why the fuck is this sort of content still being produced
Why the fuck is this sort of content still being produced
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
Diddly doodly
because people watch it, retard.
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
He does it pretty well and goes straight to the point in every video so it only takes ~5min or would u prefer some bullshit 10min video?
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
(ps include me in the screenshot :^] )
Well we can't now since
ruined it you pair of colossal faggots
Something something I'm too lazy to copy paste, faggot
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
Because you're a mentally retarded mouth-breather.
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
Because it made Unbox Threapy explode, being one of the biggest channels today.
I hate niggers
Something or other having to do with Bendgate, you retarded faggot.
>colossal faggots
I'd be proud to be called like that.
Because people like seeing nice shit get destroyed
Some are useful to see how durable the phone is in various extreme stress/scratch tests. You can compare different phones and see which ones got rekt the most.
Poorfags also probably view it out of getting triggered
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
>after bending something that isnt meant to be bent it breaks
Am i missing something here?
You can see why by looking at the view count, you retarded faggot.
But these view counts are hardly enough to pay the phone right? Last time I heard 2000 views/dollar was about average, at which the Pixel video hardly breaks even
desi shills need their rupees
He's top QT actually, has a really nice voice too. Also I find his hands oddly arousing.
I watch his show solely because of the eyecandy.
He actually provides good info in his videos unlike those fags like TechRax and others like him. I thought the Mi Mix was gonna get destroyed but was surprised to see it is far more durable than others. He also does great teardown videos.
why do you let it lose you sleep at night? why do you even care? what did you make a thread seems like a horrible waste of time to me
Youtube is the TV with infinite selection of shallow channels.
People who were dumb enough to waste time with tv now watch youtube.
You don't expect tv programming to be overly intellectual, or are you some sort of redditeur?
what else is there to do when you have nothing better to do? reading only distracts one half of my brain
Porn, anime. porn anime?
Where do I find intellectual programming, like this 2 grills 1 kot?
Because being careful with your tech is for old people and poor faggots.
It totally makes sense to make sure your phone is ultra durable even though you're just going to buy another one in a year anyway.
ITT: mad 6p faggots
Probably from the dbrand sponsors half way through
Vidya gaymez
Zack saved me from buying a piece of shit Sony with a goddamn plastic camera lens
They have a massive back catalog of videos that just passively get them money, so it's still extremely profitable to destroy those phones.
Because people are willing to watch this garbage.