What shitty programming language were you forced to learn during highschool, Sup Forums?

What shitty programming language were you forced to learn during highschool, Sup Forums?

mine was fucking pascal, of all languages
i can spend hours describing why it's so disgusting



Heh, at least you're not learning it in fucking university like I am.

Nothing disgusting about Pascal

Java was used for instruction and examples in school for me, but instructors didn't really care what language you used to implement projects as long as you demonstrated knowledge of the same concepts.

Visual basic
Literal trash. It only does what c# does only worse.


I actually think Pascal would be way better. It's definitely more beginner friendly. With C++ the class basically divided into ~5 people who programmed before and were able to learn whatever was needed, and the rest just bought us beers or lunches in exchange for homework.

visual basic

Nothing wrong with Pascal.

No computers when I went to high school.

not OP but
>turbo pascal crashes every 5 minutes
>uses really obscure shortcuts like like shift-ins instead of CTRL-Z
>rigt clicking gives you the help menu (what the fuck?)
>ew that fucking UI is so disgusting

Scratch, Pascal, VBScript and C++

Pascal and VB. Holy shit everything says just brought back memories I thought I'd buried.

Pascal is an excellent language. It's a lot cleaner than C, which is its closer-to-the-metal bastardization.

The IDE was fucking garbage indeed.

VB is the worst
>Dim a As Integer
The fuck is this shit? Is int a; too hard for normies?

kek, we are forced to use Pascal during the whole first year of uni.

Those are all problems with Turbo Pascal, not Pascal

When did you use Turbo Pascal? I'd like to know which MS-DOS IDE you thought was better. If you're comparing it to modern-ish Windows-era IDEs than of course it sucks comparatively and seems obscure, its a TUI IDE not a GUI IDE.

Get Lazarus IDE


It was in community college

MS Excel and Database.
Shit tier IT courses in the UK (mine was around 2006-09 for secondary school education which is equivalent to high school or other parts of the country).

Literally had more joy learning VB which by the end I knew was trash (2010-11) than the MS crap.

Did have more joy learning Python V2 before it became mainstream (V3 was new and had quite a few negatives at the time, around 2010-2012) than MS crap and VB.

Personally wished I learned C or continued further with Python (mostly forgotten now).


We had to learn java

I hated java because I viewed it as C++ but dumbed down, and you never get the intuition C would give you

COBOL. Nothing learned, I forget everything.

oldfag detected