Newfag here

Newfag here,
Kali, Mint or Manjaro
Which should I dual boot?

Other urls found in this thread:

If you're new to Linux, then Mint.
Kali is basically Debian but with pre-installed pentesting tools. Manjaro is Arch but slightly less autistic.

>Considering dual-booting Kali

Are you a child? That is a OS you keep on a usb drive when you need some quick pen testing done. Don't waste hard drive space on that shit.

Otherwise same as this guy:

ppl wanting to use kali for a normal distro is like driving a tank to work.

you should single boot macOS in my imo

None of them.
Check out KDE Neon.

why the fuck would anyone want to install Kali? People who actually work with system security already have all of the tools they need.

Because people think it'll magically make them hackers.


Best mint distro?

It's more like driving a sugar beet harvester to work. It's great at what it's supposed to do, but cumbersome for anything else.

At least some tanks are small enough to fit in ONE lane on the road.

Out of the three listed, I'd recommend Manjaro. You should also take a look at Antergos, Debian, and Fedora.


>Kali, Mint or Manjaro
>dualbooting kali rather than live cd/usb
>considering securityflawmint

install gentoo or arch

The only serious distros are Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu. If you're using anything else you are ignorant and/or edgy.

If you have little to none experience with linix, go with some *buntu (except ubuntu unity) or debian, maybe Fedora too, but don't just stay in one distro, start with one and once you get comfarble with the terminal commands try something else.

Manjaro is basically arch for non-autists.

Systemd is cancer. Thus, PCLinuxOS, Slackware, Gentoo, or *BSD.

>dual boot
single boot gentoo and you're fine

Manjaro is basically a bloated Arch

>Believing in the "gentoo and arch are the only real distros" meme.

Literally kill yourself.

you can dual boot my cock you fucking fag

i bet youd like it of i gave you a good deep breeding

gross im a lesbian

Solus is the new best newfag distro.

It's one of the few distros with good avx2 optimisations and performs better than Ubuntu and mint.

Also ships with budgie as the desktop, which is lighter than cinnamon and looks just as nice, if not better.

I would recommend OP look at Ubuntu, mint, and solus. He can then decide which one he likes.

windows 10 > solus

Only in software compatibility.
In which case, windows 10 > every other OS (:

>Newfag here

You heard it here first, folks

windows 10 > every other OS

No reason to use linux, bsd, etc. Now that Sup Forums has crowned Windows 10 the best OS ever.

install gentoo

Stop pirating games, nigger.

OP here, I'm leaning towards Manjaro or Mint now.

Wat do?

Stop being a retard.

Mint or Solus 2bh.
Skip manjaro if it's your first distro.


you should stop using such a gay desktop. it might give you cancer

Alright, OP here again, I'm picking Mint.

Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce, or KDE?