What the fuck does he do at Google?

What the fuck does he do at Google?
He can't even do decent programming.

Can someone working at Google tell me what he does there?

Other urls found in this thread:


Preps the bulls

Rides the bulls

Getting dubs, I guess.

Moderates the inhouse anime board.

lends his name to them I assume

Director of Memes.

No, that's my job.

fucking amateurs.

With your powers combined...

This, getting dubs is very simple

This. I remember reading some Sup Forums rumor that he was working on a top sekrit klub Google Chan.

I'd like to get a job at Google, say hi and thanks to him and then quit and move back to the east coast.

I wonder how many times per hour his new colleagues mock and troll him.

He's the "ideas man" at google for projects designed to burn through google cash, thus creating tax wright offs

Can you troll the troll master?

>implying moot isn't just full weeb that enjoys chan culture

he's tossing that google security team salad

Probably something with the 'google community', what else could he do?
this also

I know you're trying to be disparaging, but he's making bank doing it

Probably trying make something useful out of Google+

He wasn't that much of a troll master when he could hide behind a computer screen and a banhammer ready to drop down. He sure as hell ain't gonna be great at trolling people face to face.

studying accel spammer's bot with neural networks

He makes the captchas for Sup Forums :^)

Are you fucking kidding me, right? He couldn't be more google material.

He made a knock off imageboard site that looks like something from 1997 and somehow it's one of most popular websites ever.

Google makes a lot of shitty products that fail miserably, they need great product managers to sell those shitty products.

And there is no better shitty products Product Manager in the entire world than Christopher Pool.

He is still useless.

>yfw moot left Sup Forums before you

literally who?

He's the office weirdo who people avoid lest they get tempted to ask him exactly what a "trap" is.


>how do we do that?
>"lurk moar"

They hired him so channers gain the trust of Google and give in to the botnet.
With the increased traffic they will have much more user data to sell. It's also important to note that people here are likely to be the ones finding cheese and buying drugs online, and Google could sell this data to the government for big bucks.

>hired him so channers gain the trust
>channers trust
>moot the sellout

>tfw we are the one who got cucked

I'm sure google will have someone understand that Sup Forums is like a germ culture, you sit and watch, maybe poke it every now and then to see how it reacts.

That's my job

The new Youtube Heroes system has moot's kike fingerprints all over it
> Work for free
> Get recognition
> Have power over others, maybe for the first and only time in your life
> Access to sekrit clubs for elite people like you
> No monetary compensation
It was his idea, 100%

This could actually make business sense. Allow employees/partners to participate in unfiltered discussions where their creativity can run wild.





for the initiated.


1/10 chance. Watch me.

you're doing it wrong.


>Can someone working at Google tell me what he does there?

Snorts cocaine off a strippers ass while rolling in the loot he got for selling Sup Forums to hiroshmoot.

They need him as a zuckerbeeg doppelganger for infiltrating facebook

He is here forever too.
He just lost his admin rights.

>implying he didn't have a backdoor

Why? So they can keep fragmenting their applications ala Allo and Duo?

Got you covered

I somewhat recall articles interviewing him when he stepped down that he was going to work on Google+ and other social Google products.

But yeah, I suppose he is working on that and Youtube Community and whatever they are doing socially at Google.

Far cry unfortunately from what he did here.

Not to disparage Moot in any way but Google has some really warped interviews and hiring processes. They're stuffed with Pajeets looking for more Pajeets and every now and then, despite themselves, something works for a brief moment in time.


It's not fun.

I interviewed on the phone with a female Indian and was told to shuffle an array randomly and failed because she wanted me to do it via Fisher-Yates shuffle and couldn't convey to me that my shuffle method was inadequate in terms of randomness.

int array[n];

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int k = array[i];
int m = rand(k) + 1;
array[i] = array[m];
array[m] = k;

I'll interview for Google again sometime later in my career but meh, that experience left a bad taste in my mouth.

>Fisher-Yates shuffle
Damn this is elegant.

>The algorithm described by Durstenfeld differs from that given by Fisher and Yates in a small but significant way. Whereas a naïve computer implementation of Fisher and Yates' method would spend needless time counting the remaining numbers in step 3 above, Durstenfeld's solution is to move the "struck" numbers to the end of the list by swapping them with the last unstruck number at each iteration. This reduces the algorithm's time complexity to O(n), compared to O(n2) for the naïve implementation.[5] This change gives the following algorithm (for a zero-based array).

>-- To shuffle an array a of n elements (indices 0..n-1):
for i from n−1 down to 1 do
j ← random integer such that 0 ≤ j ≤ i
exchange a[j] and a[i]

He's a community leader who presides over daily meetings with the Google+ team hosted in a room befitting the divine creator of the premier English language Japanese culture and animation centered internet community. It's three stories tall, has a large boulder, some fig trees, with a wall to wall artfully manicured field of clover and grass. On the boulder is a marble altar supported by two short and stout columns behind which, the legend himself stands. His white flowing silk robe drapes down over his tutu two sizes too small of the finest lavender pink tulle barely exposing striped long socks with individual toe holes. Holding two tablets, one in each arm, he delivers the ten divine revelations to the Google+ team. Afterwards he reads a few pieces of that day's fanmail and makes a lighthearted joke about how Google+ is going to make it. With his right arm, he lifts a chalice inlaid with the image of a stylized redhead. A long slow slurping sound fills the room. Heads turn to face a young feminine woman with the physique of a young man by the door wearing a t-shirt with a depiction of a light blue haired monster with viscious red eyes. Realizing her error, she turns 360 degrees and walks away in shame. The room is quiet except for the whistling wind ambient background soundtrack. The metallic clang of the chalice on marble refocuses everyone's attention to oracle at the altar. He lifts up a set of keys by a red one with a logo of a black horse on a yellow shield tightly grasped between his thumb, index and middle finger and walks out the back door. Just before the door closes, a shout of Rayashi escapes into the room. This day's meeting has been adjourned.

Is this OC or just rare pasta?

Do you not know how to use the google?

>the google

>he doesn't know about the google botnet

It's one of the more elegant computer science algorithms and data structures, up there with suffix arrays.

fetches coffee and gives hand jobs and foot rubs.


>> No monetary compensation

Its shit. Why would you even make youtubue videos if not for the ad money

Filthy singles, begone

hot pockets

>access to secret clubs
Sounds more like a hiro thing desu.

>he never hung out in sekrit club with moot

d/w i got u senpai

gj user

He's the pepe wrangler.

How much is he making with Google?

is that a poop joke?

pajeet has his stinky little fingers smeared all over that one.

Shilling google pixel and nexus 6p



I'd hit it.

The fucking Prajeet infestation is what's going to kill google. those incompetent motherfuckers are going to run that motherfucker straight into the ground.