Why are most ads for software jobs so absurdly demanding?

Why are most ads for software jobs so absurdly demanding?

Most job ads seem to have unrealistic expectations

They're wishlists.

I repeat. They are wishlists.

They are written by idiot HR people who have no idea what the fuck any of the words mean.

If you like a job, go for it. If you were to actually apply based on what an ad is asking for you'll be applying for 1/1000 jobs.

Just go for it!

they already have someone they want to hire but they need to go through the hiring process to satisfy the eeo. so they make the requirements high, no one fits the requirements, they hire the guy they wanted in the first place. they do that everywhere.

There's a law that requires companies to try and hire Americans before hiring H1B1s. Companies give ridiculous offers because they never intended to hire Americans.

Well, basically hit the nail on the head.

Job listings are written from the perspective of "we want someone who has eight years of experience right out of college but is willing to do the work of three people for the pay of an intern", and you should treat them as such. For less senior positions, it's not as much about ticking every box as proving that you can be an asset to the company and asserting that your demonstrable skills are valuable.

Of course, where you're applying to is important too. I got fired from a university athletics department IT position for "not communicating" with the people above me. They didn't write or respond to email, never checked the ticket system, wouldn't return texts until hours or days later, and refused to use something like Skype for Business or even fucking Slack. Using my phone to take notes or look up reference data was also verboten. What a shitshow that place was.

This is also rampant, but mostly it's the former situation.

Enjoy getting blacklisted.
I did this a few times and all the companies in my local area stopped responding to my resumes.

>webdev wanted who's proficient in [...]

>"hmmm i'm a part time barista with a degree in 17th century horse tail grooming, maybe if i just put these buzzwords on my resume i'll get the job"

That's not 100% accurate. I'm at a startup and we clearly define requirements and preferred. If you have something on your resume, it's fair game to be asked on.

Apply anyway. I applied for something that wanted 2+ years work experience and a number of frameworks I had never even heard of and still got the position straight out of school.

>the amount of people whining that Trump won
I love it.

Basically this. I got my first job as a postgraduate junior with almost no real experience in a bigger software company and they were looking for a junior with +2 years of experience. You can type some bullshit about personal project go get through stupid bitches from HR and get to a programmer. If you're good you will get a job.

>when you just can't stop being the Jewish Sup Forums shill that you are, even after the election is over

>They're wishlists.


When I want to hire someone I list all the major languages and techniques we use.
I don't expect candidates to master them all, it's really just to explain what we're doing.

>pic related


>pic also related


>they do that everywhere.

They do that for higher management positions.

They don't do that for programmers.


Oh no. She's with them

I wasn't being ironic u retarded fuck

Fuck off back to youtube comments, you piece of shit.

I can't take any chances. Irony is dead. As far as I'm concerned you're all shills and newfags. It's what you always prove to me.

You are (not) President.

u mad lad?

So why are they separated into required and preferred qualifications if all of this is a preference, and you don't ACTUALLY need 5 years of industry experience?

>implying I don't have tremendous admiration for the Jewish people

You're just as bad as the average Sup Forums poster

Wrong. You just have a problem with the truth. Do you see me calling Jews kikes? No racial slurs at all. How do you know I'm not a philo-Semite? You don't know because all I've done is post truth without a bias. How dare you, JIDF.

>and you should treat them as such
Treat them as bullshit and ignore them. Gotcha.

>>implying I don't have tremendous admiration for the Jewish people
>implying that's not the point

They're written to be unrealistic so that when they don't find the super-candidate they're looking for they can turn to the government and say "well we looked for americans and we can't find any, H1B please"
And then they bring in the curries they planned to in the first place.

How about get some actual fucking skills? No, no company wants to hire a run of the mill retard with a CS degree. A CS degree means you were able to get through college (the hard parts were the maths, physics, chem, etc, CS was easy and they know it), and nothing more. Get a fucking side project on your resume. If the job you want says it wants years of experience and you just graduated, just forget about it. But there are a ton of jobs that just list skill with specific languages/frameworks/etc, just spend a weekend doing a toy project and bang your resume suddenly matches the post

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."

Can't even state simple facts about Jews without someone eagerly ready to call you an anti-Semite. The secrets are out.