Modern 4:3 laptop finally comes out

>modern 4:3 laptop finally comes out
>solid build

>its a chromebook


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so you can install another distro over it

It's 3:2

This. I use my frankenbook acer c720 all the time

>its a chromebook
not a big deal if you don't want to do 4k editing on it

perfect for programming, and of cource browsing the internet is what i do on 95% of my time.

You forgot
>it costs a bazillion dollars

fucking worth every penny.

I mean, what would you really do on it that ChromeOS + a chroot of Ubuntu couldn't do anyway?
It's not exactly a gaming machine, you're not gonna do professional level video and photo editing on those specs.
It's good for web browsing and web based applications like Pixlr and shit.

I spent two years trying to figure out all I could possibly do on my Acer CB3, even riced ChromeOS with a minimalist i3 config. Installed Firefox on it. I even managed to get Windows XP to kind of work before it crashed all the time.

But in the end I was really just doing the same shit ChromeOS does anyway, Chromebook specs are really only good for web browsing.

You could remove chrome OS and install solus on it instead.

>it's only for web browsing
i bet that's what computer users do 90% of the time

it's good for watching movies, it's perfect for programming because of that screen.