This is as comfy as it gets

This is as comfy as it gets

Other urls found in this thread:

Why are there so many south american rainforest monkeys involved in foss now?

umm no it isn't


someone teach me how to get a linux distro to look like this. I want anime waifus all over.

very carefully

no, this is

>KDE instead of Lumina

>install i3
>open a bunch of anime girls with feh

Do everyone a favor and end yourself.

Has the BSD userbase been declining lately? They've been advertising their shitty distros more than usual here.

you shouldn't be rude on the internet




That's just a meme. BSD is not usable in any way in real life.
Here is my experience with it


>using the worst bsd
>in a VM

PC-BSD is FreeBSD, newfag.

>OS can't even run inside a VM

What ebic haxor window manager does this autist use?

ohaio here is my desktop

its a knock off of freebsd
its like running ubuntu and complaining about it being broken.

MATE, E17, or Budgie.

wtf your desktop looks exactly like mine even the anime girl you chose

>autistic rambling to control damage
Who knew

BSD = Trash


>Le meme arrows XDDDDDDDDD

>t. ubuntu fag
you realize that pc-bsd has zero benifits over freebsd other then being broken.

>t. NEET basement dweller
No one got time to compile 300 packages to get to desktop unless you don't have a job or a life


>being broken is an advantage
And this is why no one takes you BSD fags seriously. Linux is the better choice.


>what is pkg
you don't have to compile a signal thing on freebsd if you don't want to.
But you wouldn't know that since you have never actually used it.

kill yourselves weebs

that's weebette thank u very much

>hurr durr let's play a game of color by your autism spectrum
>pkg_add xorg
>pkg_add autism
>pkg_add a fucking desktop environment
>hurrr durr soooo we 1337 now XDDD
Fuck off, NEET. I have a job

>Run command
>walk away, fuck gf
>come back
>compiling done

virgins don't know that feel when gf

inb4 pepe normies ree

I like 9gag too but come on

this thread is so boring omg

You're trying too hard

>user let's install the OS and start working
>okay let me pkg install 300
>le make insdall glean XDDDDD
>"your neckbeard credit increased by 40 GBP"
How about no

That's really simple compared to getting windows to do fucking anything

>no wifi, graphics, or sound drivers
>you have a broken 800x600 resolution and the mouse is kind of jittery
>none of the packaged software is useful
>the programs you need are hidden in a maze of fake free download links
>and you haven't done this in a while
>get to work

>user let's install the OS and work later because we're not wage slaves and can wait
>okay let me pkg install gnome
>wait, what are you doing?

normie w7 user here.

I'll never understand why people casually emulate.

what do you actually mean though?

It warms my heart watching 14 year olds posting about sex.

>that artist on the right
Fuck fuck fuck I am so retarded I can't remember his name. Please user.

how does it feel knowing that a 14 year old has the mental capacity to install freebsd and you don't?

I'm 23. Not to say I didn't stop mellowing at 14.

Like i said it warms my heart watching 14 year olds posting about sex.

>someone actually uses gentoo
how is it, is it hard to use

Its pretty comfy. I used arch for about a year prior to switching and my experience with gentoo has been way better.
The only part that I would call "hard" is making sure you have the proper use flags set. It could definitely trip up someone who is new to gentoo.

stop pushing your fucking desktop so hard everywhere


Apart from that, I actually envy the people who actually have the time to setup FreeBSD with a graphical environment.


Literally the """""fun""""""""""" of Sup Forums.


someone needs to make a freebsd distro that's better than trueos (which wouldn't be THAT hard)

After installing freebsd:
pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg install xorg i3 i3status i3lock
echo "/usr/local/bin/i3" >> /home/username/.xinitrc

Done. Takes about a minute depending on your Internet connection. Stop spreading lies.



do ppl really use bsd for desktop purposing?

Nice nico xroot. Post the pic standalone plz!

That's not real experience. That's virtualshit experience.

Try baremetal next time.

here you go senpai

I wish you'd be banned baka

Thank you a lot.

Nico nico ni~

>PC-BSD is FreeBSD
Just with gazillion patches and packages x1.5-x2 time slower and sure x2 unstable compared with vanilla FreeBSD.
>OS can't even run inside a VM
Maybe your DE "cinnamon" can't run in VM? I'm sure cinnamon can't work without hardware acceleration so you need install VirGL also you possible forgot install optional Virtualbox component for FreeBSD guest support (virtualbox-ose-additions).
P.S. Fresh news PC-BSD is dead more than 8 month ago now it's TrueOS:
>PC-BSD has evolved into TrueOS. Please click here for more information.
Don't use outdated environment.
Just download FreeBSD 11:

Socialism destroyed their economy so they can only do stuff for/with free.

I did

See >P.S. Fresh news PC-BSD is dead more than 8 month ago now it's TrueOS:

The 90's called and they want their Unix back!

why would she be?

sh***t brah... that looks clutch af... catch ya on the flip side bruh

Did a edgy fourteen year old make this?

...hello dankness my old friend...

what does that even mean, you stupid fucking retard?

nice 2005 UI you got there

or pkg_add desktopenvironment since that pulls in Xorg already

because this faggot forces his fucking desktop everywhere



hahahaha are you fucking autistic