They can't keep getting away with this!!??!
They can't keep getting away with this!!??!
inb4 best seller
You don't have to buy it.
if you hate apple so much
>t. Apple fanboys who are going to line-up for this book
Don't forget to bring a tent and an extra pair of socks.
People who thought drilling and microwaving their iPhone deserves it.
>chief designer Jony Ive described the book as "a gentle gathering of many of the products the team has designed over the years," and hoped that it would serve as a "resource for students of all design disciplines."
good lord
Are you underage faggot? It's a book, it is ridiculous, like many things today. Things are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them. Apple as a company has been dieing along with Jobs passing. Use what works for you, stop it with the shilling for apple or android, whatever works for you is what you should be using.
Christ, just when I thought Apple couldn't get more shameless about wringing cash out of the devotees. I'm actually kind of impressed with the balls Tim must have to release something like this.
Post apple products that probably aren't in the $300 apple big book of bullshit
I will definitely get one for my coffee table.
I could maybe sorta kinda possibly see $299 for an Apple branded coffee table, but $299 for a fucking book full of pictures of Apple products, nope.
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all
Here ya go, niggers
>It's a virgins mad about Apple episode
when are they going to make apple branded dildos and vibrators? How much will they cost?
Depends on the material.
If they use something like platinum cured silicone, they could get pretty expensive like Bad Dragon does. It also means those toys will last for a fucking long time.
If they don't give a shit about quality dildos and onaholes, they could use TPR shit that'll make people have to replace them every so often. And they would be pretty cheap.
Why did you use an interrogation mark after a statement?
What is the subject of this thread?
sorry, english is not my first language as i am from india
>mfw this shit is fucking real
It's like an expensive picture book for iToddlers.
>Oh no! A collector item is expensive.
Do "Apple-haters" not realize that they advertise for free by trying to stir up discussion on Apple products?
Why don't we just shorten Pajeet to Poojeet?
>literally a picturebook of fruity toddler toys for iToddlers
>crowdfund it
>but it
>scan it
>post it on normie book and let it go?
They pay to shill, the ultimate goy.
Macfags on damage control.
Why are there so many underaged shits on Sup Forums? I bet none of you faggots can code.
>t. mactoddler
>They would be pretty cheap
Cheap for apple or just cheap
I refuse to believe the latter
>Collectors item
No no your apple can opener ($900) was a great buy
Why do Applelfags have a compulsive need to rationalize or otherwise defend Apple's actions?
Why do insecure people have a compulsive need to rationalize or otherwise defend any company's actions?
Because they see it as an attack on themselves since they have no identity of their own.
Does it vibe along with the music or something?
Is that from the onion?
Was meant for
Students can afford a $300 picture book?
Please no, Apple already infected enough of students with their guideline design garbage.
Because they're brainwashed as fuck
Just cheap. Look at the prices between Fleshlights vs Bad Dragon onaholes. BD is almost twice as much in a lot of cases but the materials and the amount is the big factor.
TPR would be great for Apple because they could sell it for a higher margin but if they went silicone then they can't go too high because otherwise BD would kill them.
You know it'll sell well too.
what's going on
parents took their autistic apple fanboy to an apple store for his birthday and he's having some kind of religious experience
"Resource for students of all design deciplines"
>>Sues the first student that gets inspired
Underrated kek
For the exact same reasons some people feel the need to roll in to every thread in which apple is even uttered bleating things like 'applel' and 'mactoddlers'.
There are people that take their own and, more pathetically, other people's purchasing decisions very seriously.
>t. mactoddler
I don't know why you guys are hating on the new apple coffee table book. I am a double major in art & theory of people & technology and they're good references honestly. I'm studying product design and I collect art books from designers I love. A lot of those product shots aren't readily available online, so it's tough to draw inspiration from there. $330 to have a copy of all of Apple's designs at my fingertips? Beautiful!!!!!!
Unfortunately for you, no. You guys are on the same level as the gpu warz Sup Forumsedditors at this point.
>archive links
for what purpose?
They've made worse products than this which have been successful. The comsumerfags will fall for this and they will even shill out and tell you how much this $300 book has enriched their lives.
>Shill detected
>coffee table design book
Not even that much, it's like you faggots literally never step outside.