucky for me that's literally the only computer game (e-sport actually) that I play


Enjoy being a decade behind everyone else.
Both technologically and mentally.

I bet you still think embedded graphics has screen tearing issues. lmao

return to mexifornia school you obese mexican single mother


and an i3 script to put steam into small mode, open the friend list, open cava and xfmpc and some stat/log monitor scripts, and tile everything into a nice comfy 3-5 workspace layout.

Return to Colorado school you two-mothered sodomite pothead

Still no argument huh?

>he actually games on Linux

none say gaymers on linux
say like motherboard has gpu
stoopid ass man
t. viva la mehiko

Fuck you, Vim is the best game.
Dwarf Fortress has nothing on Vim.

Reminder that this exists:

A better distro that doesn't run on apt


somebody recommend me terminal games
like pacman etc.

It's a must install if you use PC as TV then it's a must have.

dwarf fortress
dungeon crawl stone soup

>not a single mention of ncmatrix
commit collective suicide kthx

>not using spacemacs in evil node

Who are these semen demons?

Dual boot Kali and windows 10
Dick around learning linux while playing overwatch in windows. How is dual booting for retards? Dualing is superior to every other option. Explain yourself

Not to kvm gpu passthrough.

VS Code is really good if you don't want to use Vim or Emacs.

good man

I install jack, guitarix, and ardour for recording. Hydrogen for a simple drum machine

cara delevingne and some slut doing her hair
also checked


Vi is going to be on every single unix machine ever, it's useful to know some of it.


Libreoffice literally killed my laptop today.
>install libreoffice
>everything gets fucky
>X stops working
>initramfs fucked
>doesn't boot

dead non-compilant cofigured via web piece of shit do not touch

qemu-kvm is the superior option. I even run- I mean ran such a setup on my laptop so I can run windows without needing to worry about ethernet drivers breaking.

Dual booting is still acceptable for USBs where you carry your kali, tails, arch installs and UBCD or whatever have you.

She makes her 8/10 hairdresser look like a super ugly cunt how does she do it?

pedant edition
>gnu coreutils

>not baking ALSA into the kernel