I have a difficult programming assignment due tomorrow, let's see if the ballmer peak is a real thing

I have a difficult programming assignment due tomorrow, let's see if the ballmer peak is a real thing

In reality, It's not a thing.
Don't lie to yourself user, you are just drinking to mentally impair yourself since deep down you realize you have not enough time to do well at your assignment.
At least if you drink before you work on it, you have an excuse ready when you get your shitty score back.
But the truth is that you were too weak to discipline yourself

How about getting some actual shit done and not shitpost on an austrian steel polishing board?


As someone working on his master's in computer science, I just want to say one thing to all of you starting your bachelor's degrees... STOP WAITING UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO WORK ON YOUR ASSIGNMENTS!

Seriously, this shit will not work well for you in the long run. Start it early, ask the professor to resolve any ambiguities with the instructions, get it done, and debug it until it passes all tests. Then you can relax and drink yourself silly.

And no, alcohol is not generally considered a performance "enhancing" drug.

Hahaha fucking Polak, kurwa izjebana.

Just because your country has been really kind with me (invested a ton of money in my project, been here now for a year) I'll help you out.

You have the next 60 minutes of my attention. I code C# for a living for the past 5 years, and I can code my way out of a paperbag in Java, PHP, HTML/CSS/JS, C and C++.

>MFW OP has good taste in tramp juice

>until it passes all tests
until it passes what?

>tf2 in background

hmm wonder how you got into this pickle

>drinking the shittest tier bier available in Poorland
kill yourself OP

Bug testing, child.

250 hours in two months doesn't come from nowhere.
Anyway I'm getting there, I just need to somehow figure out a way to store 1000! in a format that makes sense and allows for calculations between that and other ridiculously humongous numbers.

T-thanks famalam but I'll make it without help

There hasn't been one single time I posted beer on this Swedish meatball fanatics forum and someone hadn't said it

because you learned a programming language, but you're not a math prodigy.

so question is what is the assignment?

Well, I'll be watching this thread periodically in the next couple hours, if you get stuck, post.

Just curious, what dorm is that? The shelves remind me of Alcatraz in Wawa, but then again, I've seen them also on Politehnika Poznan. I guess that cheap shit is standard everywhere... Alcatraz was dope tho, loved room 626 (the dude with 4 fridges selling beer).

Ruby-san, I'm graduating with my bachelor's in cs in December and I don't know what to do. I'm running out of time for grad school applications but I'm still pretty sure I'd rather do that than go be Pajeet somewhere.

How tough is it for you right now?

Alcohol will just make your brain function worse.

The assignment is to calculate the 1000th order root of 1000!. The problem is that 1000! Is too big for double to handle. It would have been much easier if we were allowed to use C++ instead of C

I'm renting a room from my biker/CS professor friend about 3 km from the wrocław polytechnic.


wait i'm a bit confused at what that means.

will it be achievable?

>best game on the screen
nice, user (I have 2500 hrs played btw)

The square root of 1000 factorial

I mean I need the number that when raised to 1000th power will be more or less 1000 factorial

are you allowed to use libraries? perhaps GMP?

I have no clue. The thing is, this is the 2nd month of the course and the professor hasn't even introduced functions or structures, so I have no clue how anyone is supposed to do the assignment using just the bare basics of C

I seriously doubt you'll be able to reach Ballmer peak with just two beers, better grab Wyborowa or something.

>bottled water

it's those xenoestrogrens stealing your thoughts EU user

do you kinda have an idea of algorithm to start solving it?

Well yeah. I'll take two numbers, one which is definitely smaller than the number I'm looking for, and another which is definitely bigger, and I'll try the arithmetic average of them. If the result is too small, I'll swap the too small number with the tried one, and vice versa. I'll repeat until the arithmetic becomes too coarse to differentiate between the too large number and the tried number i. E. While(attempt! =istoolarge)

i've figured it out user. i was bored. here's some pseudo code that i'm sure will help.

result = 1

for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++) {
result *= 1000th_root(i);


whoops that should be

OP = chuj

Oh shit I forgot you could do that with roots

A czemu nie pedal

I jak Ci idzie?

Pierdole nie robie, zrobiłem pozostałe 5


int main()
double answer=1;
int i;
for (i=1;i

>buying water
When there's perfectly good tap water available you already pay for. I bet you don't even crush the bottles after.

>perfectly good tap water

We get it here in Canada but in bottles. I like it.

You write test scripts for your program to make sure it doesn't fuck up in some edge case that your professor is probably grading on.

Grad school is not too difficult, although the work will be marginally harder than your undergraduate work. You will likely either have to work on a thesis, or a research project of some sort, depending on your university of choice. This is considerably a different task than just normal classwork, and it will involve a lot more work which you absolutely can't procrastinate on.

If you're not graduating in the spring, I'm not sure what your best plan of action is with regards to grad school, but if you are planning on applying for the fall quarter/semester of 2017, you would be perfectly on track. You'd just need to take the GRE and apply to a university.

As for whether or not it will improve your odds of getting a decent job, I have no idea. I've heard mixed results. Some people have suggested that employers view master's degrees as an attempt to make up for a lack of experience. Others have suggested that it'll place you as a cut above the rest because CS bachelor's degrees are a dime a dozen. Regardless, the job market is filled with Java/C# and web development jobs.

not op, but i'm new to C and i tried your code and it worked.

GNU Octave, one-liner:

>> prod((1:1000).^(1/1000))
ans =

Same in C is trivial... but more lines of code...