Crashes every 2nd thread you try to open

>crashes every 2nd thread you try to open
>the """""""""""""""""best""""""""""""""""" android Sup Forums app

What's a good clover alternative?

Other urls found in this thread:


Works fine for me.

Version 2.1.3

I've tried every app and I still prefer just using Lightning browser

New Clover from F-droid

you are not worthy
end yourself right now

Update to v2.2.0

Never had a single crash in two years of use.
What version are you using?


I've heard only bad things about the new versions
It was removed from the google play store for a reason, wasn't it?

I'm still using 1.2.11

>It was removed from the google play store for a reason, wasn't it?
Yes, because it defaulted to a NSFW board and GPS is family-friendly, or something. Use F-Droid you goddamn normie

>uses outdated version
>magically expects it to just werk when Sup Forums has been updated in ways, and the app has been improved

OP why are you such a faglord?

are you retarded? update you fucking idiot if ther is one thing that irritates me its people who refuse to update then bitch when their outdated shit runs into serous problems


Part of the 1.2.11 crowd. I see no reason to upgrade. The new features do not really enhance the app much

Cant say I have ever seen someone using 1.2.11 complain about anything before. Just people who constantly update.

but they stop it from crashing you retard jesus christ why are people afraid of updates?

Never had mine crash. Maybe thats a specific android version/phone issue.

Fuck you guys, you just want me to install malware on my phone so companies can spy on me and sell data etc. I'm not falling for this shitty bait. It's not on the google playstore because the new versions are obviously malicious and harmful for my device.
Fucking hell I thought you Sup Forumsfags were all about freedom and protection from botnet shits

doesnt crash for me at all, but for some reason cant open gifs. webms are working just fine

Clover's dead, isn't it? It just disappeared from my phone and from Store. Using Mimi now, it's chill af, it actually saves filenames when it says so.

YLYL threads are actually fun now.

Clover on fdroid

Use 2.2.0

you cant open jiffs you say?

It's pronounced gif you fucking moron

it was taken from the playstore cause it had the ability to display adult content but if you are really that concerned about malicious data just read the source code

Well then stop using Android, retard. It's botnet. Go buy an Apple iPhone and let Pajeet hack it.

Two options:

Either you're not root in your phone, in which case congrats on the botnet and bloatware, faggot


You are root and then you're retarded for not denying all unnecessary permissions.

As much as i'd like that to be true, it's not.

Dashchan desu senpai

no its pronounced jiff even the creator says so

What's wrong with the mobile site on chrome

You're really fucking stupid

can you go be retarded somewhere else

Can you tell me which permissions are usually safe to deny while maintaining functionality? I usually block media access and stuff like that, but I've had apps crash when blocking IPC and shell. In what situations should I let these by?
Using xPrivacy btw (and yeah I know there's an exploit).

>gif isn't pronounced gif, it's pronounced jiff
Are you actually fucking serious

its the creators intention so therefor its true

choosy web devs choose gif

overchan is quite nice

I have nexus one and nexus s running jb and kk as a shitpost mobile machine, it werks.

Still works perfect on my 1.2.11 version

I think you're a retard

You a shit phone. Nexus 6p never had a single problem running 1.2.11 clover I have no reason to update

I might consider it for thread hiding function but I don't trust the newer version over they are buggy

i've literally never had clover crash

Mimi but has ads

Depends on the app, can't tell you for sure. I can't tell which are critical or not. Just remove all bullshit like "Call log" "SMS" and "Phone ID data". That's fucking retarded to allow.

Just shop around for apps (free and bought), pick one that needs the least permissions and then turn those off you don't like.

How bootleg is the ROM you're running? This shit works flawlessly for me.

This is amazing, a totally new level of autism.

An hero, boi.


my iPhone 7 with Retina HD display does not have this problem

Use Dashchan

You need to download clover off f-droid. If you weren't a retard you would know that clover allows you to the save the original filename.

Sorry, got Mimi now and I don't feel an ad every 8 fap-pics is a huge price to pay. But I'll try it.

Clover doesnt have ads

I know, I meant Mimi.

What are you doing on Sup Forums if you don't know what Fdroid is, faggot?

I fucking know what Fdroid is, are you listening? I'm telling you I'm using Mimi, an alternative to Clover. I know Fdroid, I just don't use fucking Clover, nor do I feel the need to install it off Fdroid.

>Open source app

It's been crashing a fuck ton for me lately, especially when opening images. Dashchan might be brought out of retirement.

If you experience crashes and are on a lower version than v2.2.0, then update.
If v2.2.0 crashes too then make a bug report, there are no crash reports for v2.2.0 except for when setting the save location.

Did you compile it yourself? If not then the binary could very well be malware.

1.2.11 here.
It is probably the best working app on my phone. Everything else hogs ram and CPU like a bitch but this works flawless.

I'm not sure if you're baiting, but good job if you are.

Do this OP

a new phone

the creator can fuck right off. hard G for graphics.

>>crashes every 2nd thread you try to open
>>the """""""""""""""""best""""""""""""""""" android Sup Forums app

>What's a good clover alternative?

overchan you nigger

Mozilla Firefox, on desktop, you mobile cancer.

An up-to-date version of Clover.

>getting baited this hard
Yeah, he had to be baitin'

So compile it yourself

Overchan or get fucked

On 2.2.0 of clover
Never had a single crash

Still rocking the old app, get a better phone.

Then your name is faggot cock gobbler IV.

Fuck what your parents named you, you take it in the ass and mouth simultaneously.

Sucks compared to Clover. Tbh, all suck compared to clover.

>chan burauza

Clover does all they can do + more.

No soft g for creators intent period

I haven't had a problem


Why have you not updated? What do you fear about the update?


this entire thread

What about this thread makes you fear updating?

It works great for me, you have shitty phone

Updated version

i went through a few versions after getting a new phone. ended up back at 1.2.11, the best version desu

>It works great for me, you have shitty phone

This! OP it's time to update your low-end lagdroid phone.


Get new phone, my old ass S3 never crashed with clover.

Hey floens you should have hiro block any but the newest version of clover then these faggots will have to update

>using a 3 year old version of an app
Are you literally retarded?

nice """design""", friendo

Ey, better keep using the shitty version for NO REASON than to update and stop crashing, eh?
Good luck in life

so is JPEG pronounced JAYFEG (hard G)
so is PNG pronounced PEE EN G (hard G)

Do you have NO FUCKING IDEA how abbreviations work? Oh wait, you think GIF is pronounced with a hard G, of course you're literally mentally retarded.

PNG is pronounced pee-en-G, what's the problem?

Why are you shilling for the update????
Is there a botnet in it?

Kek. Are you retarded?
JAYPEG with a hard G you dumb fucking cunt.
Pee En G And GIF with a hard G you cancerous piece of subhuman filth

I didn't even realize that it was still being developed... Here i was sitting around with a stable version of 1.2.11 hoping and praying that it wouldn't break, but version 2.2 here i come. Thanks for this.

I am using v1.2.11 too, what do?


Ok, so you pick one way of pronunciation with JPEG, and then the opposite one with GIF and PNG

So you literally are mentally retarded, kek.

Why do you not pronounce it JAYFEG, when the P stands for "photography"? Do you pronounce photography as potograpy? Dumb fuck, holy shit.
