Screenfetch thread?

Screenfetch thread?

Is this the new desktop thread?

Did they get banned? I came back after a couple months and I couldn't find any of the usual cancer destroying this board.

no, just new and worse cancer like phones and tablets

They're banned now. Thank God.


>poorfags attempting to create a new general
Go back to being poor and stop shutting up the board.



pfff scrub REAL screenfetch here.

mfw those windows buttons

hey that's my line

am i a cool kid now?

r cute wallpaper

hows my specs?

>Forcing yourself as a meme


I INVENTED that meme

this fucking faggot

this is like the fifth fucking time I see this desktop. IN THIS THREAD!!

Feels bad knowing I'll have to turn it off soon cause it's getting replaced

that's the first time I posted it nerd