Does anybody here actually use this piece of shit? I've rarely seen anybody use it

Does anybody here actually use this piece of shit? I've rarely seen anybody use it.

AFAIK not really, USB worked just as well 99% of the time, was cheaper and easier to implement, and when USB 3.0 came out, rendered firewire obsolete.

Firewire has pretty much been abandoned right? Apple moved to thunderbolt and now usb-c

The only people I know that use it are film students who are poor and stuck using cameras with firewire. It's like the digital image capture industry conspired to ignore ISB.

Never used mini firewire, but regualr FW400 is nice for cloning over an OS via target disc on my PPC boxes.

>doesn't know the disparity of transfer speeds between firewire and USB 2.0

I still use it to log footage from my camera. I know it's outdated but I enjoy it.

It's outdated now, but was used for work where a high speed transfer was necessary such as videography. USB couldn't come close until 3.0 came out

IP over FireWire was tight shit back in the XP days but completely obsolete now.

Amazon Basic cables are kinda overpriced.

>Apple moved to thunderbolt
My Asus mobo has a thunderbolt card but what actually uses it?
It's for 4k monitors or something?

Older audio interfaces (like mbox 2 generation shit) , 800 is still barely around in the focusrite saffire series but that is being phased out for thunderbolt now.

Firewire was significantly faster than USB till quite recently. Also, you can daisy chain firewire devices, something USB still can't do.

tons of audio shit run thunderbolt

>tons of audio shit run thunderbolt
Like Synths and stuff?
Sounds like stuff I don't need.
If I'm not recording my own stuff, am I likely to use it for anything? VR?

i saw someone use that once in 2003

It's because USB2 could not handle the firehouse of data coming off a miniDV camera.

USB2 may be faster on paper, but in practice, FireWire blows it away.

Used FW 400 and 800 on WD Mybooks for years. Firewire 800 still holds up. and for most usb 2.0 hard drives firewire would still be faster.

i have a miniDV camcorder that uses it.

>amazon basic cable
>$8.99 with free shipping
>other cable
>$1.99 with $15.99 shipping



All miniDV cameras use it to capture video data. If it has a USB port, it was only to pull photos off the SD card.



Apple included one of those cables (not faux-gold like that one) with every iMac av they sold.
I got about a dozen from installing school labs.