Who "Pure Web" here?
Pure Web
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*clears throat* Faggot.
press the book icon next to the refresh button, it'll make your pure web look actually good
What's wrong with BB?
>"""pure web"""
Is this hypocrisy or ignorance?
that's president breitbart to you, cuck
are you feeling triggered, user?
Besides being filled with edgy "alt-right" teenagers and Milo Yiannananananopolis' personal meme factory? Nothing
Why would I ever use a Mac you fucking cuck? Don't you know that Apple moves jobs out of the US in addition to importing Pajeets by extensive use of H-1B visas?
wow you sound triggered
Go back to whatever safe-space you crawled out of, you libtard SJW femnazi.
I can't handle all these memes.
what is linux
Pure cancer
lol nobody uses that hobby os seriously, only pathetic fat weeaboos who wish they were a underaged japanese girl use that
Sure, use that hobbyist OS made by (((Stallman))) and his gang of bleeding-heart liberals and socialists.
Linux is not an operating system, you drooling retard.
When is Hiroshima Nagasaki going to implement autoban for people who frequent Sup Forums posting outside Sup Forums ? Seeing how Sup Forums uses local storage to handle (You)s and keep track of posts and ban evasions, I'm sure this could be implemented fairly easily.
>telling someone to uninstall his OS and install a kernel instead
Not the guy you're responding to, but that's just retarded.
I bet the next thing you're going to say is that the US is ruled by a tribal group, right? Which is just alt-right speak for jews.
But user, I'm thin, healthy and smart. At its core Linux is better than Windows, you're just repeating what-ever your "friends" told you like a mindless parrot.
They promote freedom of intellectual properties. It worked for mathematics and physics for 2 thousands of years, there is no reason to drop that right now apart from greed and egocentric material obsession.
Fuck off you cuck commie
If you're implying that physics is patent free, then you are stupid as fuck.
What do you mean? Sup Forums is more racist than Sup Forums.
But God (not in a religious way) doesn't use patent.
Linux is JUST a core, hence why it's called a kernel.
>At its core Linux is better than Windows
But Linux is just the core.
Also, if Linux is better than Windows, then why is Windows almost exclusively being used?
I was implying the core of Windows is worse than Linux.
Also, please kill yourself painfully.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums and Sup Forums is Sup Forums
deal with it
Because the average human being is an idiot like you.
Not an argument.
It wasn't like this until the massive increase of Sup Forumslacks a couple of years ago.
Linux is an operating system for people with an IQ of 130 or above
I know you're not because then you wouldn't be posting on Sup Forums :^)
So 97.5% of the population can't use it then? Explains the 2% market share.
Not argumentative. Be an hero, kill yourself.
But Linux isn't an operative system, it's a kernel. Try installing "antergos" once instead of shilling without actually testing. You'll find soon that it's actually easier and faster than both Windows and Mac combined.
What are "Things I made up when I arrived here last year", Trebek?
Are you new? Sup Forums has always been full of grumpy tech nerds that hate pajeets and chinks.
>unironically thinks that Sup Forums is a seekret club and a safe-space (aka echo-chamber) for stormfags
Double kek
>i do it every damn time i open 4chin
the point is to make procrastination a struggle
>Sup Forums has always
No, it was not "always" like this. Not even 4 years ago, this board was predominantly filled with animefags. Where the fuck did you think the "chinese cartoons are not programming" meme came from? Or the leg-shaving makes you a better programmer meme came from?
The recent influx of underage alt-right meme artisans are due to Sup Forums.
>Or the leg-shaving makes you a better programmer meme came from?
Sammy posts on /lgbt/ now.
Animefags are the biggest shitposters on Sup Forums who often spout Sup Forums stuff at the same time. They're the same people. It's why Sup Forums now functions as a containment board.
Breitbart is basically right-wing Jezebel or Gawker. Really went downhill after Andrew Breitbart died.
>Sup Forums now functions as a containment board
How pathetic, non autistic subhumans will never embrace superior intelligence.
You need to go back.
pick one
uMatrix you are truly my greatest ally!
This guy gets it
There are an increasing number of sites I do this with because they just simply insert farr too many scripts, fonts, ads, distractions, auto-playing video, overlays, nags, follows, social/account features that don't serve a purpose, and devote more horizontal space to irrelevant crap than to the thing I actually came to read
Might as well just use Links2 if you're going to go that far.
>Falling for the "pure HTML" meme in 2016
Websites that REALLY care about anonymity and privacy will disregard putting content in HTML anyway.
>in order for things to be better we need to remove things
How did it get so bad?
t. bait
>Wish We Could Turn Back Time starts playing
why would you browse like it's 1994?
Who has the time to do that for EVERY fucking site?
>WE are going to make the Web GREAT again!
Leftists on suicide watch.
>reading clickbait