Black Friday is coming soon

Black Friday is coming soon
What are some things I should get my wife's son for Christmas?


A thinkpad with Gentoo installed on it.

A black bull

Panties and stockings.

Striped socks and a Thinkpad.

Dragon dildos are always 50% off during black friday.

Is your son black?

I love Maki!

And don't forget the vibrator

wife's son*

and yes, but I don't see why that is relevant.

Get a PS3

is that OP's daughter

Been using these hd 428s since black friday 2012 and still going fairly strong. Anyone know any headphones that are similar to it?

it's his wife and his wife's soon father.

OP is a cuck.

get him a better love live

you forgot to say pic unrelated

>wife's son
>being this cucked

I cannot tell if this is ironic or not. Help

OP is making fun of anime porters obviously, haven't you noticed yet?