/bst/ Battlestation Thread

Hopefully we can keep just one thread going for a while. Sorry for the quality.

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How's life Sup Forums?


Early, Berry gud
Waiting for more music shit to come in the mail, Yamaha MG12XU for premixing to further reduce latency
Also got a M-Audio Project Mix I/O as my main control surface/interface now, blew up the Scarlett 6i6 when trying to replace the USB socket
Had to grab a 1394 Firewire PCIe card for the interface though which is kinda shitty

I'm at work. It's boring.

What's your job?

>Fake plants
>mouth fedora
>le gelati caffe post-modern aesthetic
>bin next to station
>taking the armrests off
why is your workplace a living hell?

>look what mom bought me for christmas
>i have no friends so i seek validation online

these threads are turbo cancer

But user,
I equally don't care about you or your post
I'd be the luckiest boy around if mommy and daddy bought everything for me

My mom is dead, jokes on you

allright 6/10
nice dildo and style 9/10
awesome room 10/10 but not as good bst 7/10
great 9/10
allright 6/10
nice 7/10
awesome but not enough screens so 9/10
allright 5/10

Nursing assistant.
That's my apartment. And you're trying way too hard with the meme thing.

Thank you oniisan
You waifus are best waifus
7/10, I think you need a new mousepad

>meme thing
Shut your mouth nurse boy

thanks otōto, i think so too...


>You waifus are best waifus
You can't have more than one waifu, so those aren't his waifu.

Time for a new chair fampai.

Can't you collect multiple waifus?
Was I under the wrong impression?

>Was I under the wrong impression?
Very much so.

every "waifu" you see in that pic are my favourites, but one of them is the one i call waifu.
can i have that poster?

OP here gonna rate.

How far up your boiputchi can you stuff that smurfcock?
still same stance on this, needs less clutter
i'll never be a fan of having the taskbar on multiple monitors, pretty simple and comfy otherwise. I would probably get a smaller lamp with a weaker bulb and put it in the shelf.
I don't like it
>julmust light
På julen skämmer man bort sig själv med vanlig, bror
>allright 6/10
I like your wooden wall.
pretty sleek but i'm all about that 2 monitor life

Here's mine

your coffee machine looks like it can't believe how big of a faggot you are

I use to have those chairs in the 90's... nice.

>i'll never be a fan of having the taskbar on multiple monitors
yea you are right, i should change that.
as for the lamp i think the picture might be deceiving you its not really light enough in my opinion.
also thanks for the criticism

It's still comfy

>I don't like it
You're a bully

Hey no problem!
Does it matter if i don't like it? Just because i personally don't like it does not make it bad. You're the one who is gonna spend time there so if you like it then it's fine right?

maybe, also been thinking about just sewing a cover for the pad.
Here is the picture but the official tapestry is sold out.
Bought a "ipad monitor", parts should arrive any day now.

Yes I know I have a vape, I'm trying to quit smoking. Everyone who owns a vape isn't some cloud-blowing fgt.
I drink so much of it I'd gain like 10kg though

>he still hasn't framed those LP's

yo relax senpai. i bought some fucking plastic covers to keep them from bending they just havent arrived yet. i took them down for now though so i don't cause permanent damage or whatever all the people were bitching about.

>tfw have to decide between miter saw and a tablet for doing CAD on the go

getting monitor mounts within the next week. going to be taking the right monitor, and turning it vertical. speaking of, i've been looking at VIVO/Mount-it monitor stands. let's say i wanted to take the static center mount on this stand-


and replaced it with a single spring arm from this standalone mount


does that seem compatible? am i wrong thinking this could be a potential?

this is so bad

Didn't you mean this?

Okay, take two... FFS Sup Forums...

how well does that zalman circulate air? been looking at smaller, cube cases for a secondary system/capture card/OBS/Stream mule. would you suggest this case, or another? anyone's input would be acceptable as well on this.

uhm no he has a nice setup

if insulting-
>refer to cup in picture

if complimenting-
>thanks user

oh im definitely insulting and the cup is part of why

The air circulation is awesome. The hard drive trays and the hot swap bay are pure shit though.

i'd only need 1 SSD, and potentially 1 HDD, and they'd be static, so no need for hot swapping.

>do what the almighty cup tells you to do, user

Then you don't need this large monstrosity of an mITX case. I only bought one in this size to have it filled with hard drives and still have enough clearance for a dual radiator.

ah. any suggestions for a smaller one? it wont need much for CPU cooling, since it'll only be doing live video encoding, no GPU, and maybe save a lot of raw footage.

Hello. Old dorm room.


COOLERMASTER Elite 130 maybe? It's like half this size.

not sure if guy or girl in picture

Welcome newfag , He's gay

there is no girls on Sup Forums... only guys and girls with penis

10/10 simply for putting /bst/ instead of some other crap.

Gaming station. 55" TV w/ 24" monitors to each side. Rest of room is setup for VR--all I have to do is move two pieces of furniture for a 3.5x3.5m VR space.

That shift in pixel density is jarring.


It is. They are all 1080p. The side screens are for TV, movies, chat, guides, etc. I only play games on the big screen, never multi screen unless I can put something useful on the sides. Works out bretty well.

nice nerd posters

marry me


pedo please leave

thanks user
just the tip
im not gay im BOI-sexual

>just the tip
ive seen things that tell me otherwise

im sure you have



cable management, and you'll have a decent minimalist battlestation. velcro or bungee clips are the best for this

Here's my work battlestation

Yeah i should fix that i'm aware but some cables are shorter than others and makes a real mess

Other than that how do you rate it?

I can afford another screen but i don't see the point in doing so

Usualy not a fan of anime figurines, well just figurines in general, but I love that azunyan one.
Are those things expensive?

most useful wii to date

i'd give it an 8/10, after cable get cleaned up. 6/10 as it is now. there's no requirement to have additional monitors, that's what makes minimalist /bs/ comfy in their own way

aight thanks for the tips

better pic tomorrow hopefully

Why would anyone want to date a wii?

It's alright. A bit messy and cramped. Decent desk though.

Who actually needs more than two monitors? Decent desk but your tastes seem pretty crap.

Good lord the weaboo.

Looks nice enough. Average tech and average space.

It's alright. I guess it's fine if you don't need desk space. Pretty meh tech mostly.

Very nice. Nice tech and good aesthetic. Can't really fault it other than maybe free desk space.

Very red. I'm quite a fan though. Personally I'd like better audio.

azunyan was 2500yen (bought it when i was visiting japan :3) it is originally sega arcade game prize so it cant be bought new, but it can be found from ebay

Can you make a photo of your cable management?

Get some hi-fi speakers first and then we can talk.

they are decent JBLs, they look cheap but i got a good deal. i have good cantons in my living room

heh. Show them anyway.

who are you, the speaker police?
they are canton ergo 120

>>they are canton ergo 120
Highs are shit but the speaker is okay i think.
>>who are you, the speaker police?
I am audiophile.

I'm jelly of that Tiny.

Persona hype


i feel sorry for your router

>Persona hype
Can't wait for P5. I just keep replaying and rewatching P3 and P4 in the meantime.

Also, this is one of the cutest stations here. Easy 10/10 if you manage those cables a bit better.

Too lazy to bother taking a better picture.

What's that thing to hang your headphones m8?

>head always tilted down
My neck hurts just thinking about it....why do you fags not use elevated monitors?

Hey ho!

its probably designed for women to hang a purse from
or do as does

youve got an awesome apartment but take a better picture of your actual setup.

Ty user.

You have some shit taste in anime girls.

Is your monitor asymmetrically on the mount so that it can swivel to use from the bed?
Also, that on the wall above head-end of bed for acoustics?

Wtf is that big black thing on the wall?

It's a bass trap, to smoothen out and dampen the bass, so it doesn't drown the sound, I made it myself :P

Thanks, it's actually only a tiny room 6-7 m2, but it has changed a lot, gonna take new pics tomorrow after I hang some stuff up on the wall

Does the ikea thing handle the weight? I just bought two, but I haven't installed them yet.