So startpage has officially gone full retard and is now garbage

So startpage has officially gone full retard and is now garbage.

What's the best search engine now? Should I go back to DuckDuckGo?

Other urls found in this thread:

what happened

what happened

What happened?

I've used it for a year now and I haven't noticed any differences.

DuckDuck is certainly better to use than Google, but it's still a bit shady.

CuckCuckGo hasnt given me the same precision in the results I want but it does the job well enough with some rewording.

DuckDuckGo is shit; use

A simple test to see if a search engine is shit: search for "Sup Forums"and see how far down the direct link to Sup is.

How does that compared to Starpage anyways?

For some reason I've always felt that statpage is more legit than a lot of other sites claiming to be privacy minded.

OP is a faggit

>Should I go back to DuckDuckGo?

DDG is fine. I'd just advise using the Lite, non-JS version.

Nice shitpost, retard.

Rms prefers using the main one with noscript, clicking "get non js version here"

Duckduckgo is my StackOverflow search engine.

That's all I use them for anyway.

StartPage hasn't done anything, this is just a shitpost.

I've looked into using searx a bit. On the surface it seems pretty great. However, it doesn't appear to have the option to route your requests through a specific geographic set of servers like with StartPage. If it had that I'd definitely spend time testing it out.

Why is DuckDuckGo so great?
People keep referring it a lot.
But why?

>being this retarded

Kill yourself and make the world a better place, shit stain.

bangs are awesome feature, they make DDG into a swiss army knife

I like DDG, but I often get myself searching with the "g!" at the end of the query...

>no information to be found, just like in the OP
I r8 8/8 m8

Bangs? Never used DDG, so I'm assuming those are search filters?

Reminder that DDG and Startpage are made that advertising companies, just like Google. Searx isn't.

Bangs are keywords you add to your search in order for the search engine to do something special.
E.g. typing "Mogwai !g" in duckduckgo will redirect your to a search for Mogwai on google while "Mogwai !youtube" will redirect you to a search for Mogwai on youtube.

If the only reason you use DDG is bangs you might as well start using firefox's search engines features. Firefox lets you tie a keyword to a search engine and then whenever you search for something from the url bar you can just type the keyword and it'll use the search engine bound to the keyword.

The French EFF equivalent runs a Searx instance, the code is free as in freedom, if you don't trust anyone running an instance install it on your own VPS.
It will get you the same results as startpage if you choose to only use google in it's search options, it's also got all the search engines DDG uses like yahoo.

Google is the best search engine, stay mad pedos

startpage doesn't support advanced search operators.
searx is just plain shit.
Sorry bro. DDG is the best we got right now, if you don't like google.


Listen twitwad, everyone is fully aware search keywords are a thing.
ddg has multiple variations for the most commonly uses search forms, and at least one for pretty much every search.
Have fun creating 25 billion search keywords to replace ddg bangs. Especially since you're going to forget the first 5 by the time you get to 10, being as dumb as you are.

Don't trust this website for privacy. They take months to fix security issues. All your data could be MTMed.


So I see you're running gnome...

Why is everyone so fucking desperate to keep their privacy by avoiding to use google? If google got the best results I'm going to freakin use it not giving a shit if they get to know my browsing history as an exchange or know my real name and address. They only need it for targetted advertisments and statistics anyway. How the fuck does it matter? Privacy is dying, you won't be able to use worse third party alternatives trying to keep your data safe.

Yeah, I even can imagine that google is going to use that data they have for 'evil' plans too, they're fucking google after all. But what can they actually do to harm you noticably? How does your name and browsing history have any use to them other from the points I mentioned above? As long as you don't use it to join ISIS or google 'How to build a bomb cheap' they couldn't give less shits about you.

Keep using your 'safe' search engines and keep on trying to fight against the death of privacy as long as you can. But while you'll be doing that, I'll keep on using the services that offer the best results not giving a shit about being part of a botnet or having my data sold, I simply don't care.

Uhhh nuu my privacccyyyy, i dunt wanna usee murican botnet sooftweree

>avoiding google.
Startpage and and pretty much every metasearch engine uses google.
Startpage may or may not hand over user info in the face of a subpeona. DDG claims they collect no info to hand over. Choose who you want to believe.
I just resent having a profile built of me, whether it's shared with (or sold to) third parties or not.

I don't use jewgle out of protest, also their massive database and cookie network has the best chance of removing your privacy

>I simply don't care.
If you decide in the future that you care about your privacy, then you won't be able to take back the data that's already been collected on you.

To pull an arbitrary example out of my ass, what if Google starts selling your browsing history to banks and insurance companies? You go to get a loan and find that no bank will deal with you, because you visit that evil alt-right hacking website Sup Forums. You might change your mind and decide that the websites you visit are nobody's business but your own, then. But it'll be too late. You're not just trusting Google right now, you're trusting Google for all time.

If you don't find that scenario believable or persuasive, you can substitute any other where someone starts doing something that is to your disadvantage based on their having knowledge of your activities online. Which increasingly betray all your activities offline, as well. Ultimately, it's your right to decide that you don't care. But decide that with your eyes open. Know that you're taking a risk. The fact that a lot of other people are doing likewise doesn't lessen it.