What is the most AMERICAN Linux distribution?

What is the most AMERICAN Linux distribution?

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RedHat, without exception.

Red Hat, it's the official NSA and DoD distribution.



Apartheid Linux.


You mean LPS Linux

No, no, no. That's the distribution they personally USE - not the one they want us to use.

That said, I want to pay them the 10k to make a custom distro for me


any distros that are anti-women and niggers? asking for a friend

Why can't you do it yourself with LFS/BLFS friend?


Trick question. If you use Linux you're a traitor. Only terrorists and pedophiles use it. Real Americans use Windows 10 with advanced built-in spying features because they have nothing to hide.

Linux for niggers, but I heard it's just a slideshow of Tupac, watermelon, and proco-syrup.




Trumpix. :)
Or as I've come to say it: Trump plus GNU.

GNU have to go. ;)

Let's build a (fire)wall and name this os great again. God bless America

Not to mention all of the H1B abuse. It doesn't get any more American than that.

redhat maga edition.

Trump defeated both the Republican and Democratic parties in politics to win the presidency.

Why can't he defeat both Microsoft and Apple in the desktop computing space with his own Linux distro...Trump Linux

The devs can work in Trump Tower and get great taco bowls for lunch. Or perhaps a steak. They have the best steaks.

Someone tweet this to Trump. Make Computing Great Again!

Pussy edition, cuz americans are all pussies.

your president is a fucking loser
that's your distro


you forgot to call everyone sexists and misogynists

> ...on....only SJW's make fun of muh retarded unprepared president.


Windows ME

Red Hat, a distro created by a homegrown company that is now worth over a billion dollars.

Can't get more American than that.

Hannah Montana Linux

ah yes the experienced hillary meme

Any - most Linux kernel contributors live in America, including Torvalds.



Maybe you're mistake it with FreeBSD?


> Prove me wrong

the Invisible Hand chose microsoft for success, so real americans don't try to subvert the will of the free market with linux

No such thing. Linux itself is anti-American, and linux users deserve to be gassed.

One more for Trump Linux!

Oh hardy har har I thought I was a free American, why am I being faced with tyranny? Is being a good American sucking government cock?

TempleOS, protects the user against CIA nigger infiltration

>against CIA

oshit you've just raised the stakes


Hannah Montana Linux

Red Star OS

Temple os


America is built from settlers, Manjaro from Arch. American's are generally seen as a dumb redneck which is patriotic as fuck. How do Arch users behave? Exactly: Patriotic to Arch, can read the wiki sometimes to pretend he's knowledable, while doing nothing by himself essentially. Manjaro users aren't any different. They believe going the """"" hard""""" way is stupid. (E.g. y doo i need to read a book for muh crop?) All that while STILL being patriotic to arch (USA).

Also, Allan McRae == Trump.
>they both behave like edgelords

Bruh, the thread ends with this post because this is so fucking true

Oh and let's start a new topic Sup Forums!

If arch is to USA, then what Gentoo is to?

The one that spies on you.


systemd cancer-free too

>google LPS Linux
>chrome shits itself so bad that i have to reboot to fix it.
Or chrome on OSX is a shitshow
Probably both.

BSD because muh lolbertarianism. GNU/Linux is software communism which albeitly does work out better than its "real-life" counterpart.


he made a game where you shoot sandniggers with an a-10 as well

linux is pretty totalitarian

gnu is socialist shit though
