/ptg/ - Private Tracker General



Old thread: >New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question, check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:
pastebin.com/dD3cqWKc (embed)

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, though most claims of being staff are false
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you that cheating can be evaded. It can't and you will be banned and everyone will laugh at you
>people claim to report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time

Other urls found in this thread:


Give it a year, and that picture will be looking quite vacant.

>Hosting your torrent tracker shit in 12 servers over France in 2016.

These faggots deserved to be taken down. They were endangering other trackers.

i'm glad /ptg/ is getting 100+ unique posters since wcd is kill

00:38:46 < fuck2016> French cyberpolice and other authorities here, I just want to say a personal FUCK YOU to you all. You don't understand piracy and never will. You just burned down a library.

haha look at this fucking kid


How the fuck is Trump anything to do with it?

It's Britain and France that just took down two big trackers.

Why would you host in a cucked country on a cucked host? WHY?

It was the biggest archive of music on the planet.

Libraries are made public because they're archives and it is supposed to spread.

Private trackers are more like a circlejerk for the few who bother with them.

I guess what I'm saying if they wanted to archive culture they would've made them public.


post yfw

>tfw I was there when BG died
>tfw I was there when UG died
>tfw I was there when BCG died

>tfw I was there when WCD died

No user, the biggest archive of music on the planet is in your heart and mind. No one can take that away from us.

>How the fuck is Trump anything to do with it?

He doesn't have shit to do with it. It was a takedown by Frenchcuck cybersecurity.

>It was the biggest archive of music on the planet.
That is still Youtube.

Libraries don't allow you to waltz in and start putting your own hastily scrobbled together books onto their shelves and taking them out without a card you fucking mongoloid

>You don't understand piracy and never will.

neither what.cd

Well yeah, PTP is miles better than any legal alternative. It just seems like more and more people are complacent with sub par services like netflix. The smaller the pirating communities become the less useful they are going to be.

GGn is down too.
any more victims?

I was an interviewer on what.cd, up until today of course. Its funny, I passed a dude on the 14th. He must be disappointed.

So how does what.cd 2.0 improve over what.cd 1.0?

>not hosting in a Western country/use a bulletproof host
>not using shitty Gazelle any more

Good thing Youtube, the largest music archive in the world, allows.

Good that you (accidentally?) proved for all of us that What.CD wasn't the largest collection of music.

>tfw you don't even listen to music but know that what.cd was the way into the elite movie/tv trackers

Finally, people no longer have to learn how to drive a bus to be allowed to drive a car.

>sad about wcd being down
>try to go to wcd to download some music to feel better
>see message again

meant to reply to

you're just not going to get in at all, friend

Get rid of MP3.
Ban seedboxes.

You are partly correct. Unfortunately there was also a vast collection of extremely rare audio that could be easily accessed on WCD. Not saying it isn't available anywhere else but it is a loss and the first thing I thought of when I saw it was shut down. Extremely disappointing.

Reminder that Oppaitime had what.cd taken down in order to have a monopoly on Gazelle development. Then they took down GGn for good measure because their name is too similar to the name of the codebase

>Standardize filename nomenclature
>Offer database download of album details


Ban people with more than 5Mb upload

Pretty sure you can get it the seek of soul

>two of the biggest and best torrent sites have closed

You deserve to be buried alive.

Please remember that this is just a website. Something else will come along. This is not worth killing yourself over. The torrent community will recover and something else will take what's place. This is no time for overreacting.

w.cd user
i downloaded a lot, bought vinyls too
i published my own bands music on what in 24/96
where to now

>no acting like niggers with the FL
>having bp
>don't act like elitist cunts

Archiving implies they are organised and easily accessable alongwith not being totally destroyed copies

what should the wcd successor be like?

someone post the rutracker guide
i dont speak russian god damnit

>not hosting in a Western country/use a bulletproof host
This + Gazelle + Some kind of bonus points for long seeding

Put it on Youtube :)

>still has the What.CD interview info in the OP

Kill yourself.

it's getting harder to keep going through this. UG was the biggest loss to me but this, this tops that.

>Gazelle + Some kind of bonus points
The only version of gazelle that's still publicly developed already has a bonus point system

Gazelle, ratioless with a good points system.

How dumb do you have to be that you can't figure out rutracker by yourself?

Still it's kinda fucked up how youtube is allowed while wcd gets destroyed, even though they basically do the same thing.

Exist only in Zeronet, Tor, or i2P and use IPFS

I rreally hope WhatCD has a backup and eventually comes back.


I fucking hate you retards.

Not yet. MTV (whatever that is) has canceled open interviews for the rest of the year.

>thinking elite trackers are going to accept new users after today


you don't need ''''''''''interviews'''''''''' to watch based youtube


One is owned by Google this has been brought up in court over and over again.

This is worse then napster, oink, everything previous simply doesnt compare. what.cd was my home. mine as well just hang myself so i dont see the fall of AB and PTP

>Still it's kinda fucked up how youtube is allowed
Youtube (Google) is mega corporation. Mega corporations are above law in corporate capitalism.

>mfw WCD was just a stepping stone tracker
>I literally don't give a fuck about WCD
>mfw PTP, BTN and HDBits are fine.

Feels fucking good not to depend on WCD.

I've been working my way up and have built decent ratios on several breddy gud trackers, slowly but surely I am making my up.

>IPT is still up thanks to being hosted in a siberian gulag data center
>cabal niggers host their shit in fucking england and france instead of Panama, China, Russia or Ukraine
they deserved it

do you not listen to music

HDB needs to start allowing music in FLAC

Oh right. I'll fix that next round.

pspg pls go

Are you THIS stupid? Why do you think they have infiltrated What.CD? They read from reddit and here that Power User +old enough account was enough for invites to other big league trackers.

They're compromised. All of them that took What.CD account as a sign of "well this guy surely aint RIAA"

Same here. I was also there when GGN closed. I'm just in a state of shock right now.

But What didn't had any bonus points

>cabal niggers host their shit in fucking england and france
How are these faggots so stupid? Really makes you fucking angry

>tfw I was just on WCD a couple days ago specifically to get the soundtrack with this on it.


its one hold for now. Not closed

Why are you retards saying all the music is lost?

we lost a tracker not the files

Music is easy to get.


Pure speculation. The good trackers are probably not in France.


pls be troll

Nothing feels good m8s


a lot of shit is probably lost forever now


And What doesn't maintain gazelle anymore. Put two and two together user

And 3,000,000 new torrent files complete with all the organisation information will need to be made that is if every single file is reuploaded which won't happen because many have only one or two snatches

>a lot of shit is probably lost forever now

>shit dumb kids upload their shitty obscure albums to what.cd only
>never bother to upload it anywhere else because that makes what even more exclusive
>what dies
>bwaaaaaaaah we lost so much music that was not available anywhere else


get fucked

>rutracker was blocked by russian isps.

>A complaint from the MPAA has led the cyber-crime division of Ukraine's National Police to raid FS.to, one of the Ukrains most popular pirate sites. Thus far 60 servers have been seized and 19 people have been arrested.

they dont help

this, good fucking riddance

lmaoing at whatcucks

Can we ban France from all private trackers now?

This is what I don't understand. The site hosted absolutely zero files. All the files still exist, they just need to be uploaded to a tracker elsewhere.

>never bother to upload it anywhere else because that makes what even more exclusive

Where, for example? And don't say fucking YouTube.

Is seedboxes.cc a good alternative to feral?

>rutracker was blocked by russian isps.
and russkies still access it by changing their DNS server and the fucking site is still hosted in russia....

We said the same sort of shit when oink went down but look how that worked out

this is why i upload on emp & pornbay

how can you guarantee that everything will be uploaded again?

a lot of people might be in possession of stuff that they don't even know is now rare

Somebody should nuke the french cucks.

>literally terrorist attacks in their country
>ghettos full of radical muslims
>let's focus on cyber crimes

Traitorous fucks.

Sure is a good thing you posted your important opinion in both threads, you fucking assclown.

Sure. Their seedboxes are crazy fast, support is supposedly kind of shit though.


If your trackers allows recruitment or open signup for people from France, neck yourself. The term wouldn't be considered curry, what could we use for the French? French Toast?

00:59:23 < Svartesmeden> if btn and ptp goes i rather fucking kill myself then keep living in a world without good
00:59:23 < Hatycat> I wonder what it is like to seek validation in internet chatrooms like JMHX does
00:59:28 Svartesmeden
00:59:29 please don't
00:59:29 < BigEBankston> JMHX strikes me as the kinda guy to work for the green party
00:59:32 it's just a website

Did GGn get the axe too, or did they just get paranoid?

I wish pornbay was bigger...you would imagine that it would have a bigger userbase since its open signup

>but it's not in 48bit 128khz meme format
doesn't even matter, it'd be out there. youtube has better audio compressing than Spotify resulting to better audio quality and they dont take down obscure shit

or IF you really give a shit about ARCHIVING and MUH CULTURE then you go and put Openbittorent address to your what.cd collection

but guess what? You wont put openbittorrent tracker to your What torrents because in the end you don't give a shit about the culture and archiving it