Hey, Sup Forums! Can I be on your screenfetch this winter ball? It's not Sup Forumsa/y if one of us looks like a girl!
- Sup Forums
Winter Ball
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off
please kill yourself, no one loves you, you are a shame to your own family
>only one
It could be two, if you'd like!
fuck off with your roleplaying with avatarfagging
Yeah sure
Just got my kernel compiling, I got time
Depends on your OS.
debian, is that Sup Forums enough
Teach us how to install gentoo
This one, of course!
Naww, yeah that's Sup Forums enough so long as you're a qt (which u r)
How could we say no
I know
but two girls would be gay wouldn't it?
>big hands
>big feet
she is now Sup Forums-kun
Why not, we love our women(male) here.
Yeah, about that.
Sup Forums has always been the little girl
Sup Forums likes little girls, and yet doesn't like Sup Forums
so Sup Forums can't be the little girl
no, fuck off
who Sup Forumsrchlinux here?
I guess, ignoring the samefag, this makes it official. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are now the OTP.
Teach us how to program Sup Forums
We can be girls(male) together
- Sup Forums
does Sup Forums even have a board-tan?
No. /c/ is better. Maybe /jp/.
>Winter Ball
Why does this autism happen now? Who the fuck cares?
/c/ is taken by [s4s], and /jp/ refused all requests this year.
/ic/ could be nice, just saying.
Though there is a sort of rivalry within the board between people who hate anime and people who love anime
Psst, don't push it user, we're lucky enough that Stacy Sup Forums Thundercunt is even talking to us
What does /ic/'s board-tan look like?
Fuck I though i was on the thread in Sup Forums
Big, hot red headed bara with a big dick.
i say we go with /ic/ then
>is that Sup Forums enough
Fedora rawhide would be Sup Forums enough.
Yeah but they're pure cancer that aren't welcome and don't represent Sup Forums at all.
They straight outta reddit and Sup Forums and only come for the r8 my build
Fuck off faggots
>taking Sup Forums to the Winter Ball
I would honestly rather take Sup Forums.
Hello samefag-kun. Looks like you:
a) reset your router
b) started posting from your phone
c) found a new proxy
Whatever be the case, I admire your dedication.
Get back to your containment board already, stupid weeaboo.
Thanks for proving his point
Correctly pointing out when a shitposter is shitposting can often bring up a Blue Screen of Sperg situation. This is often caused by excessive shitposting forcing the brain to perform an abrupt shutdown, thereby redirecting all logical and reasoning tasks to the anus.
>install Movavi
>closed source
>toolbars yay
>get cygwin
>get kdenlive
>nothing but programs and dependencies
>being Sup Forumsentleman
>get Sup Forums
>become batman
>fuck a dolphin
>basically just win at life
I dont get why you guys are so desperate to go to the ball with us.
What do you guys even see in us anyways?
You got clean code
They got rejected by /jp/. Fucking slut
The thread got deleted on /jp/, but it was 50/50 on replies there. Sup Forums has mods who actually respect traditions, it looks like.
And how would you know that if you haven't been orbiting us since the start, shitposter-kun? Just stop and let Sup Forums make up its mind. We're mature enough to know when to stop, you should try the same.
Sure, why not.
yeah fine, as long as the drama doesn't end up here.
does Sup Forums even have a board-tan?
Ya Sup Forums has one.
Of course we do.
New Sup Forums-tan design when?
Sup Forums and /r9k/ redesigned their -tans this year, and Sup Forums updated theirs' clothing. If we're redesigning Sup Forums-tan, this is the prime year to do it with so many other redesigns going on.
Sup Forums also has a scar from the meme war
Hmm, if we redesign Sup Forums, it might as well be this year.
Sup Forums might be able to lend you a drawfag or two to help out with the redesign if you need, though all the ones from the thread are probably asleep right now.
/polo/ art is pretty good.
Should we just replace Sup Forumsentooman with Maki?
What's Sup Forums's favourite laptop brand?
My favorite one
They are so perfect together.
I liked Sup Forums and /x/ but /o/ works well
What's a winter ball?
A formal party all the boards ask each other as dates to the ball, and it's in the winter
I don't know about the rest of Sup Forums but I like dell and lenovo.
I love ThinkPads, but sweet Bejesus everything else they make is just shit.
This, as long as this doesn't end up like the /r9k/ thing I'm good.
I'm usually too depressed during the holidays to even go on Sup Forums, but lately things have been on the up and up. What's the story?
Holy fuck this is hilarious
Oh my fuck. Thanks, senpai.
I originally had a lenovo s210 which was okay, but got a thinkpad which is pretty great. I grew with an old thinkpad with pentium III back when it was made by IBM and have fond memories of it.
I think I had one of those as well. I was pretty young and too stupid to notice how fun a laptop could be. My main source of entertainment back then was creating themes in Windows 98. Then I found game demos bundled in cds that came with Software magazines and that was the end of my theme building days.
I've got a 2012 Samsung that is basically brand new now that I've moved it to a new body with one small flaw.
My dream notebook though is a T420 Coreboot'd to take an Ivy i7-3635QM with the FHD panel mod and an external GPU dock.
Definitely yes.
Ehh decent taste, I'm fine with going
It's just a thing where you can experience other boards culture, err something along the lines of that.
Who is going to dress as a girl? Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
Sup Forums-tan is a cannon trap, so I'd imagine Sup Forums is going to be the girly one.
Or they could both be girls.
So Sup Forumsa/y yuri?
well Sup Forums has to look like a fucking programmer so what did you expect
Pretty much this
Is Sup Forums a trap now too?
I think Sup Forums is going as is, unless the earlier posters wanna redesign Sup Forums.
How can one board be this autistic?
Wait, so is Sup Forums-tan a guy or a girl?
These are too good
Are we doing it?
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums-tan is a guy.