What does Sup Forums think of Tox?

Like the title says, what does Sup Forums think of Tox? I'm wondering if it's safe to use. Pic related

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p gud desu senpai


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Tox is still a thing?

They have a plan so that Tox on mobile will be viable, so I guess I'll wait until then to actually start using it.

It seems pretty cool.
It even has quite a few stars on github, so it seems to be somewhat popular.
No one I know uses it though, so it hasn't gained enough popularity just yet.

You can install AnTox from fdroid

Add me

tox is going nowhere, get ring instead


dubs on your dubs

I know that. The problem is that if you aren't connected to the network then you won't get any messages. They're working on a way to address the issue.


Botnet as fuck

Into the trash it goes

Nobody uses it.Its only useful to talk with trannies on Sup Forums.

How do I find qt traps?

cant post my key, Sup Forums thinks its spam



Use Pastebin

Question intensifies:

Obtrusive permission requests.

Looks pretty cool. I'd give it a shot.

that's a good thing, moron


Tried the Android app, some messages are not.delivered I think when one end is offline for a brief moment..this is a deal breaker sadly

I thought it died?

It's GNU, literally the opposite of botnet

It's no reason to think it is a botnet