Firefags will defend this

it's been a week or two since I brought this up. Fix your shit Mozilla, it's bad enough that Chromium outperforms you in literally every other aspect that matters

and no extension actually fixes this don't even

gtk people know all about this. But hey, it's only been 5 years I'm sure Mozilla is on it

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you get paid to post this every single day? How's india these days?

Chromium can only handle a handful of tabs open on my machine with 16GB RAM, and then tabs just start crashing.


Why do deluded insecure whites here think that indians only use propertary softaware , linux is more popuplor in india than in most white countries

Can't wait to see Chromium handle 500, or even a hundred tabs. Oh wait, it can't.

Well because online shilling jobs are mostly outsourced to india, rakesh

>he fell for it

why the fuck would you have even 25 tabs open let alone 500 you hoarder

but atleast i can post emoji now

That's the last thing you should worry about when using Firefox.

>FF vs Chrome - 30 Random sites
>FF vs Chrome - 11 News sites
>FF vs Chrome - 40+ Instagram profiles on Windows
>FF vs Chrome - 40+ Instagram profiles on Arch Linux
>FF vs Chrome on bad machine (2core/2thread - 2GB RAM)
>FF vs Chrome with uBlock

My personal record is 2 thousand.

windows doesn't have this problem.

What are you doing with all these tabs?

linux doesn't either unless your DE uses GTK toolkit

linux also doesn't have ads built into it


>it's been a week or two since I brought this up
Link to bugzilla report?

le fapping face >:)

You can read up on all the issues and the problems there. So why bring this thread up?

because there is no fix and you might notice that bugzilla is from 2009

Yeah, and it is detailed in that report WHY there is no fix yet.
It has to do with Firefox' customizability.

lol waddup with that made up language

so why can they do it for macOS and Windows?

why can chrome do it for all 3?

it's a legitimate gripe

doesn't work. you can hide titlebar but it doesnt work. can't drag it around while titlebar is hidden, can't double click to resize window etc

Nightly DESTROYS Chrome BOTNET in performance and efficiency

my personal experience using both neither one destroys the other, but Chromium is definitely faster

I'm not some fucking weirdo opening up 1000 pages looking for a gotcha either, chrome is faster and that's a verifiable fact

>Why do deluded insecure whites here think that indians only use propertary softaware
Why do deluded shitskins lack the ability to think?
First off- he's joking.
Second off- You're probably some paid shill poster anyway, and that's who he's making fun of. You lack any real skills except pretending to be British and sucking ass at Cricket (Also suck at being a world super power) so the only thing you're good at is pretending to be and getting paid half a cent per post to shitpost about a given product.

>using titlebar in 2016
Pic related

>not using gui=none and noscrollbars in 2016

Chromium is faster for me in terms of HTML5 like video/canvas/interactive elements and overall glitchiness. I often run into problems on YouTube if I use firefox. I'd like to use it because muh freedoms but it's just too annoying.

For example the latest problem I remember is that I went into a YouTube live stream and it was a little bit laggy. Then I tried typing in the live chat and the characters had about a half a second delay before appearing. Worked fine on Chromium.

Just use a better am and use stylish


>liking when applications take control of the windowing system
you are the reason windows is so shit

xfwm4 can hide it.

I've used firefox since 2005

I just switched to vivaldi a few days ago and hafven't regretted it at all

It performs better and everything feels smoother, and it's customizable enough. I had no reason to keep using firefox at this point, especially considering how mozilla are a bunch of cuckolded social justice faggots.

Blame Linux for this fuck up.

Windows doesn't have this problem.

chromium is shite

and yet you waste precious displayspace by using tabs.

install extension like tab mix plus and make all links open in new windows. that way you have your tabs integrated into the system by having them in the taskbar

good DEs can group by application, which helps


Mine at least don't waste the space for shitty window buttons from tab bar. I don't have borders or titlebars either. Now who is the faggot?

My Firefox doesn't have that bar, user.

You forgot to activate font smoothing in the top right

Top right?

Safari on Mac and Chrome on Windows, who on earth still uses Faggotfaux?

What a disgusting tryhard neckbeard user experience. Do you feel 1337?

Not really, I just want a dark theme.

wtf are you babbling about


any gud?

Just press F11 you fucking retard

I only have Touch Bar

>Fullscreen browser
>Middle click + right click + scroll to scroll between tabs

Defend what, exactly?

What theme is that?

You can turn it off dumbass

>Mactoddlers BTFO


>sell your soul to the botnet so Sup Forums doesn't stutter on catalogs
Ye nah tdh pham

that disgusting default i3wm, do you even rice?

FF deep dark

No wasted space for me, even with the standard Australis. Get a better WM.

> Disabling scrollbars

Why limit accessibility for no good reason?


because then it remains a mystery how big the page really is

it's like getting constantly surprised over and over again

I guess I'm not following how disabling something on the screen would make that any better. If anything, being able to just quickly drag the bar top to bottom helps solve that mystery faster than scrolling with a scroll wheel.

Would make what better?

It sounds like the mystery you described would still exist without scrollbars, but you would have one less way to determine how big the page is.

Another case I'll make for scrollbars is when I open a really big document that doesn't have a table of contents. If I remember the page I'm looking for is about 3/4 of the way down, the scrollbar is a really efficient tool to just see how far you're going down the page (at least in terms of percentage)