/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

What are you working on, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


First for myself

Any better way to translate to come closer to the sicp example?

var op = (function(){
_animeMd5 = [

var image = {
'md5': document.querySelector('.opContainer img').getAttribute('data-md5'),
'isAnime': function() {
return _animeMd5.indexOf(this.md5) > -1;

return {
image: image

function reply(str) {
document.querySelector('textarea').value = str;

if(op.image.isAnime()) {

Carpe diem dpt.


What the fuck is this


Kill yourself

someone paid her to recite the pasta

Respect and live by our culture or find your own image board, immigrant

anime is trash

var op = (function(){
var _animeMd5 = [

var _frogMd5 = [

var image = {
'md5': document.querySelector('.opContainer img').getAttribute('data-md5'),
'isAnime': function() {
return _animeMd5.indexOf(this.md5) > -1;
'isFrog': function() {
return _frogMd5.indexOf(this.md5) > -1;

return {
image: image

function reply(str) {
document.querySelector('textarea').value = str;

if(op.image.isAnime() || op.image.isFrog()) {


anime is rubbish.

Why are you on an anime website complaining about anime?

type 'a tree =
| Leaf
| Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree

let sum_odd_squares tree =
let rec loop accu todo = function
| Leaf -> loop_todo accu todo
| Node (node, left, right) ->
let accu =
if node mod 2 = 1 then
node * node + accu
accu in
loop accu (right :: todo) left
and loop_todo accu = function
| [] -> accu
| tree :: trees ->
loop accu trees tree in
loop 0 [] tree

What is this? Programming for retards? Do ADDfaggots have such little self control that they can't concentrate unless there are fancy animations showing then where to look?


JavaScript actually looks pretty comfy desu.

anime is waste


anime is junk

Yes, helping people understand concepts is super bad! >:(

I want to do something like this, where I can use a thing to copy construct a thing iff U is implicitly convertible to T. It should give a syntax error otherwise. I couldn't figure out how to make it work with enable_if and is_convertible. Any tips?

template class thing {
//some variables and shit
T* whatever;

thing(const thing t){
//copy construct stuff

Because it's such a great idea to let these retarded, broken fucks get programming jobs when they can't even understand a basic program without fancy graphics to show them what's going on. I love it when retards write buggy programs that I need to fix.

That site is for kids.

You shouldn't be programming if you can't understand something as simple as that

Aptitude for approaching a skill does not mean aptitude for mastering it and vice versa

Why is frog posting frowned upon on Sup Forums? As someone who mainly posts on Sup Forums, this mentality is alien to me.

If you weren't aware, we reclaimed Pepe from the normies.

class Thing
std::unique_ptr whatever{nullptr};

Thing(const Thing &t)

Stop posting the reddit frog and piss off.

Lurk more

The anime posters made it their turf.

Please start a liberation wars to free Sup Forums.

>As someone who mainly posts on Sup Forums
Off you go

>People actually defend C++

anime is drek

No, we founded it. The frogs are the invaders


What is your beef with Sup Forums senpai?

are function pointers used in c++? is there any replacement?

>People defend not using namespace std.


I hope Kek punishes you.

I'm an oldfag senpai, bet you don't even member the image wars.

Need to learn some HTML quickly. What's htmldog like?

In the future I'd like to learn it and CSS in more detail so if you have any better suggestions I'll keep them in mind.

Volunteering for a local peace organization to set up a cms and write them a custom site.

>mfw I'm a hardcore Sup Forumsack who disagrees with everything they have to say, but I'm doing it for my resume because it'll look good when I apply to grad schools next year.

Who in the hell uses sites like these?

Why has Sup Forums gone from god-tier programmers to skiddies?

I'd recommend the hated w3schools.com.

>Who in the hell uses sites like these?
Kids, you retard.

How do I learn to program, lads?

Read books.

Not the Internet.
Like, Paper.

Start with COBOL

>Posts frogs
Sorry, but you're destined for a life of stupidity and failure.
You can't become a programmer.


Why is it hated?

Why is paper better than reading like an eBook, lad?

What's wrong with frog posting?


The internet is shit for actually learning anything.

>What's wrong with frog posting?
Frogposters are some of the most retarded people to ever exist.
I know, with complete certainty, that you're fucking stupid.
Programming actually takes some semblance of intelligence, so you cannot become a programmer.

The cellulose fibres of the paper reflect light at the best wavelength for memory acquisition.

>tfw your program works perfectly first go with no errors

/dpt/ will never know this feel.

I programme in Haskell. This is a daily feel.

>Why is paper better than reading like an eBook, lad?
So you can pretend you are in academia sucking the progressive BBC, and become a fucking crossdresser

Sounds a bit gay. Not a fan.

I program in C. This is a hourly feel.

This isn't really programming, but I might have to do some to fix it. How do I get incron to work with zfs filesystems? From what I've read, it isn't able to even begin watching folders on them because it doesn't like acl-based permissions.

I think I am done for today.
Next steps:
>design PCB
>etch that shit
>wire everything up
>build nice case
>put it on muh wall
>fine tuning programms

I should open a blog just to keep track of everything, but I am the worst writer ever ;_;


>This isn't really programming
Then take it to another thread. There are two other appropriate threads that you could ask that shit.

you obviously didn't consider worstcases

>Web development isn't programming either

Setting up cron definitely isn't programming, you fucking idiot.

>Sup Forums gone from god-tier programmers

>mfw I write a bunch of of random bullshit that I barely understand myself
>mfw it compiles and works as intended

Currently working on a haiku generator

Trying to make "Evil Hangman" (Hangman, but the computer cheats by choosing words that don't have the letter the user enters)

The input validation works, but when I accidentally type in a character (like 'O') instead of an int, my program freaks out...
Here's the code:
int getLengthOfWord(map& wordList)
int length = -1;
cout length;

if(length < 1 || length > MAX_WORD_LENGTH)
length = -1;

I don't get graphics card firmware.

Where does it go? is it actually loaded onto the graphics card at boot? how does it do that?
Why not just distribute the firmware as ROM on the actual card rather than having to load it on there from the OS when it boots?

What exactly does the firmware code do? like what is it responsible for that the driver can't do?

How do I make money with programming?

Find business that needs a program made
Work for said business
Get paid

if(... || ... || !cin)

Do web development famalama

What does the !cin do?

So what language should I be learning? Close to finishing school and all I know is C and Java. I hear Javascript is handy to know.

Also... I'm printing out the value of length, and it's printing out "0" instead of the character I enter

With xcode is there an alternative to the drag-drop touchupinside from the storyboard to the viewcontroller code file?

You'll never be a good writer if you don't practice

What do you want to do?

Data Science

Corporate Slave
>Web stacks


I choose corporate slave.

Also, what do you guys think about HashSet? I think it's pretty cool.

By working on do you mean a project or the computer

In which case what computer is Sup Forums coding on?

Why would you actively seek adversity

Literally anything that run a compile which is any modern os/hardware

Well I'm not a hipster, and I don't care for data science.

not mentioned:


I don't think I worded it well.

Go and Js are hipster technologies that are the future like it or not.

Sorry let me fix my list.

Data Science

Corporate Slave
>Web stacks


Alchemy/Arcane Magiks

But you compile on one or two actual computers instead of all of them

There are at least seven/32 computers needed to do the binary code compilations

Why not Fortran?

How do I do this without the stupid drag-drop? Like maybe right click insert code option hidden somewhere?

I wonder why kind of magics programming languages are


Assembly is raw pyromancy

and everything stems from pyromancy

Lisp is soul magic
Haskell is arcane magic
C is Fire magic
Js is Magic Tricks

haskell is Lawful Neutral

I am going to create a java rmi server in python
Don't try and stop me

*True Neutral