nobody cares pedophile
go encrypt your CP
Tbh you should care. The more people let this happen. The worse it gets
>implying trump won't pull this shit
>implying there is anything wrong with catching pedos
Meanwhile criminals are using number stations that are literally impossible to decrypt.
Next it will be illegal to use blinds in your home in britbongistan.
Britcucks cucked again
Where's Farage when you actually need him for something important huh britcucks?
You don't catch pedos that way. In fact all it does is force criminals to use more secure means of communications like OTP encryption you fucking retard.
Curtains > blinds
t. time traveler from the 15th century
Are you two always this retarded or are you making the effort today?
>implying illiterate ISIS sandniggers even know what a numbers station is when they can barely use a modded android on their phones to "avoid" surveillance
those niggers communicate through normal cellphone calls and shit like Playstation Network like the Paris attacks showed
Playstation Network? Where's my ISIS gaming bros? Can I play COD with them?
>Can I play COD with them?
Looks like the bedroom of most university aged westerners, complete with shitty 'expressive' graffiti
Proof video games makes you violent
whatever happened to brexit?
That's what they want you to think. Underestimating your enemy is the stupidest thing you can possibly do. Just ask the nips who got their shit fucked sideways, up, down, and around.
Holy shit, V for Vendetta was a documentary from the future
>overestimating your enemy solely cause someone else overestimated theirs 70 years ago
get a rope murrikan faggot
Don't care. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
Have you been with the sandniggers and confirmed their real understanding of tech? If not then go fuck yourself in a batch of boiling oil.
Have you? No you haven't, but the french fag intelligence sure did and found out how they communicated through rudimentary methods like PSN and normal sms, now go fuck yourself retard.
>trusting a snail eater who let muslims fuck their wives
The government still can't decrypt HTTPS traffic. They can only see what sites you visit (and they've been able to do that for years, this law just makes the process to do it quicker).
Literally no argument, come back when you get one, amerifat.
t.frechfag currently watching his wife get creamed by alaluh abjakdar
What about the hacking part?
NSAIDF out in full force. Stop trying to take my rights away you pigs.
Not really effective since most people are not degenerate homosexuals (ie iphone users).
still no argument my fat friend and i'm not a frog eater either
Can't we just cut all the submarine cables that connect the UK to the rest of the world?
The internet is too good for the likes of those inbred vermin.
The government is already allowed to do that, they just require a permit. This law will just streamline the process of acquiring a permit if they can see that your internet activity is dodgy. And allowing your device to get hacked means that you either use an insecure device or you use a secure device in an insecure way (either way, it's your fault if you get hacked).
Besides, the government doesn't have the resources to search through every single person's internet history. And even if it was possible, they certainly don't have the resources to hack every single person's device either.
How many people know how to secure their device?
Preventing terrorism and pedophilia is far more important than your rights. What good are your rights if a terrorist kills you. Or children being scarred for life from pedophiles?
Simply keeping your machine updated and using fairly strong passwords will keep you safe from the vast majority of attacks.
Although the answer to that question is irrelevant. Ignorance shouldn't be encouraged. If anything, having controversial laws like this is good since it makes more people aware of things like basic security.
If you trust your government to do the right thing. I do not. Governments don't care about the people. They just want to get in power and pay those who keep themselves in power.
Also why are you posting on an anonymous image board? Use facebook
Less children, more gorrilas.
How soon you all forget that the American government made American companies put in backdoors at the hardware level.
So while the UK government are peering in the window the US government literally has the key.
But I'm sure you're all using pre-07 processors, right?
I trust the government as much as I trust any other criminal. These new laws just gives the government access to the same data that criminals are able to get by sniffing my wi-fi traffic.
Rulers are benevolent. Why do you think you have hospitals, roads, and schools?
We must accept that the Anglosphere is the supreme digital power and that both ends of their political spectrum will use and abuse their digital intelligence capabilities if presented with these opportunities.
We can only hope that our countries and ourselves have a good standing towards the current administration of the US and the UK.
>it's a "Sup Forums is totally uneducated about computer security and thinks that their cuck fetish will get exposed" episode
here's a good way to prevent terrorism: don't carpet bomb the middle east for several decades just for the heck of it
> muh weapons of mass destruction
> muh osama meme ladin is hiding out in this country even tho i have no fucking proof and even the CIA says there's no indication he's there let's go bomb the shit out of them oh hey theres oil there what a fucking coincidence
towelheads are cancer but the US / NATO continuously shitting on the middle east was probably the worst foreign policy blunder of the last couple decades.
no western aggression in the ME, no terrorism (at least anywhere NEAR at the scale it's happening), and no fucking migrant crisis. hell a lot of the countries there had a considerably liberal, western-leaning political climate before all this shit went down.
mass surveillance is an end-of-the-pipe solution. it solves fuck all.
Please, "educate" us.
Fuck's sake. Fuck this shitty government.
War in the ME was only a way for the military industrial complex faggots to line their pockets. Also oil. They don't give a shit if you get bombed while they don't leave their mansions.
Because you live in a democracy. It's better to have a population who is more educated and more efficient to generate more wealth. Wealth to pay their supporters
What is "Slippery Slope Logic"
This law does nothing except shortens the length of processes that the government already do. It's not really any different from the previous laws in terms of how it affects your privacy.
At least our hardworking MPs are immune from this. As they should be.
as they think
He became a small guy.
go back to russia, commie
lmao what the fuck
what is it with politicians failing planes so often?
>german politician died parachuting out of a plane
>that UK faggot crashing but surving
>these two fat polish politicians where one of them died in a plane crash
>hillary clinton failing to enter a fucking plane without faceplanting herself
Genuinuly curious
I'm sure the government will be able see which sandniggers are up to no good (hint: all of them). But won't do anything because they don't want to be called racist.
>the gurardian
>implying there's anything wrong with the guardian
It's a pro-SJW shithole.
If anything, the Guardian is more likely to be a supporter of the bill.
i actually am
What can I as an induvisual do about this? I'm not botherd about dying for a principle so I'm open to anything to preserve my rights.
It's trash
Use a fucking vpn
When Putin finally apologizes for the Katyn massacre the fat polish guy's plane goes and crashes in a forest right after cause the retards didn't listen to the russian radar tower telling them to get altitude.
Best thing is the polacks sill blamed Putin for it.
They certainly scan thought a lot of it. The Met security gathers tonnes of data these days, most of it key word type of thing on people's online interactions.
If this data is a terrorism related word like bomb, plane, hijacking, Parliament and public gather it's sent on to our central security agency who will look over it and deem if it's a threat. There's probably some automatic priority system though.
Already am, but I need to do something more dangerous just to giv theez people the middle finger so I can say. NO, YOU WILL NOT CONTROL ME. I WILL NOT PLAY BY YOUR RULES. FUCK YOU
I had to make a project about poland once while being in school, a few months later after the poster got taken down again that guy crashed
I think you meant Airstrip One
We need to overthrow the government. We need VIOLENCE. People need to GET HURT for our rights
No. We need to lick the government's boots. We want our rights violated.
Nice try George Soros, but there is no progression in that post.
You can't get more retarded than that
>you'll never be a britcuck
Legislation is a slippery slope
>mfw western governments trying to reach my level of control
>People in london/uk still make more of a fuss about trump than this bill going through. It's self righteous shit hole here now. Pretty sure people think I'm a nazi because I don't publicly denounce brexit and think hillary is a saint and think trump eats babies.
Let's clarify
I don't think trump is Satan or the end of the US I'm passed we Elected a reality TV star as our president because he gave sales pitches in debates
I wasn't getting at anything really, no ruling party is going to change much in the grand scheme of things with the way our first world societies are set up.
I was more pointing out that in the UK people still have their knickers in a twist over brexit and trump, but no one cares about the surveillance act. I'm working in london with a group of people who are capable of critical thinking, will discuss things very well but when it comes to political issues, it's hard left all the way. Tried to start a discussion on the act recently and it was just shrugged off (probably as we're fuck busy now). But if this is how educated people in our country think, what hope in hell is there of the unwashed masses knowing and caring about this without a huge social and media campaign behind it.
I believe Trump was elected for a number of reasons, including
>hillary was a blatently corrupt politician
>Bernie seemed to be popular with many college students and young people, but it seemed like he got snubbed by hillary, further making her look evil
>hillary didn`t even bother to visit states like Wisconsin because she thought it was a sure win, which backfired.
>Trump, a billionare, had the appearance of being closer to the average American than hillary, who spent a good portion of her life around politics.
I supported big d donny t because he wasn`t hillary, plain and simple.
Damn, you had to resort to that? He got you.
>Get out of EU
>Pound gets cucked and rises a bit immediately after any sound of "no brexit"
>Lose in football to Iceland
>Get even more surveillance
>Scotland wants to leave
>London wants to leave
>too short for anonymous
fake and gay
V for Vendetta is a comic book, you tard
>0345 not 123 spam 3333
Close but still not fooled
>the government did not have to make a single substantial concession to the privacy lobby
Yeah.. Because the party that holds the majority of parliament in the UK doesn't need to make concessions when there's a majority within the party itself.
Politics are terrible. They can do anything without substantial justification and that's how terrible laws are made. Which perpetuate terrible laws because they need to fix up the old laws.
We need a world-wide French revolution. Guillotines and everything.
Isn't this fake? Seems pretty fake and I can't find anything online about it, besides other people posting it on Sup Forums.
Also, you'd think they'd call them "comments" instead of "posts", haha
>"We do have to worry about a UK Donald Trump."
The people already there are just as bad. And they just went further than autocratic societies so why not just concede that you're a tyrannical government already? It's not like there's anything opposing you.
I don't get it, what is this proof of? I don't think we're doubting the existence of Derbyshire.
>>"We do have to worry about a UK Donald Trump."
>"Who is Jeremy Clarkson"
That number is absolutely no where in their contact us page
>also relating to abusive language directed towards certain politicians
How this doesn't trigger some red flags among the people writing I don't know.
It shows the same number as on the paper is the point I think.