T420 inspo/appreciation thread

hey Sup Forumsuys, I tried out a t420 for the first time at a local pc recycling store today and I'm in love.
The red clit alone sold me on Thinkpads. I'll be buying this t420 very soon as my main computer:


Until I have my own qt Thinkpad T420, please post your setups for a fellow user to vicariously indulge in

Cancer screen

get t430 instead

What's so good about the clit thing?

I never tried one of those, but honestly I always imagine it less usable than a trackpad. Can you move it in more than 8 directions?

It's simple, really
Mouse > good touchpad (the macbook one) > clit > painful death > average Windows notebook touchpad

It's an extremely sensitive joystick that has no travel. It lets you keep your hands over the keyboard when manipulating the pointer position, and allows you to move it continuously in any direction, indefinitely.

Why would he? Then he has to replace the keyboard and all that faff

literally this

More than just the screens themselves being not great Lenovo absolutely can't into backlighting you're looking at 200hz pwm

>increase it yourself
>suddenly your screen is making noises you don't like

Lenovo please stop using a dated study that wasn't meant for LED backlighting OR even for what is actually comfortable for humans to generally use as your reference for the PWM.

Why do you thinkfags always call the trackpoint a clit when you don't even know what a clit is?

Yeah, average laptop touchpads are far from usable at all so I suppose that covers that.

Oh snap!

How do I connect an external gpu to my thinkpad? Is it worth? Which model to buy?

get a MacBook, non-Apple everything is just crap.

Why? it's barely an upgrade and it's a downgrade on the keyboard, which sure you can replace with a T420 keyboard if you wanted, but why bother?

Sandybridge is just as good as ivy bridge.

My T420 is more or less my backup and mobile shitposting machine. It rarely gets used when I have access to my desktop.

Still a nice laptop to have around, and great for linux work.

>tfw Sup Forums memed you into buying a thinkpad

It look amazing on paper but it's not very comfortable to use in my opinion.

Do you have an ssd?


What model?

Just an old Kingston 240GB HyperX drive I had from like 4 years ago.

I've got ~6 SSDs floating around the house in various computers.

>Praise clit
>pic related use an external keyboard