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Technology #575
Alright Sup Forums, I have scored a date with a cute local girl...
So...who here is FOR encryption licensing? Just like with guns, you'd have have a background check performed on you...
Why isn't there any laptop OS that isn't shit in one way or the other?
Tell me Sup Forums how bad did I fuck up?
Who here uses Windows 8.1?
Why do you use Linux?
Her OS doesn't support file tags
/mpv/ - the next gen media player
So many ignorant plebs on this board that are still using 60 Hz displays
Microsoft's underwater datacenter: Project Natick
T420 inspo/appreciation thread
The current state of Apple
What do you guys use to read RSS feeds?
Will this design ever be topped?
I don't have a cell phone because they all have malicious features
Do you leave your PC turned on 24/7?
Name a better OS for a productiv human being that needs to get shit done and the best software available to do so
Get VPN working
/alg/ - Arch Linux General
Is Louis Rossmann /our guy/?
So the year is 2017
Open firefox
20 from my development staff just got replaced by HB1 Pajeets
Both candidates were equally bad for privacy, but I'm glad Hillary 'Lets drone Assange' Clinton lost
Why do GNU/Linux users have so bad fashion sense compared to Mac OS X users?
Still can't use clover
Any Studio Monitor love? Looking at an upgrade from my setup and the JBL LSR308 looks pretty solid for the price...
Large Image Collections
WTF, i'm going back to Solus
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Who knows more about technology, Sup Forums or reddit?
Dell quietly released the perfect laptop
Is he the best tech tuber?
Which side were you on ~9-10 years ago, Sup Forums?
How come no one here talks about LeEco phones?
Playing battlefield 1
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Coca-Cola Israel has developed a gizmo that makes selfie sticks look tame and normal in comparison...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Phones proved to be reporting back to Shanghai
How did you get your job, Sup Forums?
Is there any defense against a forkbomb on Linux?
Google's new AI gonna learn today
What's Sup Forums's preferred tablet?
That's it, I'm finally throwing this garbage laptop in the trash. Please help me choose my replacement...
Why is this happening to me
Give me ONE (1) reason to not buy this
What does Sup Forums think of Tox?
Meizu Pro 7
He fell for the "Firefox is still worth using" meme
Why aren't you using one of the best browsers on the market today Sup Forums?
Hey dudes...
What's the best distro for hosting a server?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Which is objectively the best one?
Why is Terry obsessed with Physics Girl?
So I found a computer in the woods. I disassembled it and cleaned off the parts inside...
Do they intentionally make this stuff as awful as possible to work with?
/spg/ - start page general
Windows 7 requirements
Lossless video format
/rbg/ Ruby General
How do normies react when you tell them you're a freetard and what the free software philosophy means?
Redpill me on Displayport
Is there any point in dual-booting Linux when you can just use a virtual machine anyway?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Favourite Web browser?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Retro thread?
Dual-core processor (not even kaby lake)
Want to switch to iPhone for build quality, iMessage, and increased 3rd party support for iOS
Dell u2414h
How stupid would it be to get a laptop that's 3+ years old...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker Generalé
Black Friday is coming soon
HTML 5 thread
Y'all faggots tape your webcams or what?
Weekend /guts/ Thread
TFW I just steal other people's configs and styles
Webcam blinks on for half a second
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Did Firefox just invent private browsing?
Calls himself 'Doctor' Stallman despite the fact he doesn't actually have a PhD
Mfw gtx 680
/bst/ - battlestation thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why do most companies always seek for profit and not free knowledge?
TFW you'll never go back to 2003-2004 internet
How do you build a computer from zero?
Okay Sup Forums, il/lit/erate here
Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of Chrome OS?
Is it possible for a virus to damage computer hardware, such as corrupting a bios chip?
My monitor broke (pic related) is it possible to set it up as the bottom pic ?
Windows 95 and Office 95 required at least 12MHz
Sup Forums - OC/Writefag Thread - FINISHED Sup Forums-tan EDITION
/mg/- Mouse General
Might be moving to the US soon...
So i just benched my 6850k memory and processor cache and i'm baffled by how much faster L cache is compared to memory...
Does the ((((new)))) Macbook Pro have ANY redeemable qualities?
I'm a computer science student in third year and I feel like I'm a bit lacking when it come to algorithm...
What's your favourite beverage for a coding session?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker Grief
So I wanted great cooking and decided to do the submerge my pc in mineral water in a fish tank rig...
What are examples of accurate characterization of software development? pic related
Have you fell for Sup Forums memes?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What is wrong with the DivX and XviD codecs? why arent they used anymore for movies and anime?
What music do you listen to while coding, Sup Forums?
Have a sysadmin interview with facebook next week
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
So im spending 200 fucking dollars on a new processor and extra ram because i cant run mafia 3 or battlefield 1...
User what are you listening to
Does anyone here know anything about PLC programming...
Comfy visuals
Buy a used thinkpad
Here is how to make Firefox faster
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Show me your PS1
Buy 4K monitor
Open youtube phone tech video
Where can i get a genuine windows 7 sp1 x64iso? i don't have a key so i cant use the one from the windows website
Winter Ball Thread
Should i buy a gtx 1060 or rx 480?
"MacBook"minus the "Mac" = just "Book"
Are SSD's reliable...
Wtf just happened?
How good is telegram, compared To signal?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Why 4channel doesn't support emojis?
Recent purchases general
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tears General
Do you agree with this?
Brand Loyalty
UK cucked fag here...
Is JavaScript the first programming language I should learn if I want to be a web developer? (I know HTML & CSS)
Be me ...30 years old ...never got an IT job....about to finish my bachelor's ....can't even get an internship...
So is this any good or just a meme?
Firefags will defend this
Redpill me about ereaders
Discuss Thinkpads
C# is amazing
In case you're wondering, every single one of those 3 buttons does the same thing. Skip...
How much of you still using W7?
What tech are you waiting for the most?
Noob needs help
Competition thread
Call habits
/hag/ - Hackintosh General
/ptg/ - Private Tears General
What's the best Android launcher?
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
TV as a monitor???
he bought a chinkphone
Why does Firefox freeze, load slowly or run like shit compared to chromium?
Could you survive without google?
What's the point of using two monitors?
If googel and microsoft is a botnet, what free mail do you use?
Do you dream in code, Sup Forums?
DNS servers
All of a sudden, there shined a shiny demon... in the middle... of the board
How can one company make such 10 out 10 mice?
What's your excuse for not joining in the fun?
What is Sup Forums's stance on cyber?
This shit is pissing me off Sup Forums, Any recommendations for an antivirus that doesn't spam me with shitty popups?
Terry A Davis Stream Thread
R9 280X
What the fuck do i do with this
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How long should I expect the lifetime of a PSU and a hard drive to be...
Which one Sup Forums?
How do you guys download videos from youtube,xvideos etc
A vinyl record from more than 50 years ago sounds better than a digital sound today
I have a bit of an issue that I'm pretty sure you guys would know a lot about
What are you guys getting for black Friday?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why doesn't Apple hire an Indian CEO or head of hardware design to fix their hardware problems?
Alright Sup Forums, I'm in need of your help. I have a Rooted, unlocked bootloader Nexus 5X. I said hey...
ITT: Sup Forums confessions
$200 USD
Speccy thread I guess - winter edition
Install Solus
Why does he care about privacy to such autistic degree?
Do any of you nerds actually unironically use a window manager (as opposed to a DE)?
If arch linux is the best, why doesn't the creator of linux use it?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Goodbye net neutrality
Who wants to rig this in favor of Assange?
Are incandescents really that great? I've been buying LEDs thinking they were legit
/wt/ watch thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Tails OS + Virtual Box + Kali Linux ?
Why do they call it 1080?
480 beating a 390x
With quality products where shitty drivers and hardware are thr exception and not the norm
Cyber Security AMA
Why do console applications need to return plain text?
So, what GNU/Linux distro do you use?
Do you have a default word or phrase that you use whenever you need to test your code?
Sup Forums what are the first five things you install on a new phone?
Sup Forumsuts
"I have nothing to hide so why should I care user?"
I installed windows 10 since it was forced onto my computer by MS. It was an "upgrade" from windows 8.1...
Using smartphones for productivity
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Wintrash stories
Just bought a T420, this thing has the shittiest battery life I have ever seen. The fuck was I memed into buying?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Just ordered this, how fucked am I ?
Home screen thread: same icon pack since 2014 edition
All search engines allow Tor users except for Google. Why does Google hate freedoms?
>open source code """""review""""" process
For me it is Opera. The best web browser
Wanted to upgrade to an RX 480. Wondering if a new CPU would be beneficial
Windows 7 will die in your lifetime
Install linux
Post your password security question
Remind me again why you aren't using the best OS? If you have no need for rolling...
So is Vivaldi finally good?
ITT: Sup Forums memes that are actually good
Let's force coverage on Julian Assange. VOTE HIM IN for Time's person of the year!
Be me
Rust or C?
Are desktop PCs going to be the old cars for millennial males?
Want to start a website
Unparalleled ability to monitor and predict individual's behavior
Call by Reference vs Call by Value C++
Cryonics - Getting frozen in order to be heated up in 200 years or so
New AMD cards when?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
ISPs: compromised
Hello im korean please help me
Come on Sup Forums, don't be shy
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Are webdevs even human?
DisplayPort 1.2 3/4
Now that What.CD is done for, what legal streaming service are you planning to switch to?
So, what's the best editor for c++?
GIMP has been stuck in 2.8 since 2010
I have the option to learn some Chinese or Russian...
Malware on Linux
Decentralized internet
Your device is unrootable
The Great Debate
/mpv/ - because everything else is shit
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
ITT: we post words or phrases
Give me two good reasons for using Windows
Scala is better than Java in every way
What's the best web browser for Android?
MS joined Linux Foundation!
Tfw your CPU becomes obsolete
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Britfag government has passed the Investigatory Powers Bill AKA Snooper's Charter
Why would anyone buy a Mac product for work instead of a desktop? Assuming it never leaves the desk
Meizu Pro 7
Are you excited about GNU Health Sup Forums?
How can you use NoScript and/or uMatrix for everyday browsing...
Mac nerds will defend this
Holding ctrl while pressing backspace erases entire words at a time
/software/ - your software stack
Why do people dislike rolling-release model? It's just simple, more stable, less pain for devs...
Speccy to feel special
Is snowden as smart as the (((media))) says he is?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What's in the box Sup Forums?
What's your opinion on phoneposters?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Should Sup Forums support emojis?
Why haven't you gotten your selfie bottle yet, user?
I'm really mad at the laptop market right now...
What phone would you use until you die if forced?
Tfw fell for the 8GiB of ram is enough meme
Thanks japmoot
Using rutracker
Post your uptime
Why is Solaris so bad? Months ago, I tried it on my new PC. Today, I tried it on an old PC
What would you do with a $5 raspi zero? has been shut down
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why do you guys use linux? It doesn't fucking work
So Sup Forums, I'm pretty tech illiterate. Not completely clueless, in that I'm a bit better than your average normie...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What do?
Can we have an internet nostalgia thread?
Can someone here disprove the nature of infinity to me...
Give me three good reason for using a linux OS
Just pulled the trigger on this how did I do Sup Forums?
Any networking faggots on here? Thinking of making a regular thread to discuss networking things (career, technology...
R.I.P Mark Zuckerburg
If you had one of these 72-core x86 monsters in your PC, what would you use it for?
Programming on OSX or Windows?
Listen to the Sup Forums jews
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Winter Ball
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Don't really use Arch machine for a week or so
What kind of bank account does Sup Forums have?
Jailbreak is kill
ZEN: Performance on Par With Core i7-6850K at $250-$300 US Pricing
FIREFOX is Malicious
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Thoughts on Solus?
How do you choose your usernames, Sup Forums?
What is your favorite website design wise Sup Forums?
Teamviewer is run by bronies. Why am I not surprised?
How Windows 10 now?
Help me Sup Forums
What was the last piece of software you bought Sup Forums, and why?
Install flux
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What is coaxials max speed? I never see it discussed so I assume it must be fairly high
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I just bought this for no reason
Programming evolution
Piracy will never die they said
Internet is dead
How hard am i getting scammed
Darkfags btfo
So, what's everyone's opinion on Cinnamon?
Look at this
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General: Waiting for my Case Edition
I'm about to pull the trigger on this one. Is there any reason not to buy the EVGA SuperNOVA G3?
Ask a girl studying electrical engineering anything
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What do you call this thing
How could anything compete with the world's best text editor?
Fuck Linux
Face it
SpaceX plans worldwide satellite Internet with low latency, gigabit speed
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
Can you determine the optimal solution to this puzzle? Please provide a rational explanation for your decision
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Tfw you lived long enough to witness the death of piracy
What speakers does Sup Forums use?
Is there anything better?
What does your homescreen look like Sup Forums ?
Nvidia pascal cards from evga are exploding
This is a japanese girl, who is about to configure BIOS
How the fuck come these resistors are considered to be in parallell instead of series?
Linux isn't even object-oriented
What software is this logo? I've seen it alot, but I have no clue what it is
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Mozilla focusing on the real issues
Just got the MSI GTX 1080 Gaming X
A Sup Forums for the Future
Help my friend
Any recommendation for an affordable gaming laptop
Rip.Me has been abandoned by the devs
Good night, sweet prince
What the fuck Jimmie stop with those creepy emails
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Never imagined to go over 1024 GB limit
Porn stash
Tech illiterate people stories thread
The I fell for the Android meme
/bst/ - battlestation thread
What do you hate about running Linux full time?
How much data do you have and use?
What is the most AMERICAN Linux distribution?
Non botnet life
Are all mail clients for Linux shit? What does Sup Forums use?
SJW: the application
Can't play vids anymore
Train ride is ~35 minutes
Lmao Windows confirmed for being more secure than Linux
Google launches a Google Toilet Locator for India
What VPN does Sup Forums use?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Best system for amateur film making
Want to buy bitcoins
Didn't have internet for 3 months, was moving
Trump's head of technology transition team opposes net neutrality
"haha bro, why do you want a tall screen? wide aspect ratios are clearly better, why else would they be so popular"
Can someone tell me why everyone hates the new mac? a no bullshit answer that doesn't mention the touch bar
Tfw you just want to code on your own projects but your CE education takes so much time you never have time to do...
Today I received my Sager 8173-S. Upgraded to the I7 6820HK and added the killer wifi
What's with all the gentoo shills on this board? In literally everythread people are shilling gentoo...
Windows 93
SpaceX wants to launch 4,425 satellites into space to bring super-fast internet to the world
Give me one legitimate reason to use Linux instead of windows 10. With windows you're paying for a superior experience...
Is the 64-bit version of Firefox on Windows good now?
Hey Sup Forums what are some tech related youtube channels you enjoy and would recommend?
What online privacy software should I use?
Is firefox actually bad now or is it just autistic google shills trying to damage its reputation
So Sup Forums
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I have the opportunity to pick up an R9 290 for $150, should I take it?
Hey Sup Forums so i waited till the last moment to attempt my cs homework and now i have other more important shit from...
Best C learning material
Does anyone outside of Sup Forums use this?
Sup /g
The hacker who shut down large parts of the US internet last month was probably a disgruntled gamer...
Why should I run Sabayon Linux?
The tech singularity
$300 book full pictures of old Apple products
How proprietary are you?
/PTG/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki! ~
Best Long Range Wifi Antenna
I fell for the Nvidia meme but was too poor to get a Titan XP or 1080, Sup Forums
Guys I broke off one of the pins by mistake when trying to apply thermal paste and now the cpu temp fluctuates anywhere...
Microsoft joins the Linux Foundation
How long can we honestly expect our 3770k's to hold up before there's no other choice but to bite the bullet and go...
Now that the Kevin has settled, what's your thoughts on Solus as a Distro?
I'm looking to buy a chromebook. Does anyone have any experiences with them...
Safe email providers
Dear Sup Forums, here's a challenge: for year 2017 use different linux each month
Pacman -Syu breaks my arch again. luckily, I found a solution on a forum, and recovered...
Sqt - Stupid Questions Thread
/wt/ - Watch Thread
How is this Sup Forums Technology?
Windows ME
Don’t Be a Cuck, Zuck! Accept My Debate Challenge
Any input appreciated
Technology you bought and stopped using after a week or month of purchasing it
/hlb/ - Homelab/Homeserver general
What is Sup Forums's stance on the FCC?
The UK has just passed a law making it legal for security services to hack into your devices and view pretty much...
What is the most interesting engineering/technology related topic you can think of?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hard drive replacement
Are Core 2 Duo laptops still relevant?
Google Declares War On Alternative Media: Plans To Punish “False News” By Halting Ad Revenue
Who /comfy/ here?
Why not join the C# master race?
Explain to me the thermal paste meme...
Literally poo in the loo finder
Holy shit this logo is ugly
Wtf? i hate computers now
You can't help normies. Normie Story Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Is it possible for human to achieve immortality ?
Can I use your laptop user?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/pyg/ - Python General
Screenfetch thread?
Is "Anonymous" a meme?
If Rust is like a better C++, why has it not picked up momentum in the work environment
Who killed the World Wide Web?
I have an i5 4690k. I'm considering upgrading to an i7-6700k because of the microcenter $140 off sale
Tfw my Thinkpad W520 doesn't even have bluray disc support
Tfw I fell for the ethernet meme
Be IT fag
My friend is on the market for a new laptop for video editing and he insists that there's nothing better than a MacBook...
Well Sup Forums, which card is better and why?
If u have not taken at least one math course beyond calc 2 (discrete doesnt count)...
Chinese-authored spyware found on more than 700 million Android phones
So I tried out Opera last night
How great was the Amiga?
Can we please remove Stallman from the sticky and replace him with someone else...
Let's have a thread about rather or not desktop computers are outdated
What the hell is going on? Microsoft joining Linux foundation? What the literal fuck? Get in here damn it!
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Speaker grilles on new MBPs are "cosmetic"
Are people who were actually taught how to type generally faster in the long run?
IPhones for girls
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Microsoft joins Linux Foundation
Mfw I have been learning OpenGL all week
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Dell U2414H
Desktop R8
Gotta react quick lads!
Sisters get tablet form homeschool
This is Meizu Pro 7. Thoughts?
When will you realize that VR Porn are for cucks?
AMD Zen price info leaked Starting at 200$
Why nobody shills this here?
Why do so many faggots use duck duck go?
Should I block cookies and web-analytics?
Has something like this been done before?
Is there a good Sup Forums app for android?
WeCuck Play 2
I was always wondering, what is this magnetic strip on the back of my debit card, and what is it used for?
Why did Apple decide to make this things suck so hard??? The previous ones were practically godlike
It finally feels good to play videogames in 1080p
Better than Signal
Router thread
Do you miss him, Sup Forums?
CAS Alerts
Which OS do they use in North Korea?
How come this shit doesn't recognize everything as swastikas yet?
Is it inevitable for the majority of people to become technologically impaired at least to some extent in their older...
Vr therapie
The ebgames website in australia uses 1440 CPUs and went down because of the nes mini. thoughts Sup Forums?
Stupid Questions Thread - sqt
Need a registry edit to turn off cortana
Why aren't you getting a 4K HDTV as a monitor on black friday?
Croatian email hackers. Wut do?
Greetings fatmen of Sup Forums
Why the fuck is this sort of content still being produced
Okay, so I'm going to be blunt. I'm great with computers, as that's pretty much all I spend my free time on...
How do i install gnome on solus? i think budgie is ugly as fuck
OpenSuse > Arch
GTX 960 4GB or 3GB 1060 or 480 4gb?
Mousepad / Mouse General Thread
New Browser
Speccy thread
Why aren't there any good open-source video games?
Is it wrong to live one's waking life on the computer and internet?
How bad did I fuck up?
What are you drinking tonight, Sup Forums?
How are you protecting your USB ports Sup Forums against these killers? Must be a nightmare for schools
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
They should make the end which connects to the power brick magsafe so at least the thing won't fall off the desk...
Tfw Samsung and Harman were already discussing merger when this monstrosity came out
Chinese companies installed secret backdoor on smartphones
Are Millenials responsible for all the retarded "cute shit" in modern operating systems?
Are electric lighters safe?
So who's buying the OP3T?
All of my pictures and tons of albums all look like this. Is it too late? :(
The book is available in two sizes: small, starting at $199, and large starting at $299
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Tfw fell for the VLC meme
The new build
/warez/ - Warez Download Methods General
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Caliphate Edition
Falling for the minimalist desktop meme haha. my window manager can even minimize
Richard Sapper once again BTFO Jony Ive
Its almost 2017, whats your excuse for not using lossless audio
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is there really a way to live technology socially with groups, and teams, and parties...
Buy Sup Forums pass
Solar powered transistors
Why are you not using Gentoo yet?
Extensions missing on Chromium that keep you from switching to it
Is machine learning a meme?
/CYB/ Cyberpunk General
Tfw this guy single handedly crashed apple stock price
A qt just laughed at me for using git from the command line at work today
So, i have spent all my day watching livestreamers play "Watch Dog 2" and I really felt connected to the game theme...
Ok Sup Forums
What's the most affordable, and best performing e-reader to read manga in pdf format
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
How many driver releases from nvidia have been fucked in the past few months?
What are you getting for black friday?
Organizing files after a year of just dumping everything into one folder
Mac + Privacy and Anonymity
Keyboard browsing
Are they too big to fail
Saphire Radeon RX 480 4GB
Last month for updates
Which is the most powerful 4:3 laptop ever?
/guts/ computer internals
BSD And Other Things
He doesn't sit in a recliner at his computer
So, are there any legit uses for this thing, or is it a meme?
Domain Registrars
Its pretty trendy to hate PHP nowadays but I really like it because to me it seems incredibly simple to use...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Do we really need higher resolutions on phones?
What would you list as your ABSOLUTE LOWEST acceptable specs for a laptop...
Could someone please fill me in on this technology? All the cool kids seem to be using it...
Sup Forums Stupid Questions thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Black friday soon and I need a fucking monitor since my current monitor screen is cracked and it might explode some day
Fuck, programming is hard
He doesn't use copper foam to cool his computer
Smartphone standby time
OnePlus 3T
Android App Thread
Text editor of choice
Let's have a laptop thread!
/pcbg/ - PC Building General: Housefire Edition
What is the least painful way of getting all updates installed on a fresh windows 7?
What's with the obsession over Foobar? It doesn't seem that great so far over JetAudio and WinAmp
I need to come up with an idea for a school project
Hey Sup Forumsentiles
What's your main machine running?
The iBook
Do they use GNU/Linux in Europe? Do they even use Apple computing devices?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What kind of jobs does Sup Forums have or want to have?
Is english a programming language for humans?
After Si?
They can't keep getting away with this!!??!
Is seagate still shitgate? Pls respond
Did I fuck up Sup Forums or did I make the greatest purchase of my life?
Any crazy deep web stories...
You have to use a distro/DE for the next two years straight
Good luck finding a more perfect laptop than this
Linux for Kids/Babbys
Wtf kevin? solus ruined my computer
Sup Forums memes to fall for 2016
Password manager
Created this anonymous Facebook bot which allows you to chat with random strangers a la Omegle
Other than criminals, who even buys dumbphones these days?
What are some trusted free public DNS servers?
Why the fuck is this allowed?
Miles Deep - AI Porn Video Editor
Is it still true that, at least as it stands today...
Firefox Add-ons
How do I track my daughter?
The most Sup Forums one-handed phone
How do I write a user login system with JavaScript?
Jevin's Paradox and the web (and other technology)
100% of my programming is now in python
The new startup times of Firefox 50 are a real improvement, don't you think?
Thinfoil level 2
Which one to pick bros
He calls his cursor a mouse
Razer Blade (2016 v2) vs Macbook Pro (2016)
Linux can't do games
Is this a private and secure messenger app or is it all a lie?
How come UseNet is legal?
Post 'em
Which do I get?
Why and how did you fall for the Lunix meme
Will I be able to run Skyrim on low detail with these?
Is there anything better than a fresh install of windows 10?
What the fuck is this fucking shit Sup Forums?
How can I prevent a program from installing and figuratively throw out the key so I can never revert it outside of...
Ask someone who works for a phone company anything
What's the appeal of a mechanical keyboard?
/hs/ - Home Server Thread
Why are data caps a thing?
Software is more important than hardware
Crystal Disk Mark thread
/bst/ - Battlestation General:
Edc thread
Whats the best brand of tv?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
No Speccy thread? Let's change that
MS deleted windows 7 ISOs
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Why aren't you using the best OS?
Based Microcenter
Do you shitpost alone, user?
Hey Sup Forums
Is Debian testing a good desktop distro?
Oh shi
Mfw using windows 10 and getting better gaming performance and all the latest features
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
He actually owns a computer
He doesn't use mint
How to firefox not look shit
C# vs JAVA
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Lynx General 2016
Data science
I need help Sup Forums
Just did a fresh Windows 7 install and I'm debating whether to install Flash & Java
Is Xubuntu the best Windows replacement OS?
Does anybody know if the raspberry pi 3 can output 240p via its 3.5mm composite/audio combo jack?
What's the msot functional typ eof wallpaper
The price of technology in Brasil
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
At uni accommodation
Fill it out
Fork CDE
Why the fuck pc components cost way more in Europe than America...
That user who spaces their posts with unicode
Is this fucking shit still supposed to be the best way to watch chink cartoons on a tablet?
What is this 'is.' before a link. Images/gifs/webms with the 'is.' seem to take a lot longer to load
Why aren't you using windows xp yet? It's stable, works with all hardware, it's fast, light ram use...
Full tablet sold for less than an e-reader
Time Travel
Tfw my computer science degree is now worthless under the trump administration
So Trump is really getting rid of H1B1s and onsite Pajeets?
I want to switch from Arch to BSD, is it worth it?
/SQT/ Stupid Questions Thread
He doesn't have a 1440p monitor
Fell for the 128gb RAM meme
/sbc/ thread
Why they wasted all this fucking space?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Nes classic
Networking Equipment
This bot is fucking addictive
Ok fa/g/s
I have a very serious problem Sup Forums
Now that the dust has settled, what is the best:
Is there a better phone?
Terminal Emulators
Modern 4:3 laptop finally comes out
When you find a really old and obscure torrent but there is still a single seeder from some third world country keeping...
Reminder that there is literally NO reason to use linked lists anymore. It's 2016
Why is firefox still such a fucking slow piece of shit?
Just spilled some water on my new rig. How fucked am i?
Is there a genuine reason to install Arch over Debian/Ubuntu?
What do you use your computer for user?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Hey a box
Which tech sites besides Sup Forums do you visit daily?
Only oldfags will remember this
Ask a guy who works Tier II tech support anything
Firefox 53
Beginner PHP Study Material
/csg/ Chink Shit General
PC building general
VERY fast kumiko running at incredible hihg speed
Just ordered a refurbished Thinkpad t420 with a 160GB SSD, i5 2520M and 4GB RAM for $190
Anyone got any pajeet stories to share?
Dear non autists of Sup Forums I know some of you might actually exist
Redpill me on Solus. Why would I use it instead of Arch? It doesn't even provide a minimal installation, no...
Technology ylyl
What went wrong?
Tripcode sharing thread
Why is it so fucking shit?
Firefox is too slow for me
Now even Macfags will have the best IDE available on their system. How does that make you feel Lincucks?
/STD/ - Solus Threads Daily
Homescreen rate thread
Which one is better and why Sup Forums
B-b-but all androids are laggy and explode
Pure Web
Does 16:9 cause physical pain in anyone else?
Hello I am Pajeet I offer [TERMINATOR][ELITE] LuxusOS 7.0.1 ROM [JAMES BOND EDITION]
10 Series GPU
Matte vs Glossy
Why is this board full of thigh high+ arm warmer wearing, i3 using, thinkpad having, dragon dildo owning...
Reinstalled windowns time to upgrade to better music player whats /g options
So Sup Forums do SSD have any real cons compared to HDD?
Hello and welcom to the anime thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...