What's your excuse for not joining in the fun?
What's your excuse for not joining in the fun?
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The fuck is that?
I hate online games and I am a pooorfag.
but that game is nothing like that..
it's a spreadsheet online .. with combat between ships that takes like 8 hours to resolve what would take a tabletop game 1 hour.
that was a glorious night
i wish it was more like this:
I played for a little while and got bored of it.
It's dying and going F2P is not gonna save it. Just go check EVE Offline; the F2P bump in online player count is pretty mild.
EVE isn't actually fun, though, it's a game where you sort of MAKE fun, by finding shit to do that interests you, and creating memorable (hopefully) experiences by participating in the emergent environment.
The gameplay is boring as all hell, from mining where you sit around endlessly, cycling your lasers, to trading where you just manage orders from in a station, even to combat where you basically just cycle your shit whenever it's applicable (which is often just "always") and hope that you and whoever you're with prepared better or had more guys than whoever it is you're fighting.
I mean, seriously, 99% of battles in EVE are decided when people undock. What you undock in, how you fitted what you undocked in, and how many other people you undocked with. Combat is just orbiting, following, and running your modules.
Can I play this game on a Thinkpad T520?
My desktop shit the bed recently...
It's a great analogy to real life. You're told that you can do anything, there's awesome things happening in the great big world, but in the end it's just the daily 9 to 5 haul.
the actual combat is so fucking boring it's unbeliveable
it's literally just target enemy + autoattack
Because Star Citizen hasn't been updated in months.
>sunk-cost simulator
I've spent too much of my life playing it in years past.
Fuck off shill
>Still believing in Scam Citizen
Lets see
>spreadsheet in space
>gameplay is like a 15 year old browser game
>made by an extremely unethical company
>community full of sociopaths. It's bad even for an mmo
>power is literally determined by how long you've played
>in many cases it's actually more beneficial to be offline most of the time
Even in a genre that's generally bad this stands out as the king of bad games
t. shitter
t. sociopath
>kill some carebear mining spacerocks or performing the same "kill ten of x" missions you could find in a million other mmos
>in a pvp mmo
>dude, you're a sociopath and you just spaceraped me you piece of shit
>strawman - the post
I want to believe.
It looks promising as fuck but I can't imagine when it is going to be delivered.
Sorry, i must have confused you with the hundreds of others carebears with the same spiel. When you call people who blow up videogame spaceships sociopaths it's because good reasons unlike them.
I would play if it wasn't so fucking expensive
>$15 a month is expensive
Yes it is, that's a stupidly high expense for anyone who isn't obsessed by it.
>Yes it is, that's a stupidly high expense for anyone with no income.
You know Eve Online now has free to play option now? You can make an account sub-free. Just that training time is longer, and the skills you can train, and how far you can train some skills are limited.
They call the free accounts Alpha Clones, while paid sub accounts are Omega.
It's right on the front page of the Eve site.
well that's my weekend sorted out, thanks user