Good night, sweet prince

good night, sweet prince

Other urls found in this thread:

my heart skipped a beat

fuck you

it's true, nigger

how is it legal that jews can still exist in 2016?


Today is a good day.

so when does
get v& for hosting every song ever

if dubs stallman die tonight

Google has relevance.
Bunch of faggots on some private tracker that's inferior even to rutracker? No relevance whatsoever.



French media is saying their servers have been seized

What do we use now guys?


>having your servers in france


This is some major bullshit

soulseek, rutracker and waffles

Who gives a shit wcd was a garbage sekrit club run by mentally ill niggers anyway

Fuck, i don't understand, are you guys trolling or some shit is really happening?

wcd is down for maintenance

well i still have waffles but they've been down for like a month now...

Not even 10 days of president elect trump and this shit is already happening

rip internet 2016
it was good while it lasted

True, who the fuck downloads music these days when there is spotify and youtube. How autistic you need to be using these pointless FLAC who nobody can tell the difference from 192kbps mp3 anwyay

this is a wake up call to all of you...
major players need to move to i2p and become virtually untouchable

According to /ptg/ it's basically only used to gather enough nerdcred to get into better sekrit clubz

I download FLAC just so that I can keep my music library on portable devices in 128kbps Opus. 192kbps MP3 is a waste of space.

>mom I can't kill music industry anymore :(((

So glad I stuck to piratebay. You private faggots should be shot.

At least use rutracker you fucking nigger

>killing something that's already dead

does not compute

ITT: entitled permab&s and people too stupid to pass a technical interview celebrating a moment of quiet solace that the grapes vexing them so much have disappeared momentarily.

It's not like this same thing didn't happen to a certain wcd predecessor...

Sorry about your grapes, but you should be happy. Maybe their list with your name on it was seized!

>wtf I love copyright law now

Well this is bad fucking news to come home to from work.

But then I felt the same when Oink died, and WCD was infinitely better than Oink ever was.

Now I have to wonder what will come after WCD.

>Now I have to wonder what will come after WCD.

waffles is still around, it's just down. they never went full retard either with having interview bullshit

I only used it to get into PTP and BTN because lol who cares about music

but unless you know some autists on private trackers personally this was the only surefire way to get into the sekrit clubz

>tfw deep down you know PTP is the next

How many users there are atm?
I don't think anyone will care if there is like 100k people compared to the world population.

It's been down for like 2 months with no sign of coming back. To me that's dead.

>To me that's dead.

you shut your whore mouth
lalalallalaa im not listening lalalalalal

Shit, i had just joined and was trying to get super user to get into other pt. What are my options now?

AB is piss easy to get into and obtain ration, and has a pretty good invite forum.

buy your music


>hosting relatively big torrent community on OVH servers
why not mafia friendly east european hosting providers ? they don't give 2 fucks about copyrights in moldova

Does AB have hentai?

praise kek!

Yes, and IMO they've got the best selection of any tracker.

just recompile him bruh

Doesn't matter, I'm not a private cuck anyways.

rutracker is good enough and doesn't punish me from shutting down a torrent at a reasonable ratio of 3.0+

Yes, mostly manga though so people can easily jump user classes.

>supporting rap
Music has been dead for 10 years, it was on life support for 5 years before that.

>AB is piss easy
piss easy as in....?

Stop poking it with that stick.

Their site always says they arent accepting registrations. Is there a better place to look?


I do, and then i upload it to wcd.

Not any more i guess.

>be private tracker cuck
>host at fucking OVH

Seriously tho, hosting a tracker on OVH, they literally deserve this.

good riddance

p-pls spoonfeed

willing to do some work but obviously google doesn't show shit on legit ways to get into

That's what im saying. I thought the only way was through or invites. I dont know anyone with invites.

Rutracker will never die

I'll keep an eye out


holy shit that was one of the most legitimately scary moments in my life

I fucking hate javascript

looks like it's true tho

user simply assumed that you can still get in quickly by doing a quick interview in IRC.
they stopped doing that months ago.

go to any of the pages aside from the root url
it's legit dead

How do i can get into that weebtrash tracker


hm ok thanks

so pray to keke the fish thing is just banter

What are you dumbfucks talking about

Did any of you ever even actually load the page?

Well that stinks. I wanted to somehow reorganize and redownload the disaster that is my itunes library 10 years ago, but I guess it's going to stay like that forever.
>tfw still with low bitrate mp3s

please be bait

someone seriously has a big issue with a private tracker closing?


Yes it did say this for a few minutes. Not a fake screenshot.

How user
I want muh anime tracker

>Regular maintenance, we'll be back soon!

Quickly or at all

>all other pages display the same good bye message OINK used

BTFO by this happening? PM me for a Spotify invite

The only person I know who used this shit was a chick. Couldn't care less about a private tracker with stupid registration procedures (hurr durr interview)

the login page had so log and thanks for all the fish and it just changed to the regular maintenance message

they're fine

Where do I get music from now?

read the internet

>User limit was increased from 15,000 to 18,000 this year. Open applications are now closed due to the sheer volume of apps. We now encourage you to use your invites -wisely- as AB is now a relatively closed tracker.

AB is closed since June.


nice piggy, nigger.

That's nice and all but who's gonna hook me up with an empornium invite?


private cucks BTFO

meanwhile TPB still up.

Just as i thought.

The internet?

>private tracker that's inferior even to rutracker

Then what's the point of private trackers?

Even if what is dead (doubtful imo since they just announced maintenance and they'd likely be down for a couple days this morning) I'm pretty sure I'd be able to get into whatever springs up to replace it.

>he doesn't use soulseek

i got in last month : )

>who the fuck downloads music these days
Mobile Phone users
Soundcloud users that don't want their favorite tracks deleted by copyright

oh so I just send random TCP packets into the internet and wait for a reply?

>they just announced maintenance and they'd likely be down for a couple days this morning
[citation needed]

>I'm pretty sure I'd be able to get into whatever springs up to replace it
only caring about yourself is selfish, user.

Is there an unofficial IRC since those have been compromised as well?

their tracker stopped working like two days ago, if they got seized there would have been an announcement