Listen up, retard!

If you want to continue being free and be one step ahead of the retarded masses then you need to quit Sup Forums now, eradicate all things in your daily life that can be brought into suspicion and avoid all microphones and cameras at all costs!

This war shall end in blood!

Other urls found in this thread:



>scaring newfags
Doing God's job, user.
Also, polite sage.

Listen up, retard!

If you want to continue being free and be one step ahead of the retarded masses then you need to quit the internet now, eradicate all things in your daily life that can be brought into suspicion and avoid all computers and cellphones at all cost!

This war shall end in blood!

Oh no they're going to find pics of me in a dress and peeking at me through the webcam whole I stick my fingers in my butt!

Literally who gives a fuck OP, you have nothing to hide right?

/t h r e a d

Kill yourself, retard.

Pedophiles like you need to be rounded up and shot

Kill yourself, I'm 20 years old dating someone my age, I care about privacy, retard. Enjoy being arrested for something you didn't do if you protest against the government!

What a fucking crybaby

>having a webcam in the first place


>Enjoy being arrested for something you didn't
If they were gonna arrest me for something I didn't do they're just gonna find/make up something anyway, so it really doesn't matter what I do, does it?

They could just pull out a USB full of cp and pretend it's yours.

>in 20 years old dating someone half my age
Fixed it for you, filthy pedophile.

>black people are getting killed these days just because they're black and didn't do anything just because they protest their unfair treatment

Literally who gives a fuck anymore you stupid idiot.

Top lel mate

Not if they can do it with more streamlined processes without allowing you to properly formulate protection, a defence or public knowledge.

Don't do something they want? BING! Your bank account is now frozen and at Zero! Do something about it? Can't!

came here to say this

Go back to Sup Forums, retards.

Friendly reminder that many protest groups in Russia have been arrested before being able to attend any rallies. Arrested on the motorway because the CCTV were able to detect their license plate numbers and send that message to the motorway police to detain them for 24 hours so they couldn't attend their protests and give a speech.

nice strawman, what are you 5 years old?

post this on Sup Forums, get them off this site

8 years so far

what the fuk

That's why they shouldn't protest, duh.

>Arrested on the motorway because the CCTV were able to detect their license plate numbers and send that message to the motorway police to detain them for 24 hours so they couldn't attend their protests and give a speech.

Reminder to do your part and use
to help make a map of cameras around the world.

>>This war shall end in blood!
nah man, only your sister ended in blodd... if you know what I mean.