Is Louis Rossmann /our guy/?

Is Louis Rossmann /our guy/?

what does that mean? stop quoting Sup Forumstard shit

found out about this guy yesterday. now i see where the memepad came from

he is /our guy/

>newfags gonna newfag

Our lord and savior Richard Stallman has been using a thinkpad for a long time now. Way before Rossmann started doing youtube videos

>Is Louis Rossmann /our guy/?

He's too smart for that.

he seems to have so much internal rage inside of him, he probably hits his girlfriend

He has neither rage nor a girlfriend.

He used to browse Sup Forums years ago, he might have even been an originalfag. He also runs gentoo on his office server.

Of course he is. Why you ask?

I would say he is. He has technical knowledge and some relatively strong opinions on random things.

He comes off as kind of a righteous asshole with his opinions, and he's too much of a sperg to actually make his videos a watchable length - he just rambles on for literally hours on end. Even if it's not bad content, the fact that he can't / won't compress his ideas is limiting.

I don't like him, but he's Sup Forums's guy.

He has a W series thinkpad with an extended battery as well. Not sure if it runs Linux or not though. IIRC he doesn't use Linux as a daily driver because there isn't (in his opinion) a good video editing program for Linux.

It actually has nothing to do with no video editing software. He needs windows for his boardview software.
He used to do his video editing on debian.

I watched a few vids where he bitched about the editing software he was using in Linux and said in a later one that it was the primary reason he switched back to windows.

Literally who? XD

I have learned to like the kind of person that he is. Let's just say that.

I want to Fuck him.

No, he's just another notch.

>no rage
So he isn't /ourguy/ then

Truly based guy since the day I watched him about "Reballing is BULLSHIT"

Migga now you see what ROSSMAN came from, you little bitch. Don't ever disrespect us ever again

Tbh he'd be hot if he wasn't short

Apparently he grew up poor with shit parents but he's now doing fine running his own business which makes me happy for him.

Do girls browse Sup Forums?

Mostly only gays.

Has he been lifting?

people come to Sup Forums-/soc/ to post anonymously, not to go "btw im a grill", let's leave it at that

Get the fuck out, roastie.

You can't talk to her like that!

No, he's a stubborn, raging, rambling idiot. He's good at repairs but a lot of his opinions are shit and he just never shuts up.

Actually, yeah, I guess you could say he is representative of the average Sup Forums post then.

Stallman didn't use a Thinkpad, he used a free as in freedom stinky chinky Lemote.