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is this real


Delete youtube
Between the clickbait, douchebags, kids and morons nothing of value will have been lost.

I highly recommend suicide for you, OP.

works on my machineĀ®

looks like a hitler mustache in thumbnail

>Phone pandering update on the day Pokemon SuMo comes out
>Already 1000+ videos on the game
Will it ever end?

and if you don't want in, just press the fucking sticker button on the lower left and confirm, it'll go back to the older design for ever

at least vine is dead now

Just get a CSS.

Looks like Sup Forums's april fools css

But less funny

That barely even follows their own material design guidelines.

>ever consistent


>Implying they'll just disappear along with it.

We need to keep them contained, so far only a small fraction actually make it out and explore past yahoo answers, youtube and facebook.

looks fine to me

What's wrong?

Doesnt google do slow rollouts of changes?

I have the new shit that looks like ass

Link to that playlist please?

>tfw I actually very much like this
Minimalist as fuck material is my aesthetic.

Do you not see the icon on the bottom left?

>not using a dark CSS

HI Alex, I suggest you read this thread :)

What's that dark theme? It looks better than what I'm currently using.

You're tabs aren't funny.

>Not having comments and sidebar hidden
>Not having the video automatically resize to window edge
Unpleb yourselves.

I guess I'm not a normie, but people actually use Youtube for media other than music and news reports?

I don't understand

Meh, I'll switch when i get more than one bulb in this room.

>using the word "normie"
Don't worry, you're a normalfag.

To answer your post, the SpaceRip documentaries are pretty neat, to be honest. There is indeed worthwhile content out there.

didn't break my theme so idc. dark theme + f.lux = no eyestrain

>inb4 listening to music on youtube
This album sounds even better that way; it benefits from the lo-fi.
>not grey
I..return my statement. Also, the icons, as well as the numbers of the dislikes can be barely seen.

Anyone else annoyed with those red bars at the bottom of thumbnails now? I know they're meant to show you how much you've watched but it ticks me off real bad.

What bars?

90% of the time they arent even accurate for me.

sometimes they make changes only for chrome users


I think it's 100 times better, but ofc it will take tweaking.

With every iteration the information density on youtube goes down, at some point they will just serve a blank page

A/B testing. I've been getting both versions on Firefox for the last month or so

It didn't change for me...

I don't see these changes on my end, and I hope I never have to. That looks considerably worse than the current design. I like minimalism, but there's a point where it's just too much (or should I say, too little)

yes? I really hate to use this word but the entirety of nerd culture is dependent on youtube. there's countless anime & video games content there, including some stuff that's quite rare

>it benefits from the lo-fi.

Is this what untrained ears actually think?

A simple amendments in the css will do just fine for me

If anyone here likes these type of videos they should end him/her self

You gotta go back senpai.

dark is just edgy shit

Anyone with half a brain can see its worse for your eyesight, harder to read, and less aesthetic.